
His eyes would flutter open and he squinted against the small rays of sunlight slipping into the warriors den, Turtlecurl pushing their legs out from underneath him and stretched making sure not to disturb anyone that was currently around him. He rose from his nest quietly making his way out of the den, he blinked his eyes a few times to adjust to the brightness of the sun that hung overhead and the blue torbie parting his jaws to let out a soft yawn. Now that they were a bit more awake, he glanced around to see if anyone was out and about currently noticing a few small groups of cats here and there. It wasn't long until the small feline decided to go out and hunt where the river was calmer, he stayed near the bank making sure that his shadow didn't show within the calm waters. The sounds of birds chirping from across the river and the forest that lay ahead of it, he spotted a few mice running across the stones of Sunningrocks though it didn't interest him as much as the moving shadows that were protected by the water.

His eyes lit up realizing one of them had drawn near and he swung a paw forward managing to knock it onto the bank where he picked it up, Turtlecurl getting smacked once by the fish's tail on the cheek before he bit down hard enough hearing the soft crunch that left the fish. He could feel it struggling though in a couple of moments, the trout had gone limp. Carefully setting it aside, he returned to sitting near the bank in silence going over a few thoughts. It was a calm morning thankfully. One that he could enjoy with the sun keeping him warm whilst he caught fish, the folded eared cat would sit upright hearing the sound of paw steps nearby.

Time is passing in slow, lazy days, an easier tilt to the world after the rapid spinning and splintering of spring. He’s been doing better, he thinks. And on such a nice morning, yellow—no, golden—light reflecting off the water of the river, how could anyone feel lost? RiverClan has the most beautiful territory of all the clans. And of course, slow mornings are the perfect time to view their lovely land, so the brown and white figure trots along the water’s edge, occasionally stopping to observe whatever river creatures are just beginning to awake.

From where he meanders along the bank, Clayfur has a perfect view of a clanmate being smacked across the cheek with a fish before they manage to catch it; he doesn’t intend to comment on that fumble, though. He’s more concerned with whether Turtlecurl is okay, even if his only wound is to his pride. He approaches the other with pawsteps that are loud, nearly plodding—hopefully alerting him to Clay’s presence before he comes into view.

"Hey, Turtlecurl!" He greets the other RiverClanner with a bright smile, tail flicking with the same glee that shows plainly upon his face. "A trout… their scales are really pretty, don’t you think?" He points at the fish that rests beside the floppy-eared warrior. "They have really cool patterns, all across them. And you do, too! Your spots are kinda like fish scales, if you think about it." It’s true; if he squints, he could pretend that the other feline is covered in the same kinda-slimy scales that coat the fish that they hunt.
( tags ) Pikesplash has known Turtlecurl for... Well since he had joined the clan and it was safe to say he quite liked Turtlecurl. He himself had been out and about, trying to keep himself busy. He decides to join Clayfur in striking a conversation with Turtlecurl, flicking his tail along with bowing his head down in greeting to the floppy eared warrior. Unfortunately Clayfur decided to talk about fish facts and his whiskers end up twitches in excitement. He can't help himself from chipping in, "Did you know not all trouts have scales? Well they do, but when they're kits they don't have them. It's pretty weird, but sometimes if you're lucky you'll catch trout without scales." If Clayfur looks at him with some apprehension at the sudden lesson on fish, he pays no mind as he glances at the trout that Turtlecurl caught.

At the mention of Turtlecurl's fur sharing some similarity to the spots on fish scales he nods in agreement. He turns to Clayfur, "You think the fish think he's one of them?" It's not a serious question and that much is evident with the smirk on his lips. He's simply making a joke that he hopes that Turtlecurl won't be offended by. He personally think's Turtlecurl is quite the looker, as for Clayfur... I'm not even going to try and guess what he thinks half the time. Most of the time I get it wrong anyway.