DAISY, OR DAFFODIL? [ catfishpaw ]


she's a fairytale
Jun 7, 2023
Troutpaw had been helping out with the med-den, quite a bit, anyways. The patrol with Ravenpaw a couple of times now that- now that... Troutpaw stopped in her tracks, just a few feet from the entrance to the den. In her jowls she carried a bunch of some herb that was pointed out to her before. Her ears twitched, then she shook the thought off. No need to think of cats who had passed, and get upset about them! After all, things had to get done and keep moving. They lived a good life and gave it for the clan, Troutpaw reasoned. She started again, padding into the den. She meowed through the herbs to announce her presence, moving to settle them in a reasonable spot.

Finally, she turned to peer at those in the den. Her head tilted. Those who are sick or injured. Giving their time and skin to the defense of the clan, or suffering from the illnesses that surround camp. Cool. She thought to herself, tail twitching. To anyone observing, she'd be staring blankly.


'cause my girl's made of peaches—————————————————
Near constant pain was becoming familiar to the silver torbie, her leg was always in a state of aching or just about aching when the herbs and stuff that she was given wore off. So, there was only a few things to take her mind off the upsetting situation, those options were sleeping or talking, and sleeping was sometimes a risk. Restless sleeping filled with the gnashing teeth of predators. She hadn't wanted to take that chance right now so instead she waited for someone to be available for idle chit-chat.

Troutpaw then came into the medicine den, carrying twigs and leaves. The two mollies hadn't really talked before but no one else seemed to be around and the molly had never struck Catfish to be bad company."So, what did you find?" she asked from her nest "And like, do you know what they do? Like did Ravenpaw teach you about any of it?" Already her thoughts drifted from the pain in her leg to the possible response the other cat could give. She didn't want to trap the other apprentice in conversation if she had somewhere else to be though, so just in case she tacked on one more thing If you aren't busy, I wouldn't mind the company..

and soft grass in the moonlight—————————penned by WriteAboutRadish
Catfishpaw's statement knocked the naive apprentice out of her stupor. Ears twitching, she focused on who had spoke, before giving them a smile, her ears perking. She glanced down at what she had collected, and a shrug was what followed. "I'm not.. entirely sure. Ravenpaw has pointed them out before, but I.. yeah, I have no clue." Troutpaw laughed warmly, moving to pad towards Catfishpaw- making sure she wasn't disturbing anyone else in the den.

"Sure, I can do that." Trout offered, smile still pressed to her face- genuine, and welcoming. She slowly settled down next to Catfishpaw, making sure she was giving the other the space they needed. Didn't need to be sitting on anyone else's limbs or tails, especially in the den where they were meant to be resting and healing from ailments. Troutpaw focused her vision back on the other, tilting her head. "How are you healing?" A genuine and innocent question. ​

'cause my girl's made of peaches—————————————————
What luck, good company. She listened to the explanation of Troutpaw's herb knowledge and nodded at the explanation. Conversation really was her biggest cure. It was nice when she didn't have to call a uninjured cat off duty to talk to her but sometimes Fernpaw was sleeping and Ravenpaw had things to do, she felt less guilty though with Troutpaw's warm smile. She didn't seem like she was wanting to secretly take off and just stayed because they felt guilty that Catfish couldn't leave. There was a warmth that enveloped her at the genuine action. "Yeah, no, I get that. You'd think I'd like know more about all the stuff I'm being fed. But no, Ravenpaw just feeds it to me like a kit." she looked at the floor when she said the last part, it had to be her least favorite part of this whole thing. Having to be doted on, it made her feel so silly.

She watched Troutpaw's careful descend into a more comfortable chatting position "Thank you for hanging out, sometimes Ravenpaw gets a little tiring to talk to. He doesn't get out much." he also was quite soft-spoken, which didn't always match her own energy. Maybe if she spent too much time with him the quiet thoughtfulness would rub off on her, she for one hopped not. Anyway, Troutpaw asked her a question, how was her leg healing? Well, it seemed it was going good, only problem was that a good broken leg was still not great. "Well, it hasn't been not healing well, but like the best heal for it is never going to be great." she tried to make sure she didn't sound too bummed out about it, but Ravenpaw had said it might never be able to be used the same again, so it was kind of hard "BUT, so far it has been good besides the aches and pains."

So, I don't know you really great. So, like, what is your story?" She wasn't use to having to ask questions of others, Hazepaw just always knew what she was trying to ask even without the proper words, so her big picture question wasn't a great one. But, she hoped it would be a good jumping off point for the two of them.

and soft grass in the moonlight—————————penned by WriteAboutRadish
Troutpaw giggled to herself, a paw shifting to cover her mouth. Oh, poor Ravenpaw, how he was probably staring from afar with drawn eyebrows and squinted eyes. She could just see the image now, after all. He was doing his best, but sometimes, it was just the small fact that he was curt in his words was enough to sell the point that Catfishpaw was making. "I think he means best for you, of course. He wouldn't feed you all that stuff if he didn't think it was good for you." She said, trying to giving him the benefit of the doubt.

Her ears twitched, then she nodded, feeling all kinds of warm and fuzzy from being thanked. Her smile spread gently as she spoke, her tail lazily twitching behind her. "Hey! No problem at all. I'm not the best at conversation some times, but I think I'm better then Ravenpaw." A wink followed, her voice low to match Catfish's tone. Her vision shifted to the other's leg. That didn't look too good, she reckoned, but Ravenpaw was indeed trying his best. He was only one cat, after all. When she spoke again, her tone was warm. "That's good. I'm glad that he's treating your ailment well, and you aren't in any discomfort."

Her gaze shifted back up towards Catfish, and she grinned just a bit. "My story, huh? Well, um.. Let me think of how to best put this." Her head tilted, vision shifting up towards the sky- which was really just the ceiling of the den- before rushing back down as she decided what to say. "From what Hazecloud told me..." She paused. "I was found near the border with loads of injuries- which is why I'm so scarred up- and smelling like fox." Another pause, letting Catfish digest, before she continued. "I was taken in and named, so I spent a lot of time in the den here before I was healthy enough to be out of it. Not long after that, I became an apprentice."

The way Troutpaw said it, it was as if it wasn't a huge issue and totally scarring on her life. She twitched her ears again, as if constantly listening for anyone approaching. "How about you, then? What's your story?"​