dance to the beat of my drum | headache

It felt as though Flycatcher hardly had a moment to rest in recent weeks. On one hand, he rather enjoyed having all these different tasks and responsibilities thrust upon him - it certainly kept his paws busy! But he would be lying if he said he wasn't beginning to feel the effects of all his hard work. Most notably in his sleep schedule - which hadn't been great since Flamewhisker's accident - that was yet to recover from all the events of the recent moon.

That morning, Flycatcher woke up early as was normally the case. The patrols for the day had been assigned but Flycatcher had lacked his notable perkiness as he dolled out patrol assignments. His head felt like it was going to explode. He tried his best to ignore it, persevering through the his assignments until he could get away and rest. Flycatcher had placed himself on a dusk patrol so it gave him plenty of time to have a nap and prepare for his future patrol. After scurrying away, Flycatcher lay down under the shade, hoping some extra sleep would aid his headache. Alas, it was not to be the case as he awoke and still found himself plagued by the pain in his head.

"Ugh," He huffed loudly, resting a head on his paws and trying to focus on other things to ignore his continuing headache.


ACORNKIT — the cow jumped over the moon . "Gotta get it… gotta… gonna get it-" The mumbles trail around camp in a relentless path as Acornkit’s vision tunnels, narrowing only on the impossibly large moth in front of her.
Burnt oak paws tap lightly against the ground as she “thunders” after her target, tongue poked out under her front lip in both determination and exasperation, the heat boring down between her brittle shoulders not making the task at paw any easier for the child.
Finally, however, she is able to catch the monstrous insect, delicate as to not damage it while she makes it still.
Moth dust covers her muzzle as she gazed upon her catch, this thing was almost like… like the size of her face!
She plucks it off from the ground with care, fully prepared to show it off to her brother and hang it somewhere in the nursery.
A huff echoes from somewhere behind her before she can take another step, and the chimera kitty freezes, instinctual fear rising up for only a moment before she relaxes once more.
When she turns, she tilts her head in confusion to see Flycatcher- wasn’t he supposed to always be upright?
She is hesitant as she gingerly approaches him, but Wrenflutters kind encouragement to be more social plays in the back of her mind.
From the furrowed brow, to the head buried in his paws, Acornkit can at least assume his day isn’t going very well.
She drops the moth at his paws before promptly scuffling back a couple of whisker lengths.
"Gifts make me feel better." She murmurs, gazing upon the moth with a longing in her eyes- she’d miss it, but Wrenflutter would be proud of her, and it seemed the other needed it more.
"It’s the size of my face." She speaks again, wanting for him to at least know how cool of an artifact it was.

  • Haha
Reactions: Flycatcher
Stormpaw eyed Acornkit distrustfully, watching her zip after something and suddenly become settled. Whatever she had caught, she must have gotten it. Stormpaw sighed and curled her tail over her paws, looking around for Owlear. She hadn't been placed on any of the early patrols—she liked to think her father had done so for her—but it was getting a little boring being stuck in camp. Perhaps her mentor would help her learn a few battle moves.

In her periphery, Acornkit was on the move again, making a beeline for Flycatcher, who was sitting down strangely with his head in his paws. Suddenly transfixed by a desire to look on the wellbeing of her father, Stormpaw rushed over, almost tumbling with Acornkit to get there in time. "Fath—what?" She stuttered, looking down at the moth wing that Acornkit had dropped in front of her. Stormpaw began to feel an unjustified jealousy burning in her chest. "I think he... needs herbs." She said lamely, looking away.

WE HAVE YET TO CRASH ✧°.☀ ————————————

Truthfully Lilypad is pretty oblivious to most things, but not when it came to her clanmates' discomfort or pain. No, in that department she always seemed to have a strange gift of being able to read a cat; taking note of their moods and how her gut felt about them.

On this occasion, she heard her deputy's huff and turned her head to see him with his head in his paws, clearly suffering from some kind of headache or exhausted, or both truthfully. Lilypad would tilt her head, trying to think if there was anything she could do to help when she spotted Acornkit gift him their hard-won mothwing, and Stormpaw approached. The young warrior trots over, just barely catching the mumble that falls from the deputy's daughter's mouth and she smiles, that's it!

"That's a great idea, Stormpaw!" She praises the apprentices though tries to keep her voice low for the sake of Flycatcher's headache, "If we ask Berryheart then maybe he can tell us which herbs and we can go look for them!" Maybe she could even rope some of the other warriors along and make camp just a bit quieter for the poor guy.

[penned by zaeya - ]

Squeak Squeak

Mothpaw had been watching oh so silently from where she sat, her blue eyes glancing between the warriors and those who seemed to make an attempt to help Flycatcher, even a warrior suggest that they go gather herbs to use instead of just...asking Berryheart himself to look into the manner...frowning a bit the she-cat slunk forward a bit, her hears swerving to flatten on her skull as she attempted to make herself much smaller.

"M-maybe just get...Berryheart and t-tell him F-Flycatcher needs him?" she suggested lightly. Shuffling her paws she looked back at the deputy with wide eyes as her tail tightened around her paws and she tilted her head a bit, awkwardly trying to make herself seem bigger. "I-I can..go get him...if you like" slowly and slowly as she spoke her voice got softer as she looked at the others once more. Perhaps... she should've just stayed quiet and allowed someone else to of say something...

The soft pitter-patter of footprints alerts him to a cat approaching. In fact, when they speak Flycatcher realises it is two cats - Acornkit and his daughter Stormpaw. He slowly opens his eyes and looks upon the gift Acornkit had given him. "Thank you, Acornkit," He smiled. "I already feel much better." In truth, Flycatcher felt roughly the same as he had an hour or so ago, but the little kit did not need to know that. Besides, her gift did look rather nice.

His gaze quickly shifted to his daughter who looked concerned for him, but whose gaze seemed to flicker over Acornkit's gift. "I don't know if Berryheart has anything for me," He admitted which a chuckle, though the act of doing so makes him wince. Flycatcher really did not know enough about herbs to say if there was anything that help deal with his headache. Lilypad and Mothpaw both chime in that looking for herbs would be a good idea. Mothpaw offers to find Berryheart and Flycatcher nods his head. "Yes, that's fine," Flycatcher says, not having the energy to say much else. "Maybe he can give me something to get to sleep at the very least."

Berryheart had forever sworn off of lying- he would never claim that he wasn't an eavesdropper, but equally it was difficult to miss your own name being repeated multiple times. An assortment of pelts stood around Blue, concern flitting around them like a fickle flea; Mousy, Little Blue, Tiny and Stammers. An odd menagerie, but- he knew his Clanmates were a compassionate bunch, and would be unsurprised to find any one of them flocking to a Classmate in need.

He hummed agreement as he approached, something of an answer to Blue's wondering; he certainly had methods to soothe one to sleep, be it a masterfully crafted nest or the influence of poppy seeds. Still, it would not do to hand out herbs with no prior plan... or information. "What's wrong?" Direct questions were the best way to deal with ailments like this, that appeared invisible to the naked eye.

A squirrel and a bird hung limply from the lethal huntress as she padded through the camp's entrance. Her gaze was dull as she emerged, into the clearing...but it quickly changed as she spotted Flycatcher laying down with several cats gathered around him. Normally, it would be a normal sight, but she knew her mate well enough to know that something wasn't right. Worry began to prickle her belly, and she quickly rushed to the fresh-kill pile. She spat the prey down, not caring a bit how it landed. Quickly, she then spun around and hurried over to the group.

She would nudge her way through the crowd, glancing at Berryheart worriedly. The Molly then brushed her cheek against Stormpaw's in greeting, before bringing herself close to Flycatcher. She bent down, touching her nose to his cheek. "What's wrong my dear? Have you been overworking yourself?"

In the end, Mothpaw did not need to go and seek out Berryheart, as the medicine cat had been sat nearby quietly listening to the the conversation the whole time. Close on his heel is Flamewhisker, who touches her nose to his cheek and also asks what's wrong and if he's overworking himself. "You worry too much, love," He says, mustering just enough strength to lift his head and rub it against her cheek.

After lowering his head, his green eyes glance towards Berryheart who is still waiting expectantly for an answer. "I think it's a headache," Flycatcher answers. "My head feels as though it's pounding, it has been since before I assigned the patrols this morning."

Patiently did he wait as pet names were exchanged, shoulders dropping to a comfortable slack as he took a seat. Concern darkened his lopsided gaze as he listened to Blue's explanation of what exactly was bothering him, his head tilting slightly to the side. A headache- Berryheart knew of ways to banish pain, but... some herbs had more specific uses than others. As far as his memory served him, he had never been informed or a way to deal with headaches- only complaining joints and bellyaches.

A hum of concern buzzed from him as he pondered the solution. "One moment," he hummed as he slunk back into his den. He had quite the stock- he was sure at least one of the plants in there could banish the deputy's ache. Burnet, mallow leaves and feverfew would be gathered, and he exited the den shortly, laying the laurel-leaf wrap of herbs onto the ground before him. First, he pushed forward the burnet. "Try this." It would give strength like a small snack would, he knew that much... but would it fuel the body in ridding something painful?

/ spoiler alert burnet will not help him </3

After hearing Flycatcher's complaints and explanation of his symptoms, the medicine cat disappeared for a moment and returned with several herbs wrapped in a laurel leaf. The tortoiseshell set the leaf on the floor, and Flycatcher peered at it warily, wondering what those herbs were. Berryheart pushed a fern-like herb towards him and encouraged him to try it. Flycatcher was still wary of them but ate the herb without fuss, chewing it a few times before swallowing. "That's an interesting flavour," He said once he had swallowed and had a chance to mull over the taste. "Should we move on to the next one or do I need to wait for something to happen?"