twolegplace cuz your a natural [open!]



OOC- Just some cats hanging out in the park! No need to wait for those being tagged, jump in if you feel like it! This is open to any cat in twoleg place! @MOMOWHISKER @Florabreeze

It wasn’t often that Johnnyflame was found within twolegplace during the daylight hours. That time was usually reserved for Skyclan and the pine forest, both of which he’d come to think of as a second home. Today though, was an exception. Instead of leaving the fenceline at dawn with the rest of the kittypet warriors, he and two others had remained behind to lounge and linger.

To watch and wait.

”Play nice and make friends.” he instructed softly, for their ears only. ”Someone out here is killin’ our clanmates and we need leads.”

They weren’t here as warriors of Skyclan today, though they’d made no real attempt to hide the pinescent on their fur. Off-duty, was the name of the game, just some kittypets hanging out in twolegplace to do some good old socializing. Or so it would seem. In reality they were there to try and get a read on the locals so they could figure out if there was anyone worth keeping an eye on. And having a few friends in twolegplace keeping their eyes and ears open probably wouldn't hurt either. Flora and Momo had both been informed of their mission and the risks attached to it, but both had still agreed to accompany him and he was glad for the backup.

So, the bobtail had led them to a small park where pet and stray cats were known to frequent, a popular place for sharing gossip and socializing. He yawned and stretched out his stiff muscles in the early morning sun before hopping up on an empty bench to casually groom the fur along his chest, easily slipping into the role of relaxed housepet with his shiny red collar.

”Either of you fond of swimming? My twolegs put out a little fake pond for me sometimes when the weathers hot- it’s great for cooling off in so long as you don’t mind getting wet.” he chuckled, knowing it wasn’t most cats cup of tea.



Flora was thrilled to see twolegplace bathed in sunlight for a change, she loved SkyClan but she had started to forget how nice it looked with the sun beaming on it. Too used to seeing it on the cusp of night, she knows that she’s being dramatic but she was starting to forget that the sun could even rise too high here! It was weird to stay behind and watch everyone else go to camp today, her mind wandering as she began to think about just what everyone would be getting up to today. The excuse to lounge around was pleasant to her and being able to spend the day doing what she thrived in was perfect. The maine coon revelled in social interactions, finding her stride in getting to chatter with others, there was still work in needing to be diplomatic. Though right now that informal manner of speaking would hopefully only aid her in this mission, she could warm others up to her with her cheery nature. That with her habit of gossiping would hopefully prove her to be of great help here.

She followed Johnnyflame- or should she just think of him as Johnny now? Down to the small park, looking around curiously at the other cats who were lingering in the area. She took the opportunity to seize a spot in the sun on the ground next to the empty bench where Johnny had taken claim to groom his fur. Black striped limbs stretching out with a loud and pleased yawn as she soaked up the warm rays, it was good at this time, not too hot just yet. Though she was certain that she was going to have to seek shelter in the shade when the temperature started to rise. Her head perked up at the question, was she fond of swimming?

“Eh swimming is okay, my fur gets all heavy when wet so my legs get sooo sore after” she pouts at the memory of the last time the weather was hot enough for her to be treated to swimming. There had been other times she had learnt the hard way, like when she climbed into the bird bath as a kit, that was considered not really a swim but she had been drenched when she tipped it over in her attempt to vault it. “I want a fake pond, that sounds so fun!” there's a forlorn sigh, wistfully trying to see if there was a real pond somewhere at this park. “Do either of your twolegs brush you a lot when the weathers hot? I swear it takes nearly all day when they brush me” Flora laughs at the thought, both her and her twolegs find themself frustrated with it. Flora because she didn’t particularly enjoy the feeling of the grooming brush and her twolegs because she became quite squirmy when brushed for too long. Looking back on it she can laugh at the absurdity of it.

  • FLORABREEZE 𖧧 She/her, Daylight Warrior of SkyClan, 34 moons (ages on the 12th)
    A large black tabby maine coon with low white and bright green eyes, always wearing her mushroom print collar if she can.
    Mentored by Sorrelsong /Mentoring Jellypaw
    “Speech”, thoughts, attacking
    Penned by Juice ⏐ouijeejuice on discord {open to being dmed for plots}
〕Two-toned paws, rough and worn by near-constant travel, bunch together as the tabby tom cat sits onto his haunches. Eyes of rich orange watch the trio of collar-bearing felines with a genuine curiosity — the ways of the house pets were foreign to him. He had been born under a manmade roof, but his family had never interacted too closely with the humans. They had always kept their distance as those powerful bipedals were immensely strong, sometimes unpredictable, and most of all smelly. However, they seemed to like animals — mostly dogs, cats, and birds from what Buck had noticed. How did cats even stand living with those things?

From the comfort of his rather inconspicuous location—a shaded underbelly of a nearby bench—Buck hollered out to the three, "Well I'll be! Didn't know that the kittypet convention was today." Although his tone was certainly that of a teasing sort, no malice underlies his words. Buck was not usually one to poke fun in an ill-spirited way. "I'm surprised your two-leggeds let y'all roam this far." Many of them were shut inside, no? Now that was no way to live, that was for sure. Buck would probably end up going stir-crazy if he were to be locked in a stuffy, stinky nest with twolegs.


  • ooc.
  • BUCK — loner, resident of horseplace ✦ penned by beatles
    cismale / he/him pronouns / 30 moons & ages every 24th
    single / bicurious & monogamous / open to romance
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / underline & tag account when attacking
    medium combat difficulty / may start fights, likely will not kill

    "speech", thoughts, all opinions are ic
    biography — msg on discord for plots — toyhouse
  • 85782338_reMg5WDEKWiSJMs.png

    a shorthaired brown tabby with golden eyes. a ruggedly handsome tom, sporting lean muscle and a slightly taller than average stature. there is a nick in his left ear as well as a small scratch on his right lip. he smells heavily of hay and wood chips.

Life in the Twolegplace was imperfect, but its freedom had been a neverending boon to the rogue. No rules, no bother and, with the path of revenge sealed by a well-deserved death across the river, no need to venture much either. Despite the sharp edge to their words, the spiky-furred Deacon, ever the socialite, threw caution to the wind as they approached the park that day. Their eyes gleamed over the motley crew that claimed ownership over a bench, kittypets judging by the fancy collars adorning their necks. They almost looked staged, too perfect, but having seen the best and worst of pets, they could believe that they'd just stumbled upon a snobby trio. An impetuous grin split their muzzle, their tail shimmying left and right until it craned above their head. Hopping closer, Deacon only paused to watch a taller tabby approach the three first, his words a jab softer than even a RiverClanner's. 'Rats I miss the rough-and-tumble. These rogues are mint company, but they're proper posers.' Not like the ones they'd recruited before, and nostalgia and grief stabbed into their heart at the reminder. They missed each one of those duckbrains, dead and alive.

"What, they take your favourite bench stripey?" He mewed towards Buck, a bite to words that weren't intended to ire. "Housecats sit 'round here all the time. Don't think the twolegs really give a hoot s'long as their faves aren't getting beat up." They looked over the three as they spoke, doing a double-take at Johnny. "You look like you've ran into a bleeding badger's claws a few too many times mate. You gotta fighting pit in your den? Room for another?"


Hanging out around the Twolegplace had seldom been a possibility in Momowhisker's past time. Reveling in the sights and smells of a new park, despite the pretext, was almost exhilarating to the Oriental, a sincere smile placating any nervousness the Daylight Warrior may have felt about the council's plan. The sun caught his lithe spine at just the right angle, warming up creamy-hued fur in such a way that the delighted tom almost purred as he sunbathed. Each passing breath reminded him of his mission and, when Johnnyflame engaged them in passive conversation, the cat's large ears stood to attention. "Uh... I mean, not really? The water my Twolegs use is super cold, it's like swimming in ice." Him and his sibling's baths had always been a little bit too frequent for comfort - didn't his owners know he could bathe himself plenty well enough? It made the idea of swimming almost nauseating - he would never know how RiverClan could do it on a day-to-day basis. "I get brushed everytime I come home from SkyClan," he admitted quietly, large pupils scouting for a reaction to the information. Was it perfectly normal? Or so aggressively out of the ordinary, it would turn heads?

He didn't get an answer before a new voice pierced his ears. Momo's head turned sharply, a brief surprise entering his vision before it melted into a warm look. Friendly, trusting, like a cat who seldom ventured from their home, like a cat who did not know just how chaotic the outside world could be. "Well my friend, today is a special day," he mewed, far more confident than he'd ever been with his clanmates in SkyClan. The skin of a self-assured cat was far easier to wear as an actor on a wooden stage - Momo finally had an idea of the role he needed to play and would do everything in his power to see it through to the end. "They say the sun'll never shine so bright until we are all so, so much older. The Twolegs want to celebrate it, and so do we." 'What do you know? Ack, how can I figure that out?' Buck gave him no tells, but, with the flick of a tail, Momo compromised. "You're welcome to join us if you want. There's plenty of room up here." He patted an empty space to his right, content... until someone else talked to them.

The brown tabby was... familiar, but as to why, Momowhisker couldn't put a paw on it. He listened to them speak, their name for the stranger, their... insistence that kittypets were fine as long as they weren't attacked, then... the mention of Johnny's scars. His heart almost shot out of his chest at the observation, equal parts insulted and stuck - how were they supposed to explain why the council member's past injuries? 'Rogue fight... scrap over a lover... something... it's something...' He let out a nervous chuckle at Deacon's words, turning his attention to Johnnyflame for an excuse - he tried not to make his pleading look so obvious.

A delicate jingle heralds the arrival of an oft-seen, less spoken to face around this part of Twolegplace. Ditto wastes no time in streaking across the park upon recognising his housemate, cream paws coming to a rigid halt beside Flora. While he doesn't flop down at her flank like he might do at home, her housemate turns his back to her and sits languidly at her side underneath the park bench. A green-eyed glance is sent her way, darting briefly across the other cats present: a sleek kittypet, a scarred tom lounging on the bench above with a short tail, a loner who smells of wheat, and that brown tabby with an attitude. It's an odd gathering, that's for sure, especially on a day that threatens to be blisteringly hot again.

With a questioning furrow of feline brows, Ditto's attention returns to his sister. While Ditto doesn't comment on their dynamic, familiarity oozes between the two as he speaks: "You brought friends, Flora. Day off?"

  • DITTO ✧ any pronouns, kittypet

    — "a blue-and-cream abyssinian with sharp green eyes."
    — single ; housemate to flora
    — speech is in #C581B2
    tags | penned by mercibun, contact on discord for plots.


Kittypet, even around twolegplace that word was thrown around freely. In her opinion it would only be an insult if one allowed it to be but to her it was kinda like an annoying fly, constantly buzzing around. Her expression doesn’t reflect any disdain that she may currently be feeling, after all she couldn’t pick up on any malice in his words and she was always one for light hearted teasing. “You wanna join the convention? I’m sure we could make great company” she gestures for Buck to come closer, peppy tone shining through a boisterous voice. The goal was to bring more cats over right? Start up a conversation and have everyone loosen up so they might let some things slip if any knowledge is held. Green eyes flitter towards Momowhisker with interest as he displays confidence that she has never seen before, she had to wonder why he was so nervous within the clans territory then if he was so content out here. The voice of another pulls her from thinking too hard on this fact.

She flops to her side and craned her neck to the ticked tabby form of Deacon, unaware of Momowhiskers torment over not knowing what to say she opens her mouth to talk. To spin a story as Flora was often known to do. “I wouldn’t bother asking, I’ve been trying to hound a story behind those scars for months! He comes up with a new story every time, I’ve even started to rank them from the best to worst” she pouts and sighs rather dramatically. There, that should give some leeway in case anything is said that would contradict future stories. She wasn’t too sure if they were supposed to give away that they were a part of SkyClan or not so it was safer to just keep it to herself.

The presence to her side makes her whip her head over rapidly, wondering who would be so daring to sit so close until she realises that it was just Ditto! Oh she had been so excited for her to meet some of her friends but it was rather upsetting that she couldn’t prattle off about them right here. “Everydays a day off! But yes, Ditto these are my friends” She even gestures to Deacon and Buck who she just met. Thinking at the least that this would at least be a funny misunderstanding and distract them from her sister. She scooches to his side, draping a tail over their spine, hoping the contact would be fine until the temperature ticked up in heat.

  • FLORABREEZE 𖧧 She/her, Daylight Warrior of SkyClan, 34 moons (ages on the 12th)
    A large black tabby maine coon with low white and bright green eyes, always wearing her mushroom print collar if she can.
    Mentored by Sorrelsong /Mentoring Jellypaw
    “Speech”, thoughts, attacking
    Penned by Juice ⏐ouijeejuice on discord {open to being dmed for plots}
It was a warm day today, uncomfortably so. Wearing a spiked collar, with a tag attached to it, with fur hiding some of the pointed spikes. Pale paws glide over to the park, a place full of gossip and meeting new interesting felines. It was a grand place with mini gatherings of loners and the strange bunch. Yoko turned her head, an ear flicked as voices floated around in the air. Letting her heterochromatic gaze look over at the interesting crew of cats, perking up when she sees Flora is there among the crowd. And two other housecats she had never seen before until now. But, she does recognize Ditto.

The feathery, pale - touched feline approaches over towards the group with a hum. Lifting his plumy tail up in a greeting. "Helloooo, new friends and Flora." He sing-songs as he strides over with a hum studying the other cats present: a sleek-furred housecat, a very scarred tom lounging on the bench, a loner tom that smelt of wheat and another tom that had an attitude. Interesting gathering this is. He turns his head to the side to face Ditto with a smile, as he joins the other underneath the bench. "Hi Ditto!" Greeting the blue-cream tom with a chirp.

Yoko lets out a small noise escape her, as she lifted a feathered paw up to cover her mouth as her gaze lifted onto Johnny the back to Deacon. "Oh my." She watches the interaction, before craning her neck up, to look at Flora. "So, W-what's with the sudden convention t-today? Any new things t-to share?" Her curious tone, questions the Maine Coon, eyes flitting over to the two other collared cats. She hasn't seen them before, even if she takes strolls out from her garden. The feathered feline lets himself slowly droop onto the ground with a soft huff, with a slow sway of his plumy tail.

  • no ref yet </3
  • ( N-no, don't b-be silly! ) YOKO.
    bigender ; SHE / HE ; 26 MOONS & AGES EVERY 15TH.
    — resident of the twoleg place | kittypet-born
    — bisexual, poly / sort of looking / open to crushes & romance
    — a longhaired white feline with blue-green heterochromic eyes
    thoughts ; "Speech, EBD4D4" ; attacks only
    — may powerplay minor harm ╱ peaceful and healing powerplay permitted
    — smells of peach syrup & faint undertone of strawberries
    — all opinions are ic

    biography / @ on discord for plots
    — penned by calzone


Under different circumstances, this would have been kind of nice. It was nostalgic in a way, reminiscent of the days where he had no fixed schedule and twolegplace had been his only stomping ground. Bathing in the sun and chatting with some kittypet friends was probably what he’d be doing right now if he’d never joined the group in the pines. ”I suppose it would make you extra heavy, wouldn’t it? Never really thought about that before since my furs so short.” he mused, before glancing toward Momo with a wince. ”Oof, that’s no fun. I’m all for some cold water on a hot day, but not to the point where I’m catching cold from it. I’ll have to have you over some time when ours is up so you can give it a try. On a sunny day like this it’s the best.”

To be honest, the comment about it being like ‘swimming in ice’ was a little concerning for Johnnyflame. Momo seemed really well looked after, and their next comment about being brushed every day only solidified that- why the cold ter, then? Even Johnnys folks had warm water. Unless Momo was just exaggerating?

”Aye, mine try to brush me most nights when I come home, too. I think it’s their way of trying to spend time with me- like how we share tongues, only my twolegs can’t gossip about their days to me. Wish they could sometimes- I have no idea what they do during the days when they leave, and I’m kind of curious. Then again, they respect my privacy so I can’t really encroach on theirs, can I?” he chuckled, knowing they’d understand.

The conversation seemed to do the trick in drawing curious eyes and ears, because it wasn’t long until they had a little crowd- some faces seemingly familiar to certain members of the group, while others appeared to be complete strangers.

At the mention of his scars and the little tail woven by Flora, Johnny only smirked, happy to play into it. ”Oh, you guys love my stories. Plus- everyone loves a bit of mystery..” he replied, before shining eyes landed on the tom to bring them up in the first place, narrowing slightly. A scrapper, was he? ”Nah,the twolegs wouldn’t be too happy if I turned the place into a fighting pit,” he chuckled. ”But you know how it is- not every cat in twolegplace is friendly. Some come looking for trouble and find it. Just the other day I had to run off this big ginger lad for tearing up the garden. Keeps me on toes, though.” he answered casually. ”You sound like you're a fan of a good scuffle yourself. Probably isn’t hard to find around these parts, aye? More than enough cats around, I’d imagine- or are they all too even tempered for that sort of thing?” he asked, sounding amused.

As more cats gathered, it occurred to him that Flora was quite popular among the twolegplace cats, known by name from at least two of them. That could work to their advantage later, having eyes in twolegplace from cats that could be trusted. For now, they’d simply converse and learn what they could.

”You didn’t tell me you were so popular Flora. Guess I’m not surprised though considering how fast you made friends of Momo and I..” he mused, noting the shecats friendly disposition. ”Anyways, my name’s Johnny, nice to meet you all. And I guess you could blame the ‘convention’ on me. I’m a bit of a stickler for keeping close to home, but I lost a race to Momo here so we’re spending the day at the park.”
