pafp DANCE MAGIC DANCE - cleaning

Redpaw had been relegated to camp duty after the fierce battle with the Rogues left him severely injured. His back bore the gnarled scabs from his wounds, which had unfortunately become infected. Quick care and medicine had improved his condition, but the reminders of his weakness still itched beneath his pelt. Get over it already, and move. Idly, he watched his muddies paws drag, and grimaced from the sight.

With a deep breath, he tried to push the self-deprecating thoughts aside. Unable to join his clanmates on patrols to the Sycamore, he was left to tend to camp chores. He had spent the day pulling apart old nests, searching for ticks, and overseeing the kits as they played. Each situation had been awkward and repetitive. Leaving Redpaw feeling even more useless than usual.

As the sun began its descent in the sky, Redpaw trudged back into camp, fatigued and aching. There was still much to do but for now he needed a break. He settled near the meager prey pile and allowed the remaining warmth of the sun to penetrate his bones, briefly soothing his tired body. Until, a figure seemed to block out his moment of comfort. Sitting up, he looked to see why some cat had suddenly approached.

// Please wait for @DARKWHISKER !

A bit of a free for all post! He just wrapped up with cleaning and is feeling down being stuck in Shadowclan. I know Darwhisker gets nervous around Windclanners but Redpaw is a literal sweetheart of one and maybe Redpaw could attempt to make nice.
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ੈ♡˳ . ° ✦ Darkwhisker misses the taste of fish.

He tries to be appreciative for every meal; he's blessed to be eating anything at all. But the rats that hunting patrols bring back from the Carrionplace leave much to be desired… Too scrawny, too tough, and tasting of twoleg garbage. Not to mention the fur that clumps at the back of his throat whenever he tries to swallow it down.

Maybe this is why ShadowClan's so grumpy all of the time… Depending on rats and toads to fill their bellies without ever knowing the delicacy of fish freshly caught from the river. Darkwhisker feels bad for them.

Stifling a sigh as he takes a rat from the meager fresh-kill pile, scolding himself internally for ungrateful thoughts when Chilledstar's been so generous, Darkwhisker glances around for anyone to share his prey with. It's always been a habit for him to share his meals, craving the companionship of another even with the most mundane things. Preferably, it would've been his sister or a clanmate he shares with… But he doesn't immediately see any nearby, so he picks a cat at random and dismisses his disappointment with a flick of his tail tip; a young, red-furred feline. Darkwhisker tries not to look at the nasty scabs marring the apprentice's back as he approaches, waving his tail in a friendly greeting before he drops the rat at their paws.

"Would you like to share?” Darkwhisker asks, but he's already sitting down, offering a polite smile to the other. With all of the intermingling scents of the four clans, plus the unfamiliar smells of the marsh, his nose has a hard time distinguishing which clan the apprentice before him belongs to. So, he tilts his head and makes the inquiry, "Which clan are you from? All of these scents… It's confusing.

Darkwhisker taps the rat with a forepaw, offering the first bite to the apprentice, both out of civility and out of the desire to delay the inevitable of choking down the unsavory prey.

 ° .  . ° 
  • 70853174_jzBF6DKXUD78oQw.png
    tall, lithe dusky brown tom with splashes of white. a cheerful tom who tries to put a smile on the face of everyone he talks to, darkwhisker's life is devoted to spreading positivity in a world full of negativity. though his words may be fanciful— and coated in the sugar of white lies, at times— he is a well-intentioned, albeit overly idealistic, young warrior.