DAFT PRETTY BOYS [✦] houndthistle

Lately, there had been a lot of reports of foxes. Of dogs, of badgers, of anything and everything under the sun it seemed. All dangerous and things that could easily kill a cat. Scariest of all, in her mind, was the idea that a fox could be lurking out in the moors, laying in wait. Perhaps it was the same brute her took her tail. She imagines it now, scarred muzzle snapping it's jaws around her neck, finishing what it had started. The thought makes her hesitant to go out onto the territory alone. It is what causes her to seek out another. Everyone, however, seemed to have their own duties to attend to, their own patrols they were already assigned to. Slowly, she finds herself running out of options until finally she is confronted with the one option she had been reluctant to consider.

Houndthistle. She cannot explain it, but there is something about that tom that makes her feel.. uncomfortable she feels like every single time she looks his way her pelt gets hot and whenever he's around it seems as if she's making a fool of herself. She waves it away as some sort of strange phenomena. It was purely coincidence after all, right?

Either way, when she had approached him about their patrol he had agreed and off they went. Now they were making their way across the moors, side by side. There was something strange about patrolling with only one other cat. It seemed more personal, more intimate. Bluepool was used to a group of cats. The air seemed thicker with only him here and she finds herself at a loss for words, scrambling for some sort of conversation she could sink her claws into to drag them out of the awkward silence that stretched between them. "So…." she tries, the word feeling heavy on her tongue. She tries not to look in his direction when she talks. She finds that if her gaze lingers too long on that muscly figure the strange fog settles over her brain and she would not be making a fool of herself on this patrol. Not this time. "You've never told me how you got your scars" she says, allowing her golden eyes to settle on his pelt for only a brief second.

// feel free to have him suggest they pull over to rest and talk!




Houndthistle's ears perked as Bluepool spoke, glancing over to her briefly as she asks about his scars. He'd agreed to go out on the hunt in the hopes of catching something to give to Gravelsnap while he was in Wolfsong's den-also a reason to speak with the medicine cat and finally offer his friend congratulations-and hadn't much expected any sort of conversation with Bluepool. Afterall, she was Sootstar's sister, a cat who Houndthistle wasn't exactly on negative standing with, but he also wasn't particularly favored by the tyrant. He was, as funny as the thought was, just a face in the crowd. An oversized, extremely tall, brutish face, but he wasn't particularly spectacular or stood out much. But Houndthistle thought she was... interesting. A cat the size of a tunneler who sought, instead, to race above the ground, to run with the wind, and make her own path in Windclan, and the fact she did so without fear of judgement or care what others thought, undeniably, had a draw to him. He licked his teeth in thought, mulling over how honest he should be, before shrugging, "Back when I was a loner, I ran wit' three other toms... they were like my brothers, basically, an' well, one day, this other group of loners-kinda sorta? I guess?" He tilts his head, trying to remember just how big the group was before shaking his head, "Don' matter. Anyway, they killed one of my brothers an' me an' the other two of m'brothers went an' killed 'em. Got revenge, but uh- I was the only one who survived, barely."

He glances toward his shoulder, feeling the skin pull tight as he talked about it like the very mention was a reminder of the existence of the scars and such. "Tha's 'least the story behind the big ones. M'ears were from a thorn bush an' my father respectively," He added, flicking each ear in turn, the left one first before the right one, to show her the order at which he received the matching twin nicks in the thin skin. He was already holding so many secrets to his chest, atleast telling her how he got his scars wasn't the worst of the worst he could share. Houndthistle turned his head, fixing her a look with his good eye curiously as his ears perked. "Ya tail always been cropped?" He asks curiously, flicking his own stubby tail toward her, a small smirk pulling at his lips


  • text
  • Physical Health
    ⤷ left eye is blinded
    Mental Health

  • Single | Bicurious | Not actively looking | Interested in Wolfsong, Scorchstreak, Sootspritespark

    Houndthistle is both an easy one to gain the trust of and impossible to gain the trust of. He'll rarely reveal personal information or be vulnerable-if he's even capable of such things-but he will show trust in his willingness to lay his life down. To gain it, he needs evidence that you're loyal and strong, same as him, otherwise he understands he may one day have to come head to head with you.

    — will start fights / will not flee / may show mercy
    excels at Fighting, Tracking, Following Orders, Intimidation
    poor at climbing, swimming, stealth, talking, strategy, politics
    — sounds like: deep, gravelled and thick with a sort of country accent / Arthur Morgan
    — smells of iron, leather, and wood
    — speech is #435E75


When he speaks, Bluepool is surprised to find that she can relate to a lot of what he had said. She feels sympathy towards him, and a strange sense of kinship. If anyone killed one of her sisters she would hunt them down as well. She dreams of one day sinking her claws into that ShadowClan wretch and that miserable kittypet king for they had each brought Sootstar ever so closer to death. It is not fair that the swamp-dweller could speak the way he had to her and not be struck down by StarClans wrath the way he ought to be. No, Houndthistle and his brothers had the right idea in her mind.

"Fathers" she says with a huff. It sounded like his had not been the nicest and while her father had not been particularly cruel he has not been particularly kind either.

At his question a laugh escapes from her jaws. A short and quick "HA!" Had her tail always been cropped? She wishes! Thinking about that day always made her remember the pain, the fear. The feeling of helplessness and the realization that she was, in fact, not immortal. For a moment she contemplates wether she should tell him the full version or the condensed version she normally tells clanmates but decides fuck it. He had been honest with her and one good turn deserved another.

"I was young and stupid" she starts, a distant look settling across her features and a sad smile gracing her lips "I thought I was invincible but what kid doesn't?" she has seen it in the eyes of the youth even today. They think death can't touch them. "So one day, when I was about eight moons old, I had heard from a group of my other colony members that there was a fox about, and to be careful. It had killed two other cats who had been out alone. So I, like any young cat might think, figured I could take it on. I would prove to my father that I was strong because I was in my mind. I was the best and I just had to show them" a bitter laugh escapes her jaws "Needless to say I didn't win. Halfway though the fight it managed to bite my tail clean off. Luckily for me though a few other cats from the marsh colony just so happened to be hunting together nearby. They saved my hide and I learned a valuable lesson that day." the lesson being that she was not, in fact, as invincible as she had once believed she was.