camp Cut me Free -- post-meeting


it'll be our little secret
Jan 31, 2024

Phloxdawn sits with pride as the meeting crowd dissipates. The twilight hangs overhead, and many warriors and apprentice retreat to do their final sharing of tongues for the day or to discuss their tasks and activities in the coming days. Phloxdawn is far too excited for all of that though- the casual goings-on can wait another sunrise or two. She feels like she has been finally let off of her leash; set free to roam and run. To be a remarkable warrior that many will remember for all her strengths and social status.

At the meeting, she'd made a special effort to sit with her friends who were also graduating. She's thankful- to StarClan and to sense alone- that she had been granted the privilege of graduating on time, unlike her other friends who had gotten caught up in the owl hunt. How embarrassing that would have been! Her parents would have never approved of such a shameful activity. But now is her time to prove herself...! She grins as she turns fully to face the triad: Badgerstripe, Lightflower, and Palefire.

"What are we going to do first?" Phloxdawn looks between them all, voice lit up with excitement as a thousand different ideas run through her mind. She hopes, secretly, that they might be able to set out on their first warrior duties as soon as possible. Long gone are the days of early bedtimes and days of tick-picking and den patching. Phloxdawn is excited to finally be out and about on her own. "Maybe we'll lead our own patrol? Ooh, or discover some new part of the territory all on our own."

@badgerstripe @Lightflower @Palepaw

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Lightflower was buzzing similarly to Phloxdawn, pride and excitement giving her energy. Her tail lashed once, accidentally hitting Palefire, though she didn't even really notice. Her mind was too full of things she was allowed to do, see, and opportunities. "What are we going to do first?" Phloxdawn's question rang in her ears. What were they going to do. "That sounds great! We can totally check and make sure everyone is safe on our own!

⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ Even after the meeting ended, Badgerstripe was buzzing with excitement and anticipation. Her very own warrior name! She's sure that her parents are just as proud of her as she is of herself, and of her friends too. Her paws flex into the thawing dirt beneath her as she thinks about all the new things she can see and do.

What are we going to do first? asked Phloxdawn. Her ideas sounded fun, just the things she would suggest herself. They didn't need their mentors on their heels anymore - they could hunt, explore, do whatever they wanted all on their own! Badgerstripe nodded in agreement with Lightflower; making sure everyone was safe sounded like just the thing she'd want to do with her newfound freedom. That's what a true warrior does, right? "Oh, yeah. I'm sure with all of us on the team now, maybe we can finally keep those wolves at bay," she responds boldly with a hope-filled gaze. With four new sets of paws, surely they could rid of the threat now, right?

  • badger.png
  • Badgerstripe she/her, warrior of thunderclan, 12 moons.
    a long-furred blue tortoiseshell with a notable black dorsal stripe and green eyes.
    formerly mentored by burnstorm
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by ixora@.ixora on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

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Howlingstar pads through the clearing as twilight spreads across the sky, the stars twinkling overhead as if in approval of the four new warriors that now sit chattering excitedly with each other. As her clanmates disperse into their smaller groups to share tongues, she draws closer to the young she-cats, planning to strike up a small conversation with them. Her ears prick as she hears the topic at paw - their excitement over warrior tasks, such as protecting their clanmates and leading patrols.

Smiling in a bit of amusement, she comes to a halt by them and greets them all with a dip of her head. "Well, if you're all that excited, I'm sure Burnstorm would be happy to have his night guard shift replaced. What do you all say?" She quirks her brow at them, smile still on her maw. "Want to watch over camp tonight as warriors?"

⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ Want to watch over camp tonight?

"Okay," Badgerstripe agreed, with a forceful smile. She supposes guarding camp was keeping the Clan safe, but she expected something more.. grand. Like patrolling or rallying against the wolves, or strengthening their borders. Sitting around and lulling to sleep wasn't a very prideful warrior task, but.. who was she to deny her leader's request?

  • Badgerstripe she/her, warrior of thunderclan, 12 moons.
    a long-furred blue tortoiseshell with a notable black dorsal stripe and green eyes.
    formerly mentored by burnstorm
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by ixora@.ixora on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

As Palepaw - no, Palefire - settled in around her friends, her hammering heart finally began to slow. She could hardly believe that after all this time training, she was finally a full-fledged warrior of Thunderclan and able to truly contribute to the success of her clan. No longer would she be subjected to early morning den cleaning, being the last to eat at the end of the day, or having to trail after her mentor whenever she wanted to leave camp; although admittedly, she was going to miss getting to spend so much time with Nightbird. She got along really well with the blunt lead warrior, and was excited to be able to patrol alongside her as a warrior now.

The flick of Lightflower's tail against her shoulder pulled her out of her thoughts with a small flinch, casting the tabby she-cat a sidelong glance before tuning into their current conversation. What would they get to do first? The lilac-furred molly couldn't help but snort at the wild ideas they were throwing around, especially Badgerstripe's outlandish recommendation that they could take down the wolves now. "That's ridiculous," she smirked to the tortoiseshell warrior, curling her tail around her paws. "I'm actually looking forward to hunting on my own. Now I can go wherever I want, and really challenge myself to catch the best prey." No longer would she be held back by always having to hunt with a patrol.

Her sky-blue eyes widened slightly as Howlingstar suddenly appeared beside them, an amused look on her face. She smiled cheerfully as the dark tabby joined their group, still in awe of the fact that their leader had just granted them Starclan's blessing. At her suggestion that they take over that night's guard shift, her face lit up excitedly, and she nodded with vigor. Whatever Badgerstripe thought about the overall grandeur of this assignment, it would be their first, and she could think of nothing more important than keeping their clanmates safe while they slept. "That sounds wonderful, thank you Howlingstar. We won't let you down!"
Lightflower nearly jumped when Howlingstar showed up beside the four of them. Though a bit deflated at the idea of staying in camp, she nodded earnestly. "Yeah, we'll do our very best!" She chirped. There wasn't much that would sour her mood completely. And they could chat and plan for the next day at worst, right?