Jul 5, 2024
Her sister is very loud... And very... brown. Which is annoying when Tigerkit is very brown too. And she's very... um... has a lot of friends, she's pretty sure. And she kind of feels like she's copying her sometimes. She even took her eye. Both of Tigerkit's eyes used to be um, light-ish, but now one of them is less so, and she'd find that cool if Bayingkit's eyes weren't doing a similar weird think. Tigerkit wants her other eye back now. Because at least then, she could be the brown cat with normal eyes and Bayingkit could be the brown cat with weird eyes, but now they both had to be the brown cat with weird eyes. It's not really fair...

" Bayingkit... " she mews, finding her sister in the nursery. She even took her... her... sisterness. She couldn't have been a brother instead like Stormkit? A brown brother with weird eyes? Tigerkit wobbles on her legs, assessing Bayingkit with a slight pout. " Have you ever... um... have you ever... " Her nose wrinkles, trying to figure out what to... or um... how best to... " What if... you were a... a new color? "


she and her littermates are still new to the world.. and because of this, sometimes, every now and then, a quick - passing warrior will greet her as tigerkit. her elders say this is an honest mistake.. she and her sister are near mirrors reflection, hereditary ribboning that stretches generations past. it should make them closer, they say, they should be proud, because apparently they would love eachother when they were older ( hard to believe ).. unsurprisingly, bayingkit finds herself stewing about it anyway ; puffs and shows them, razorpointed, that she most certainly is not tigerkit. that despite the same brown - black striping and odd eyes they bear, bayingkit is wholly a different creature.. she lashes and spits and still the frustration that coils thick and ugly in her chest lingers in remnants for the girl herself, kindles and flares to life with each misspeak.

‘cuz how come they remembered tigerkit’s name?

bayingkit had been born first, papa said. she’d been born big and loud and brown first.. feels her defensiveness grow as the striped kitten hobbles towards her out of hard, dualtoned peripheries. tigerkit was all the same as she was except less always in trouble, and bayingkit finds that feeling in her chest the same as when stormkit is allowed to take the first bites of evening freshkill — a tight, not - quite - anger that curls up in her belly like a drowsy rat.. a not fair not fair not fair that ticks at her mind with each step her little sister takes in her direction. she remains still, crouched and livewire staring that exposes the crescent glare of alabaster aside slitted eyes. despite the pull and ebb of irritation, bayingkit does not thrash and snap as her sister approaches. she does not growl or kick, coiling serpentlike against the dirt — she waits, and hopes bustling nearby clanmates notice, that they can tell that there are two of them.

she rolls semi - sideways, presses her shoulder to the ground and lifts her haunches in familiar kitten play ; assumes this is what she wants, wide battering paws and lashing eager tail.. but her sister stammers through a question that startles only a blunt, huh? no. “ from suspiciously curled maw, giving a rough shake of her head that ruffles the jutting black mane at her throat, tall ears flapping wildly at either side of her skull — a new color? what could she even be? black, like nightbird? stormkit was right there.. lightningkit and twilightkit didn’t look like anyone she knew, but she didn’t want to look like just anything. what if she got some boring sand pelt, like hopekit? her lips peel. that wouldn’t make anyone remember her name, why? why would you say that. don’t want no, nn.. new color. “

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  • ” speech “
    a large, unsightly black tabby kitten.
    mongrelish, standing all thistlethorn fur and bared teeth, bayingkit would be thought roguesblood if not for the dogtooth crown she uncomfortably bears. a hereditary haunting lies in the shag of ornate black striping and long limbs that do not yet suit her wide, slouching shoulders ; her fathers daughter, laced in dredge and filth moreso than he’d ever been. a constant, incessant need to make herself small forms in hunched spine and weary, whale - eyed suspicion, communicating mostly in rumbling growls.. bayingkit tends to hold herself with a tuck tailed and trembling livewire of feral volatility.
    teething, easily frustrated with her lack of vocal skill and highly reactive. prone to biting, swatting and general moodiness it is highly encouraged to correct. powerplay is allowed for disciplinary swipes, scruffing and general redirection.