private Cut the cord ♥ Ravenpaw


Noiseless paws lead their way through the forest. The sun sheepishly peaked through thick cotton-like clouds. The breeze was smooth and light, gently brushing the treetops and vegetation on the land. Riverclan’s waters were flowing in a relaxed manner, safe for a swim.

The she-cat's turn of hunting had been consummated early. Petalnose merely strolled along in the shadows. She wasn’t in the mood to get stuck in a conversation or strike up a sarcastic joke. She was looking for peace from others. Since her memories had come to flow in her dreams, it had done the opposite of what she had expected. Torment, guilt and heartbreak. It was better off being the clueless clanmate the clan knew her as. Instead she was snappy and hiding from everyone if she could without abandonment of her chores. It was a shame to start to see others opinions fluctuate on her, but quite frankly that was the last thing the patched warrior cared about. She didn’t care if the entire clan was annoyed by her. Clanlife went on and they wouldn’t think of her the entirety of their lives. She didn’t have individuals that were close to her, what would it matter anyway?

A neutral frown was tugged at her features as she looked upon the land in front her of her. Looking for something. Though, she had not yet decided of what she was looking for to pass her free time. That was until she had laid eyes upon a large bird. Long neck, webbed feet, bigger than a duck. A goose. She immediately crouched, ears flattening onto her head. She was not hiding from it, nor was she hunting it. More of looking for a fight, a rush into her veins. A way to release her emotions rather than pressing them onto a clanmate.

She silently made her way over, hiding amongst the brush until she was a tail length away. Her heart started to quicken in pace, preparing for a pounce. Then she did. Her claws sunk into the animals back as she had attempted to pin it down. It made a horrendous sound she had found a bit more shaking than a duck. It sounded ugly. It was not a beautiful sound to her poor ears. As the goose had weigh more than the warrior, it merely thrashed its wings as she held onto its back. She could not pin it down for the life of her. Though, it was a challenge she’d not back out of, a challenge she adored. Before she could deliver a bite onto the oddly long neck she felt a blow to her body. Another goose she had not seen struck her out of her peripheral sight, most warriors would have seen it coming. But Petalnose couldn’t and she couldn’t hear it angrily approaching over the victims panicked honks. It knocked the breath out of her as she fell onto side and slid across the grass two tail lengths away. She got up, stunned and staggering. Petal groaned and bared her teeth but there was a slight smile within it. Wasn’t this fun.

She charged at the opposing goose, zig zagging and dodging its oncoming blows, striking its chest with unsheathed claws and dragging it across until she hit its wing. “Hah! Your plump body can’t match my speed idiot!” She proudly chanted as she circled back to watch it stagger away with a hiss. Though, the last goose was flying at her with fury. Before she could turn her head at the sound of wings she was blown over by a powerful wing to the face.

“Foxdung!” She cursed as she staggered back up, watching the two geese fly away. Blood rushed down her nose, first sniffling and then realizing what had happened by the sudden burn when she attempted a sniffle. She sat down, feeling dizzy from the last strike the goose had performed. Petalnose did not question her eyesight, merely thinking it was normal. But she had known now that more than one fight was more of a struggle than she had realized.

// Sorry for so much muse! She’s just an idiot I love to humiliate. :”)
Ravenpaw, perhaps, was no stranger to feeling as if he were disliked by a majority of the Clan. He was not born into a wild life and sometimes he genuinely believed that this was what held him back from becoming a real warrior. He could not fight nor show the same hostility to neutral loners like Cicadastar or Iciclefang. In fact, his peer's early graduation solidified his preconceived opinion that the ultimate warrior was to be ruthless and perfectionist. Cherry-picking the worst of his Clanmates, Ravenpaw often forgot to see the best in them.

He was certainly able to feel sympathy. Beneath his aloof nature, Ravenpaw was a deeply sensitive individual who fought back tears whenever he was cuffed or scolded. He would never turn an eye away from kits in need, and he had the capacity to at least understand when someone was innocent.

Adults, however, had not earned this special exemption. He could dislike Boneripple for her decision to leave ShadowClan, but he could never hate her kits. Hyacinthbreath was treated in this manner too, and perhaps it was a result of his rebellious young adult phase, but he believed that he could make far better decisions than adults. When adults made mistakes, Ravenpaw would always be the first to crow.

He had not meant to stalk up on Petalnose, but the sounds of disturbed geese was getting on his nerves. He broke away from his search of marigold, remembering how Beesong had pointed it out to them on their earlier patrol and followed the nose. He arrived just in time to see the brown and white tabby snuck up upon and whacked by a thick wing. As soon as the pests flew away, Ravenpaw slunk out of his hiding spot. Nobody would get him to touch a goose—they were insanely strong and predatory.

"Are you hurt?" He asked bluntly, looking her over. "Why did you go after such a thing?" And why did you let it beat you like that?


Being spotted was something Petalnose had expected, the odd animals made such terrible noise. Their wings were heavy and loud, she wondered why such animal existed. Although, sounding and looking ridiculous, they were strong. She had found out the hard way, her head spinning and throbbing for a long moment.

She had not seen Ravenpaw coming, hurriedly jumping to her paws and preparing to attack another bird with a lift of her paw, white claws spread out and ready to deliver a harsh swipe. She hissed and shown her teeth, though it quickly dropped to a frown and a rather annoyed glance. She rolled her eyes and wiped the blood from her nose, shrugging her shoulders, "A little, but I'm fine." She sat down again to clean off the large birds blood upon her paws, not looking up at Ravenpaw again at the next question. Though, frustration stirred within her, she grumbled and muttered something to herself before answering, "Why not? Its a challenge and an experience, something to get my blood and mind flowing on some…. Some other things." She admitted, hesitating toward the end. Why would she lie? Why should she? She already looked like an idiot once in front of the medicine cat apprentice, it was best to explain her situation so he could better understand instead. "I like the rush and I explore by my own paws. Surely, you don't understand." No one understood. So did the apprentice claim that he had never done anything seen as foolish. Petal flicked her ear in annoyance. What others saw as dangerous she viewed as entertainment. Other cats would strike questions in their minds, she enjoyed personally experiencing the outcomes. Even if it had consequences. From the memories that slowly sobered her mind, she had always been that way. Since she could open her eyes and walk, she was causing fights with her brother and running away.

She wondered what Ravenpaw was like, since he wasn't as reckless as she was then. Something for her mentor and mother to constantly worry about. She was sure they were entirely different, especially since Beesong chose him to be his apprentice. Beesong was busy enough worrying about his clanmates and stocking herbs. Therefore, she assumed the black coated tom was obedient and intelligent. She saw his move at the borders as something to look up to, he proved his loyalty to the clan rather than taking the lonely life of the loners with his father. Secretly, she was proud of Ravenpaw and she saw him more than worthy of having his position. Though, Petalnose wasn't in the right state of mind to express her thoughts. Neither was she a very gushy individual when she did not know the other well. The patched warrior was only acting as she had towards everyone. She hadn't had much sleep, she had been feeling so mentally sick from knowing what she had done and what was done to her that she could barely finish her meals either. She was tired and her body was hungry, but her mind had the flu. It was just how she was feeling.
His fur fluffed out in alarm when he saw the she-cat's paw swipe toward him. A jump back and a warning huff was all that was needed, as he soon saw the recognition spark in her eyes. Ravenpaw sighed and flattened his fur.

"Even so," He remarked once he caught his breath again. "You would not want it to get infected." Though he supposed minor cuts and scraps could heal on their own without wasting precious poultice. A pit of unease weighed down in his stomach as he thought of the looming threat of WindClan.

"We might have different ideas of challenges then," Ravenpaw blinked, using his paw to toe one of the giant goose feather's closer to him. "At the very least, your recklessness will help me make some of the medicine nests softer." He figured. Beesong wouldn't want him to come back empty-pawed. "You're probably right, I do not understand. A cat could never get me to go after a goose on my own. I'm not... entirely surprised that you went after one. Maybe if you ambushed it from the tree branches you would get it." He smiled with irony at the memory. He was still hesitant of Petalnose, but he was aloof and arrogant enough to want to start out on the upper paw. She was one of the most engimatic Clanmates he had ever seen—if not just for her memory loss. The other brain he could not quite pick was Cicadastar, but Petalnose was just as intriguing. "Soon Beesong will teach me to heal broken claws."


Petalnose watched the other intently as the spoke, lowering her cleaned paw. Her nose screwed up in irritation, almost looking as if it were a disgusted look for him being so blunt to her in return. It was a taste of her own medicine and she realized that but she did not want to be humbled by a cat she was old enough to be a mother to. Though, she couldn't help but agree with Ravenpaw. So she merely grumbled low in warning, "What are you going to do..? Shove herbs up my nose?" She let out a quick laugh in tease but her lips immediately fell into a frown. She agreed she was reckless, so she didn't voice any retort on the fact. The warrior was well aware of that as she was starting to explore her identity. Ravenpaw was stating the obvious in her eyes. He was right. Luckily, she wasn't just that. She had way more to her character and so she tried to not let the statement flounder her too much, "Oh, aren't you so right. Applause for figuring me out!" She scoffed sarcastically.

"Atleast I'm not a coward. I'd rather be called reckless than that dreaded phrase. Death is not something I fear." So it did not claim me when I welcomed it with sheathed paws. She thought to herself, swaying her body in attempts to ease herself from the thought. She had nearly let it slip from her tongue from mere cockiness, slowly closing her maw. She was obviously holding something back with the glint of nervous energy that abruptly hit her irritated look. How much trouble that would bring her. She was sure he would press her about if she let it known, or even worse- gossip about it with Beesong and be dragged into something she didn't want to be in. She'd rather be seen as an idiot by the medicine cat and his apprentice than someone to worry of more and try to contain. The she-cat wondered if the other enjoyed gossip. She supposed she had to get to know him more as much as she didn't want to in the heat of the moment.

"Are you making fun of me..? Because I could definitely do the same. You're lucky I'm proud of you, but don't make me turn those feelings into something else. I can come up with something before you can blink." She looked at her once broken claw as she lightly threatened him with pettiness. Her voice was more relaxed toward the end but still held mild irritation, prepared to bicker onward as if she didn't just praise him.

Her nail nearly was grown back, though it was still shorter than the rest. She remembered back again to when he witnessed her clumsy attempts of figuring out her tree climbing abilities. He was just perfect wasn't he. Though, she had not really heard the details of Ravenpaw's struggle with water- she knew of it from the gossip that always stirred within the clan. She didn't know to the extent, neither did she witness his fear, so she wasn't sure if the gossip was satire. The warrior wasn't one to pick on others for their flaws unless she was offered it first despite her outward demeanor. An eye for an eye. If he tested her threat, she'd be quick to pull that pety card. It was a way she was testing him too, if he was so brave enough to push her and how he reacted to her lightly expressing her feelings and interest in him. Would that make him push her more or hold back? It got her curious mind rolling with wonder, extinguishing a bit of the irritation into wonder. An experiment. Adding little remarks to watch their expression and get to know their reactions was a interesting way to get to know them. Petalnose watched him intently again as if she was expecting something, curling her tail around her long legs patiently, chin held high up as she glared down at him with a curious and daring look.