backwritten DANCE MAGIC DANCE | pikesplash

Her brother was alive in RiverClan. It was a statement that felt falser than any of her tall tales, the black tabby had not been one for following her own family's rules, let alone those of a stranger's, yet it had undoubtedly been him amidst the strong-smelling warriors that occupied the burnt sycamore. Their reunion had been short and sweet, an exchanging of new names, a recounting of old times, and a shared understanding that clan life was not as enticing as Boots and Olly had said it would be. She had left him with new insights, he had left her with some too, and in the air that day hung a promise that she would try and find him once more. Shadows fleeing the trees at dusk, Ferndance crept through the marsh once more, paws caked with dry mud and a confident smile upon her muzzle. The presence of the other groups did not scare her, no clan was sneakier than ShadowClan; should they try anything, she would find a way to escape, be it passively or through senseless violence, the latter of which admittedly was becoming more and more tempting.

The cinnamon tabby's teeth were latched around a large toad, a spare from ShadowClan's generous fresh kill pile. She had seen Deacon's bones pinching his skin and her instinct had disregarded the rules. Salivating around the catch, the former Lead Warrior bobbed her head left and right, navigating through the dark trees and gnarled bramble paths like second nature. She wondered how many ShadowClanners were spying on their guests, if any had tried talking to them, or if they were to be treated like weird fluffy rats (not to be trusted, not to be admired). It was easy to disregard the latter, her ShadowClan friends didn't like her little bug friends much but it would not stop her from accommodating their itchy demands whenever she could. Emerald eyes squinted at the sooty tree in the distance, then at the creature standing much, much closer to her, a cat with a coat that shimmered like silverpelt, away from the merged colony for whatever reason. "Oh..." She breathed, blinking vacantly in the RiverClanner's direction. That was... definitely not someone she knew. She knew not what clan he belonged to, the scents long since mingled and lost to time, but Ferndance felt compelled to know - curiosity had always been her greatest virtue and worst vice.

"Excuse me?" The cinnamon tabby mewed out to him, placing her catch in the mud. She'd find another catch for her hungry brother... probably. Tilting her head sweetly, the Warrior sat back and tucked her tail around her paws. "Would you share this legged fish with me?"


Deacon. Yes, he knows Deacon. That cat had been a Ripple Colony member who had decided to become one of them. Unfortunately, Riverclan was not able to teach their new members the laws which they should follow. The beaver issue just had to happened around the same time starvation and rogues invaded their homes. He could not blame Deacon for his actions, as it was Riverclan's fault for not teaching him. He remembers Snakeblink saying something to Deacon, although he can't be sure. Although, he's been out of it. This whole situation has changed him just like it has for many others. In truth, he is exhausted and even though most of the clans have complaints about Shadowclan, he is not bothered by it.

In fact he was quite intrigued. These were the lands Boneripple had grown up in before she joined their ranks. Boneripple... She had left without a trace. He wanted to get to know her more, and ask forgiveness. Did he say something wrong that day? What were you afraid of? He could remember someone as stoic as Boneripple shedding tears all because he wanted to show her a beautiful place in order to ease her nerves. It had the opposite. Boneripple, despite her absence left him curious. She told him some customs about Shadowclan and he experienced for the first time the ease in which Shadowclanners were able to stalk their prey. Perhaps that is why he was able to take in the beauty of Shadowclan more than others. Then again, nothing was easy with four clans who had personal disagreements in one place. Certainly didn't help that tensions were not put at bay with the queens and kits in Shadowclan camp. He had seen some disgruntled fathers alright.

There was something. Or someone he should say that he was interested in. At first, when he laid eyes on her, he was overwhelmed with everything that was going on. Then, when he finally had the time to stop and take her in... He was too stunned. The silvery injured tom couldn't muster up the courage to say much to her in passing, if she did decide to grace her presence. After all, he like all of those who were not Shadowclan were not allowed in Shadowclan camp. Bizarre it was for him to gawk at her. As if he didn't learn from Cindershade who noticed him staring at her and looking away not too subtly out of admiration. She had grown tired of his staring and proceeded to beat him (literally) after she forced him to battle her.

This time it was different. He had never met this cat before and would have never met her otherwise. Well... Unless he would face her in battle, but that was highly unlikely. Riverclan and Shadowclan were the furthest apart. It would be nearly impossible for the two clans to fight much less have any drama naturally. Unlike Cindershade, Ferndance was not someone he worked with. Not someone whom his admiration and respect grew as they worked. Ferndance, it's such a lovely name. Ferndance. Memories of testing the name on his maw and the warmth it brought made him shake his head. I want to talk to you.

It was easier said than done. He would pad near her only to freak out and hurriedly pad in an opposite direction. The issue was this. He wanted to speak with her, but had no idea what to say. If I say you look pretty? Ugh, but she's more than pretty is that an insult? W-wait! No! What if she gets insulted if I called her beautiful? AH! No way, she'll think you're creep! She's a Shadowclanner you're a Riverclanner, it's not like I can say hey wanna.. u-uh. Share tongu- eat together! Casually. Y'know? But not like that. WHY IS THIS HAAAAARD? Coughs, coughs, he's not helping his case here. Watching her beside a sooty tree was definitely normal. When their emerald eyes met, he quickly averted his own and leaned further into the tree, hoping that it would somehow swallow him.

"E-EEK! Y-yes?" The fur on his back stood on end while he bore a panicked expression. A toad is placed in mud, time seems to stop. Despite his fear, he can't tear away his gaze from hers. Paws had refused to move, planting him firmly here. To force him to receive punishment from her. A blink. She's not mad? Another blink. Staring at her for too long appears to have side effects, her sweet nature (or so he believes in the moment) is enough for him to nod rapidly (dumbly is the correct term here). The silver tom nearly crashes into her, excitement practically radiates off him. One might think that the word fish has him frothing, but it would be relieving if she thought of it as such. He would immediately be flustered if she indicated that he was dying to be in her presence.

Whatever the case, Pikesplash sits across from her, his long tail swaying side to side in content. Emerald eyes haven't left her gaze, as he hesitantly brings a paw to the toad. It's then that it finally kicks in. "Oh, I u-uhm. Not going to eat it first. You caught it first, so y-you get to have as much as you like!" A nervous chuff leaves his maw, "Pikesplash from Riverclan reporting to eating legged fish! Hate when your fish had legs? Never fear, just mew Pikesplash and he'll be here in a jiffy." SHUT THE FUCK UP! THIS IS SO STUPID AND YOU KNOW IT! Never fear? Hellooooooo, you're a wreck. She's totally gonna not look at you like some weirdo.

The cinnamon tabby's slow blinks of approval quickly increased in pace until her eyelids were fluttering like a butterfly's wings. Fear was not a reaction she had come to expect from others. To make others incredulous was a joy, to baffle and bemuse until the moon was high in the sky was second nature, to make one terrified of her meant she must have done something either terribly wrong or incredibly right (circumstances depending). Then, as if deciding she was not quite the river otter sent to bite his paws off, the other rushed towards her and Ferndance had to sink her claws into the soft earth to brace herself. When no collision came, it felt like a miracle from StarClan, until she opened her eyes and found they had delivered another marvel instead. The eyes of a ShadowClanner were sullen, sunken with grief, and sallow from the carrion and coughs that plagued her home. Staring at Pikesplash's, she saw life, energy, a beauty that she had only ever found in one cat before him. She could've gawked forever, and it seemed he wanted to gawk forever too. A mischievous little smirk danced upon her pale muzzle as she committed to starting the world's longest staring contest.

"Oh, I never, ever saw this legged fish before sunhigh," she assured him, as if it not being her own catch made it more morally acceptable to consume. Thievery had always made the prize sweeter, but taking a toad that would be left to bake in the leaf-fall heat hardly seemed like stealing - just expensive borrowing. "Would you like me to call its catcher over to take the first bite? " As her mind scanned the list of available hunters within ShadowClan, somehow, the idea did not seem as appealing. The toms and she-cats alike made her skin itch, memories of the meeting on repeat every time the former Lead Warrior tried to find respite. It was only Dogfur whose catch she would respect, who would likely not have the same idea about the RiverClanner as she did. "I'm just kidding." 'He is so nervous...' she remarked to herself, her own heartbeat as steady as a medicine cat's paws... a medicine cat who had just been exposed to their greatest fear's paws. The muscle was not trying to escape her ribcage quite yet, but she could feel it flittering all the same, despite her indifferent expression.

'Are they all so... skittish?' Her interactions with RiverClan had been scarce, save for the odd conversation in gatherings. They had vouched for Smogmaw's honesty once and had allowed Deacon to live with them, so she had them pegged as naive more than jumpy, perhaps they could be both. "Pikesplash?" Her head tilted, had she ever heard a fishy name before? ShadowClan was not well-traveled, the nearest river of fish was too many sunrises away for them to bother searching them for inspiration. Mentally, the ticked tabby made a note to abolish that trend, to embrace names that stretched beyond ShadowClan's borders, to embrace her own adventures. He continued on and the ticked tabby shuddered impishly, acting as if there was a cold in her spine at the thought of fish with legs. "Oooh, my hero," she giggled softly, leaning forward to boop him on the nose with a gentle forepaw, searching for a reaction. When she was certain she hadn't crossed a boundary, Ferndance lost the staring competition, her pupils settled on the muddied prey instead. Claws on a singular paw circled the earth nearby, as if deep in thought.

When it looked like she was prepared to say something serious, Ferndance hoarsely mewed, "Pikesplash,". She reclined her head and, sure enough, the Warrior had arrived 'in a jiffy' just as promised. StarClan, he was good. "I have found a new threat for you to destroy, this legged fish doth threaten me so. How will you remove it? Legs first? Beheading? What about a beheading of the head and the legs? A belegging?" The ticked tabby's whispy voice increased in volume until she almost shouted her last words, excited at the potential of being the first one to name such an execution method. She had lost her train of thought, but no shame filled the cinnamon tabby's expression or mind; he would either accept the acting she had subjected him to or he wouldn't, and there would be no regrets either way. "Show me your legged fish destroying talents." Ferndance leaned in expectantly as if expected to be shown a once-in-a-lifetime trick. StarClan, this was the most roundabout way she had ever gotten someone to stop being courteous and just eat what was in front of him.

She's so pretty. Apparently his mind is rendered useless when it comes to her. He internally curses himself because she was more than pretty yet his mind screeches at him. It screeches dumbly pretty, pretty, pretty as if pretty encompasses something more serious. He's grateful that he is not home because if their roles were reversed and she was in Riverclan territory, he might have drowned her with pretty rocks and feathers to take home. The worst thing he could have done is presented her a mating stone, which he doesn't want to entertain at the moment. All he wants to focus on is her sullen and grief sunken eyes that show a glint of awe. Oh, if he could stare at her all day... Maybe in the future he would be ablaze in embarrassment if she ever told him that in this moment he looked lovesick. Considering he smiled at her smirk, with no concern. She could have easily clawed out his throat in a second and he would still have a smile.

When she tells him that this was not her catch, he tilts his head in confusion. Emerald eyes refuse to leave her own. "You haven't?" Now that brings up the question of who should eat this first if none of them have caught it. The thought of thievery doesn't cross his mind, there is no disgust directed towards her. Only confusion from her admittance. When she brings up the idea of calling over the catcher to take the first bite he doesn't like the idea. No, he loathes it. His answer comes swiftly "No!" Anger laces his refusal. I don't want to share with anyone else. Oh boy. When he returned to his clanmates he would have time to reflect on this interaction and scold himself for being jealous. He is no Shadowclanner. There was no way he could have ever been the cat to catch, so he should not be upset at the truth. He should consider himself lucky already that she decided to speak with him.

It would appear as if he was pouting to Ferndance. Clearly the silvery tom was not angry at her, but at the thought of another coming to join them. When she tells him that she had been joking, oh as soon as those words left her maw he perked up instantly. Anger was replaced by pure joy. "That's okay, it was a joke." Even if it was a remark only meant for himself, he was relieved. In a similar fashion he would remark to himself, forgetting voicing his thoughts aloud could be heard by her as well "This is amazing. More than amazing." Now would be a good time for Petalnose, his sister to cut their conversation short by teasing him and drag him off to hunt. To stop him from continuing this, yet she never appeared. His friends if they could witness him now, may spare him pitying and knowing glances. Would his clan be disgusted with him? Especially Smokethroat?

Before he could think of such things, his name was called once again. "Yes?" The silver tom is clueless. He has never thought too deeply of names before, not even his own. He was aware that his name was fishy as other's might put it, but in Riverclan it was normal. His apprentice was called Catfishpaw for crying out loud. Then there was Nightfish, Salmonshade, Lakemoon, Carppaw, Minnowpaw, and so on. Sure they had some non fishy names, but they're more random than anything. He's sure that each clan had their own typical names and other clan names were odd to them. He wouldn't say that Riverclan was strict on names. Considering their leader's kits were not named after fish or water based things. Two of them were named after bugs while the other was called Starlightpaw. If he wanted to he could very well name his own kits if he ever had them with names such as Oakkit, Toadkit, Harekit, and so on.

The giggle that she makes, has his heart practically leaping out of his chest. Calm down! Quit it, you're going to make me smile all silly. Just as he's about to pour all his concentration towards calming himself, she thoroughly and effectively has stolen his heart. Emerald pupils dilate and she's met with a grin laced with infatuation. He even leans closer towards her. It's as if she was his entire world. A twinge of disappointment shoots up his spine when she looks away and focuses on the mud. Then, his name is called once more. Without thinking about it he is by her side ready for any command she has for him. The first order she gives him is to remove the threat by destroying it. He moves a forepaw and is about to carry out her wish until she started asking how exactly he was going to destroy it. By no means is he disturbed by what she is saying. Astounded was a better word for it.

Astounded he was at her thought that Riverclanners had some special move when it comes to destroying a toad. He couldn't help but whine "don't you think this is cruel for the poor legged fish?" Despite his whine, it is evident that he will go through with this task. Who knows maybe his whine amuses her and even more so that despite his thoughts he would do as she asked. I'm doomed. Flushed he is as he unsheathes a single claw. The tom is not quite sure how different this is from how the other cats in the clan eat or maybe Riverclan is indeed weird. Coughs coughs, perhaps it's just him. If he were back home he would take his claw and open up the fish and remove the bones. Fish bones were the worst to consume, so he took great care in preparing his food. This is a toad though... Cutting it like a fish wouldn't really work would it? If I cut though the stomach... Yeah let's not think about that.

Fish were completely different but more or less somethings can be applied. Whatever hesitation he once held is replaced with concentration. It's moments like these that one would remember that he is a warrior. He is unaware what the clans think of Riverclan, but Cicadastar had said Riverclanners were the most graceful of the clans. Pikesplash turns the toad on its back and holds it down with his left paw and uses his right with a single claw unsheathed to cut off it's back legs. Once that is done he twists the toad and cuts off its front legs. Finally, he beheads the toad with ease. For a moment he forgets that he is not sharing a meal with a Shadowclanner, simply pushing forward two legs and a body towards Ferndance.

With a twitch of his whiskers the spell is broken and he returns to his nervous state, "T-there you go! I've destroyed the threat. Belegging was the most fitting punishment!" This was the first time he would have a toad. Normally he ate fish, but it wasn't like he was back home. He had to eat whatever he could here and if it was toads, then so be it. Boneripple ate this a long time ago. He remembered the vague stories of Shadowclan he was told, but now that he was here. He wanted to explore it all. It wouldn't be allowed though and it would be frowned upon. Speaking of things frowned upon, he can't help but chuff as he stared at his share. "I can do better than this, but I think it'd just freak you out. If only this wasn't a legged fish I could show you it all." He lays down and rests his head on his propped left paw. A mischievous grin he casts towards her before he adds "I could have shown you a lovely be-eyeing."