Stepping inside her father's den, Howlpaw's eyes were with interest - and a little envy - as she looked around. So much room! One cat shouldn't have had all that room but then again said cat was her father and the leader.

"You have lots of room to stretch out in here,"
Howlpaw mused, turning to her father as he joined her. "Maybe when we next visit we'll have to all sleep in here with you and keep you warm." She chuckled referencing her siblings. They were growing up now so sharing a nest with either of their parents would become trickier unless of course everyone was content with getting a paw to the face.

Walking further into the den and not waiting for permission, Howlpaw made herself comfortable in her father's nest, tucking her paws beneath her and making herself comfortable. "Come on, dad!" She whined with a playful lilt to her voice. "You promised to tell me more about your life as a kittypet!" It might have been strange for a clan cat to be so interested in learning about kittypet life, but whilst most would have turned their nose up at the topic of discussion, Howlpaw was honestly fascinated by it. She had heard some apprentices make snide comments before about the former kittypets in the ThunderClan, saying how it made them less of a warrior or weaker because of their blood. But Howlpaw was of the opinion it didn't matter, so long as they could hunt, fight, patrol and were willing to fight for the clan what was the problem?

╭── ⋅ ⋅ ── ✩ ── ⋅ ⋅ ──╮

Blazestar is blessed with a visitor -- curious hazel eyes peer through the elderberry branches, golden-flecked chocolate pelt almost blending in with the earthen walls of his den. His youngest daughter, little Howlpaw. She wanders in without waiting for him to invite her, though he doesn't mind in the slightest. "Maybe when we next visit we'll have to all sleep in here with you and keep you warm."

Blazestar nudges her with his muzzle, a purr of laughter rumbling in his throat. "I don't know if we'll all fit in here! You all have gotten so big. How's training been so far?" He'd been pleased to learn Little Wolf had been able to mentor one of their kits. He regrets not being able to himself, but two apprentices is already more than he can handle as leader.

He's pleasantly surprised when Howlpaw curls beside him in the softness of his nest, blinking big dark eyes up at him. "You promised to tell me more about your life as a kittypet!" "You really want to hear that?" He tilts his head at her, surprised. After all, it's no secret their mother's kin is skeptical of his kittypet heritage, and he's sure all five of his kits have heard numerous negative things about those felines who live with their housefolk. "I'm afraid it's not too exciting," he chuckled, draping his tail over her.

His blue eyes grow distant as he speaks. "I was a kittypet my whole life before I met Little Wolf. I lived in a Twoleg nest with my housefolk. They were older, but very kind. They treated me very well. I considered them kin." He twitches his nose, whiskers trembling with sadness. "I do still miss them. I never had cat parents or siblings. But Dawnglare... he lived in the Twoleg nest right next door to me." He grins at the memory, looking through the window and meeting a bug-eyed cinnamon and white face. "We've been friends ever since we were smaller than you."

- ,,

Her father seemed surprised she wanted to hear more about his past and why wouldn't he be. Howlpaw herself knew that some of her maternal family weren't so keen on kittypets or those with kittypet heritage. Even some of her ThunderClan clanmates share that same opinion. SkyClan seems more open and tolerant at least, or at least that's what Howlpaw thought. "I'm afraid it's not too exciting," Her father says as he drapes his tail over her form.

"It is to me though,"
Howlpaw insists, staring up at him with wide eyes.

Snuggling closer into her father's pelt, she listens with interest as he shares his story. As he said, it was no grand tale but it still keeps Howlpaw hooked all the while. "I didn't realise you'd known Dawnglare so long!" She exclaimed once he had finished. She knew they were close but had no idea just how far back they went. "Your life sounds like it was lonely before that," Howlpaw said rather bluntly. "I'm glad you found someone like Dawnglare though!" Wanting to hear more, Howlpaw pressed on, "So when did you and Dawnglare stop being kittypets?"