no angst DANCE TO FORGET [ ice skating / prompt ]

Aug 10, 2023

Carp-paw had never seen the river like this.

Light danced off of it's icy surface like a show as she slipped to the bank, eyes wide as she stared at the extensive surface. The very thing that kept rogues and other clans at bay was frozen over, something that briefly grabbed her with terror. Hidden in the reeds, she watched as a squirrel bounced across the frozen roof of the river, then slid, and headed onto the far bank. Tenatively, Carp-paw's toes touched the ice. Oh, Stars, it was cold but... she stepped further. No noise came, snow settled behind her and across from her, the ice fresh in the morning.

It was clear, too. She could see the stream below, hibernating plants and frozen stones. A grin split upon her face as she shifted further onto the ice, and slipped briefly. A laugh left her, like the light of the sun first peeking over the horizon- she hadn't laughed like that in a minute. She grinned with joy as she pushed herself across the opening, then slid. Vision shifted towards the banks of the river, and despite feeling silly, she wasn't embarrassed. This was a happiness that could be shared. Any cat that was watching was beckoned by her onto the ice. "Come on! It's fun!"

// @Snakeblink mentor ping
// prompt: The ice takes hold of one of RiverClan's smaller streams! Taking advantage of the opportunity, she opts to do some ice-skating. Here's to hoping her paw pads prove traction enough or she risks an awkward sploot!
// rolled a 15 for no sploot

  • 1.png
  • CARP-PAW she/her, apprentice of riverclan, six moons
    a shorthaired black smoke with blue eyes. her deep smoke colored mottled pelt making for good camouflage in the dark. white mottles her pelt here and there. born to riverclan, she lived peacefully until the rogue attack. sustaining a back injury, she's fallen quiet. loyal to her clan, wants only to make them stronger, but she's terrified of falling short again. the large scar across her back is obvious, and her once-curious nature is now timid.
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by you@dallasofnines on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

bounceheart ✧ she/her ✧ riverclan warrior (=˃ᆺ˂=)

On the contrary, Bounceheart had seen the streams and river ice over numerous times. The main river usually did not, as it was much deeper and forceful. It did last leaf-bare, but it had been so cold that they had trouble breathing. No day had felt like that thus far. There was no crackling of the river as it froze, and on certain days they were able to tread the water to fish.

On the way to do just that, Carp-paw had made a discovery. Her eyes trailed after the apprentice as she curiously edged onto the ice. A white paw lifted and their tail curled in the air. Just as they were beckoned to the ice, a blur of grey fur launched onto the frozen stream. Bounceheart thought she had stuck the landing, only for her limbs to all sprawl out beneath her. The force of her leap caused the striped molly to spin a bit while sliding.
"Oops- slipped," she murmured. Not ready to give up on skating, they propped up their forelegs and wobbled until they were fully standing. "This is-" she almost slipped again, "- this is super fun, Carp-paw!" While they were having fun, it was hard to balance and she thought maybe she should stick to ice-fishing!

/rolled a 20 for flop ​
Bumblepaw tentatively placed her pad on the frozen surface, testing the ice with a hesitant touch. A nervous anticipation lingered in her chest, causing her to jump back at the slightest popping sound that echoed beneath her. The frozen water mirrored her own anxious expression, and the ebony she-cat hesitated despite her usual eagerness for new adventures.

Observing Carp-paw and Bounceheart playing confidently on the icy surface, Bumblepaw felt a mixture of fear and determination. C'mon don't be such a softie paws. Convinced that she could conquer her hesitation, she took a shaky step onto the ice. The chilling sensation on her pads sent alarm signals through her mind, but she pushed through, sliding cautiously onto the frozen expanse.

As she wobbled in place, attempting to maintain her balance, panic set in. The realization hit her that she had slid right into the middle of the icy patch, and her nerves froze her in more ways than one. Wide, worried eyes scanned the surroundings, and she admitted with a squeak in her voice. "I-I don't think I can move." The fear of falling in or injuring herself gnawed at the apprentice's thoughts, making her plight clear to anyone who observed.

// Rolled a 17 no sploot
// @ROOKFANG mentor ping