dance of the moonlight jellies | intro


you threw me straight into inarticulation
May 28, 2023
Ever since Browniepaw joined Skyclan a moon or two ago, they've found it easier to wake up in the morning, pep in their step as they claw the back door and meow until their owner (begrudgingly) gets up from sleeping to let them out. Silly twolegs, Brownie thinks, to always be sleeping in so late. I mean, the sun was just coming up, and they're still nestled in to their little nest that they made of soft moss-like material! ... Brownie finds themselves wanting to bring back some of the material for the queens in Skyclan.

But today the winds are howling whenever they're let out, and it blows through fluffy chocolate fur, ruins their fur that they have spent all morning grooming out. Annoying! Ears flick in minor frustration as they walk besides their NPC mentor, coming to camp from their twoleg dens. The clouds cover the dawn sun, and- Starclan! How much longer will the winds go on for? It seems like theres not an end in sight as they let out a sigh, frowning as they push in to camp after them. Even the mood today feels sour and gloomy...

They try to make the most of it anyways, even if its not their most productive day. "Hello! Good morning." they trill in greeting to the first cat they see, turning their head upwards to squint as the clouds once more. "You think we'll have a storm? I just hope it comes sooner than later..." they frown lightly, turning their head to the other cat once more. Hopefully its enough small talk to get a conversation boring, otherwise they'll be in for a long wave of boredom while they wait for their mentor to come back to them with news on what they're doing.
❪ TAGS ❫ — Strong winds made things a lot more difficult for Slate, that was for sure. The winds kept on blowing his long fur every which way, with debris sticking to his pelt like sap on a tree. At least he had some heft and could keep himself grounded; kits and apprentices, however, might be prone to blowing away.

Speaking of apprentices, a vaguely familiar youth made their way into camp amidst the gusts striking SkyClan's camp. Slate can't recall their name; he had been gone for such a long time, after all. However, judging by the stink that wafts from their fur, it's obvious where they've just come from. "At least you got the option of stayin' dry." Slate replies gruffly, much to Browniepaw's attempt at making casual chit-chat (something that Slate isn't very good at).

Taking cover in a twoleg structure sounded nice right about now, something that took a lot for Slate to admit, so for a daylight apprentice to willingly come to camp today was unfathomable for the lead warrior. "You should go on back to your masters while you still can." Before the looming clouds above start dumping rain onto the forest. Slate didn't advise this out of his typical disdain for daylight warriors, but rather out of genuine caution.

The whipping winds were relentless, and- oddly, Twitchbolt found himself in higher spirits because of it. Violent weather, even when it was so close, felt... cleansing to experience. Witnessing lightning-strikes, or feeling the frigid bite of blizzard's flurry that drowned the land in blankets... to Twitchbolt, something about it all had felt wonderfully surreal. Fascinating, like nature had a temper as fiery and hair-trigger as his own. And lightning, unlike him... in its fury, it did not falter. He could not explain it, the affection he had always had for roaring storms and blighting breezes... and yet, his lack of understanding did not limit his love.

Fire-flecked eyes found the source of a storm-related question. Browniepaw stood before Slate, asking him of his opinion- and though the much-larger warrior offered his opinion, Twitchbolt was unconvinced that the daylight warriors fleeing to their nests would be the best option. Surely it wouldn't be good for them to simply avoid the harder parts of Clan life.

"So long as we- as we... respect the storm, everything... should be alright." It sounded silly, but- anyone with a head on their shoulders knew not to run headlong into a judgement bolt, didn't they? Give it space, allow it to... let its temper run out in private.
penned by pin ✧

Like Twitchbolt, Howlpaw didn't really mind the extreme weather. Sure the strong wings could be a little annoying, and the sudden crack of lightning and thunder could be a little startling, but otherwise she didn't have a problem with it. "Looks more and more like it doesn't it?" Howlpaw said, padding over not far behind her mentor. Slate's tone is gruff and he seems less enthused by the weather than she does, even suggesting that Browniepaw would be wiser to shelter in their twoleg nest. "There's plenty of places in the forest to hide too if we get stuck out in patrol," She offered in way of an alternative.
"Nuh uh." comes Brownie's protest as Slate tries to get them to come home. No way, no how! Brownie came this far, it wasn't fair! They puff out their cheeks in indignation, growing hot under their fur as more people approach. "I'm stayin here! I wanna help." their voice grows a little quiet, before they shake their head and any weakness previously displayed is gone with the wind. And besides, Brownie liked the storms! And they liked the challenge it brought to hunting and play-fighting with their fellow apprentices.

Twitchbolt and Howlpaw come next. Browniepaw gives them each a grateful blink for the quiet defenses they offer. "Respect it? How do you do that?" they blink, in genuine curiosity as Twitch speaks, rocking back and forth on their paws. "Like, hoping its a super cool one?" and they're teeming with excitement from the expectation of a big storm. Howlpaw offers her own musings and Brownie gives them a nod. "Yeah! I know some really cool spots that are safe from rain! I'll show you if we patrol together today- if you want, of course!" they bounce in place again, a smile on their face as the winds are temporarily forgotten. They're glad they came to camp today!

The Oriental liked the wind, and that was perhaps the only reason why his Twolegs had let him out at an inopportune time to take in the storm and the scent of petrichor it brought with it. He knew other kittypets were likely staying indoors today, his brother included, but so deep into the forest already, he didn't much feel like heading home until absolutely necessary. His owners had been... oddly tolerant of his disappearance the second day, a part of him had to wonder if they'd even realised he was gone. Long limbs dragged Momo closer as the conversation picked up between Browniepaw and the wildcats. In the interim, a nervous glance was offered to the newest Lead Warrior at his insinuation: after all the effort the Daylight Warriors had put into getting their clanmates back, he had to admit it was a little hurtful to have someone so scornful towards them all be promoted. Johnny mitigated that unease somewhat at least. "There's no shame in heading back if you need to." He offered reassuredly, hoping the glint of a collar would be enough to convince Browniepaw that he knew what he was talking back - in actuality, he feared being utterly clueless. "Your Twolegs might not be so keen to let you out again if you're trapped here too long."

The confusion at 'respecting the storm' caused the lynx point's large ears to swivel in opposing directions. At first, it was a wonder that their size hadn't caused them to fly away. He gave a meek little shrug of his shoulders. "You know... respect. Don't climb too high in the trees otherwise, you'll be thrown off by the gale, that sort of thing." Eyes widened as he thought of his example - already the male struggled to wrap his long limbs around the branches, who knew what would happen if he tested his luck now? A full-body shiver followed his imagination and he forced a smile upon his maw to shake it away. "I'd still like to see those patrol spots myself though." Storms were amazing, the sound of the wind was near-therapeutic and the thunder, though loud, was exhilarating without being scary. He didn't have as many kind things to say about the rain, not only was it wildly uncomfortable, it made his already lanky form look like a coat hanger he'd see in his Twoleg's closet. Any advice to avoid it, he'd take.
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He didn't blame Browniepaw for needing to ask what he meant- it was a rather vague phrase, after all. Blinking rapidly, uneven twitches of the eyelids thrown in there involuntarily, Twitchbolt pondered on how to explain it. Thankfully, Momowhisker piping up did him a great deal of good, a favour paid, and he nodded his head enthusiastically. Though his form still trembled, an ailment always there, there was a clear and keen illumination in his gaze, one that betrayed his affection for storms.

"Yeah- they're powerful, 'n- we shouldn't taunt them by getting up high. But- you can always observe storms from- from a safe distance," he admitted, recalling that stormy dusk where the sky had blazed fiery violet from the fingers of lightning that sprawled through the sky. "Chances are, it will be cool-looking." A smile fluttered on is lips, his passion glowing from his featured despite an ever-dithering demeanour. A pocket of storming sky, seen from far enough away to being awe of its raging and yet unharmed by it... it was one of the greatest beauties you could experience. At least- he thought so.
penned by pin ✧
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