leafbare was the busy season, and this one was shaping up to be no different. patrol after empty - pawed hunting patrol ; it seemed as if they were only in camp long enough to sleep, scarf down a scrawny excuse for a vole and collapse into their nests, dragging themselves awake at the blue - pink spill of dawn to do it all over again. but today, particularly heavy winds had crumpled the outside structure of the bramble - lined nursery, and she had been assigned alongside burnstorm to fix it before nightfall. it was an easy enough task, and freckleflame was glad to be off her paws, muscles still aching from yesterday's excursions. so it had been a while since she'd had time with him like this ; a lazing lounge upon fluff - ridden flanks, paws weaving at a patch she intended to work into the wilting nursery walls once finished with. as usual, she is chatting away -- talking about tansyshine and how she must be doing in the nursery now that its near barren -- when the gentle hint of milk scent wafts against her pink nose. her eyes drift towards the bramble.

it would never be her place. even if she had wanted to, her body was incapable of carrying ; but she thinks of it anyway. she thinks of visiting her mate one day, touching a nose against their ear and gazing down at a litter, kits no bigger than her forelimb. she had the practice, sunfreckle had given her plenty of siblings to practice her smoothed words and love on, honed her problem - solving skills where it involved unruly children. he'd said she did good, had done good with them. would she be good with a litter of her own? a sudden half - beat in her chest pangs painfully against her sternum as if to say think about it, and she does. she thinks of her nervousness to mentor, her hesitation in the battle with the rogues, and figures it was probably a good thing that she'd yet to find anyone to settle down with. it was frightening. memories haunt her ; sweetkit and softkit, the sullen darkness of flamewhiskers kitting. it could go so terribly wrong so terribly fast, and recovery -- it was a long, hard process. the tortoiseshell isnt sure if her father had ever truly recovered.

there is a brief lapse of silence. it is broken as quickly as it had fallen.

” you know, ive always wanted a sunsetkit. i think its sooo pretty, and.. “ she kneads at the weaving underpaw, fidgeting with the greenery. she wants it, for better or for worse. she wants to name them, see them grow, teach them where to find the coolest bugs. she'd name one sunsetkit, one sparklekit, one gigglekit. she daydreams, glassy - eyed as a grin dances upon a ginger - kissed face, ” i was named after my dad, so i figure i should return the favor. course, since i took the freckle part, i had t' get creative. “ her eyes suddenly cut towards the dark warrior at her side. her grin curls mischeviously, but she tempers it with a nonchalant look back down at her work. she clears her throat, but her ears crane forward, ” do youuu have any names picked out already, or are you, like.. waiting until they get here? “ deliberately phrased, almost teasing if she wasnt trying with all her might not to give in to the waggle of amusement twitching her lip. her eyes cut at him, then drift just as quickly towards a patch of absolutely nothing a tail - length away, pointedly. freckleflame knew roeflame would never, not in the snowy months -- but its fun to watch her solemn friend sputter, a weak spot she loved to poke.

her heart warms at the thought anyway.

  • i. please wait for @BURNSTORM !!! shes just being silley

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    f. she / her, daughter of sunfreckle and rabbitnose. large cream - ribboned tortoiseshell with seaglass eyes. larger than life! shades of vibrant russet, dousing swathes of shadow and interwoven with ribbons pale cream come to drape like licks of flame over a thick, broad - shouldered figure. unspecified maine coon heritage born of sunfreckle's kittypet background shows itself in large, round paws and tufted, long - furred toes set upon thick, tabby - splotched limbs. a characteristic lack of personal space leads her to a slouching, touchy posture, often inclined to lean or bump against her peers, all while bearing a wide, bright - eyed grin. she seems to sing confidence from every laugh, every word.. that can't all be for show, can it?
    prone to bouts of explosive emotion. all opinions are solely in - character and during these times, often untrue or said only in anger.


His tasks are a welcome distraction from the hollowness inside his stomach, from the ache that came when one never had enough food, the desperate cry from his body for more that he knew he could not have. He had eaten once today, that would have to be enough, though a voice inside of him screams that the scrawny meal he had consumed earlier never would be. He does not think of it as he works, as he keeps his paws busy. Instead he thinks of Freckleflame, of how he is glad to get this time to spend with a friend. She chatters away, speaking of the nursery and Tansyshine and he huffs in response. She was probably glad leaf-bare was here, for her it would be respite from the business he is certain was to come once the snow thawed.

'You know I've always wanted a Sunsetkit' the words come as a surprise to him. He has never imagined Freckleflame, or any of his friends as parents. In his mind, they are still apprentices, young and stupid and with their whole lives laid out before them but suddenly the realness of their age slams into him, seizes his mind even as she continues speaking. She was named after her dad, she says and he can relate. Though it was likely he would not be doing the same as she now said. There was no favor to be returned. He is content to reply with something simple, perhaps a question about any other names she had managed to think up but is surprised when it is turned on him,

Kits. Had he thought about names for kits?

He freezes for a moment, as if the idea had taken him by surprise. "I uh.. hmm.." he falters, completely lost for words and Freckleflame can probably see it in his face, how stumped he is by her question. No. He had not considered that one day he could be a father, that he might have smaller versions of himself and Roeflame running under his feet, had not allowed himself to imagine such a possibility. What if that dream was taken from him? What if he failed them, like he perceived his father to have failed him?

"There would have to be one named for my mother, for certain" he finally says, his voice quiet as he remembers. Little Wolf. "Littlekit or-or perhaps Shadykit. It was my uncles nickname for her" he explains, a distant look in his eyes as suddenly he is forced to think, to imagine. Kits. His own. One day, there was a possibility of them running about this very nursery.

The idea of it both delighted and terrified him in equal measure.


ROEFLAME — I fell in love with the fire long ago.

Motherhood had only been a fleeting concept to the young lead warrior, silent flickering along the lines of well if I was a parent…
Beyond that, however? Roeflame hadn’t truly spent too much time mulling over the idea, her relationship with motherhood was not one that had been nurtured with love and adoration.
Naturally, the petite tabby is drawn over by the sight of her friend and mate conversing, a grin already on her maw.
As she nears, their conversation is quick to grace unsuspecting ears, and a smooth gait almost shifts to a shuffle as Roeflame would come to an awkward stop between the duo, tail tip lightly brushing against an ebony flank to cue Burnstorm in on her presence.
Littlekit, o-or perhaps Shadykit.
The round arches of her eyes quirk upwards, and the silvered tabby now finds herself unsure with how to greet them.
"…I can imagine a Littlekit running around, one day." Finally she chimes, and if Burnstorm would be looking at her, he would spot her ginger smile.
"I like Flowerkit, it reminds me of Ragwortpaw- who I’m sure would already be trying to convince me to name one after her." When she turns to Freckleflame then, her words are accompanied with a light laugh and a shrug.


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Fatherhood isn't really something Toadhop has thought as an option for himself. Family to him had only thrived in the form of siblings: in the form of Roeflame, and, for some time, at least, Ragwortpaw. He can only remember his mother as warmth in blue fur, and remembers his father even less than that. Becoming a parent when he'd hardly had one to look after him sounded daunting, terrifying for how new to being a warrior he is.

But he overhears the topic of kits, of names, and Toadhop can't help but to think of some too. Ragwortkit, after his sister. Something after Roeflame too, of course: maybe Flamekit? Thunderkit, maybe, for the home that took him in. How did the queens manage this, naming their children? Picking out names in hopes they'll grow into them? Toadhop was struggling with hypotheticals as is.

Burnstorm speaks of naming a kit after his mother, and briefly Toadhop wonders if he could do the same — if he could name one Cinderkit, or Salamanderkit. It's probably for the best if he doesn't, he knows. Little Wolf was loved among the oak forest; Cinderfrost was loathed.

Roeflame joins the conversation, and cerulean optics shift to look at his older sister, her mate beside her. Is this telling of what's to come, he wonders, if Roeflame and Burnstorm are both discussing kit names? Would Toadhop's place in the family shift — no longer brother but... uncle?

Flowerkit, his sister suggests in place of Ragwort. Toadhop finds himself wondering again, only this time he questions why he hadn't thought of it first.

" What, no kits named after me? " he asks the duo in teasing tones, head tilting as a smile pulls at his maw. " You wouldn't want a Toadkit? Or a Hopkit? " ​
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    ── Warrior of ThunderClan

    ── Cinderfrost x Grime
    ── AMAB; He/Him
    ── A brown tabby and white tom with blue eyes.
    ── Mentored by Stonepool
    ── "Speech"; Attack