there was a rather... pungent smell that nightbird could not seem to escape no matter how hard she tried. the hunting patrol was quickly proving to be a bust, turns out it was rather difficult to catch a scent when the air smelled as if she was sitting in between a shadowclanner and a riverclanner. her goal had changed once she came to the realization, now she just wanted to find the source and rid the forest of it.

the fumes only grew more noxious, it must be close. soon enough there was a flash of bright white through one of the less dense areas, her nose wrinkled distastefully. what an ugly little creature, scampering about like a crazed kitten. she drew a white paw up to cover her nose. "what is that thing," she grumbled, glancing to her patrol mates in hopes at least one of them would know how to kill this monstrosity without bringing it's wretched odor back to camp.

  • app tag for @DUSKPAW

  • IMG_0032.png
  • NIGHTBIRD she/her, lead warrior of thunderclan, twenty-five moons
    nightbird is a small black smoke molly with pale silver eyes. a loner turned thunderclanner, her loyalty and drive to provide for her clan is unwavering. however, she is not known for harboring a bleeding heart, instead equipped with sarcastically fueled wit, brutal honesty, and a sharply edged tongue.
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking ↛ see battle info here
    penned by vayle@vayl3 on discord, feel free to dm for plots.


The distinct stench of trouble in the territory had prevented Pebble from participating much in the hunting patrol. Having missed a squirrel due to misjudging where it was, the lithe tail of the young warrior drooped sadly as he returned to the main group to assist in their search for this mystery assailant. Both fortunately and unfortunately, it did not take long to spot a flash of black and white amidst the emerald greens of the forest. Pebblestep's face grew blank in confusion - what in StarClan's name was that thing? It moved erratically, its tail proudly in the air like it knew it was untouchable, had it not been for the loneliness of such a stinky creature, he may have felt a spot of envy for how unbothered it seemed by everything. Nightbird asked for details about it and, after a brief bout of feeling useless, Pebblestep lashed his tail to suggest he was clueless.

"We should probably leave it alone..." he advised, eyes wet with tears. He had thrown himself at dogs and boars and RiverClanners alike, but this was beyond even his fleeting bravery. "I will sacrifice my sense of smell to see you all escape its wrath." Pebblestep moved an inch forward, took a deep breath to steel his nerves, and found himself immediately regretting it as his nose picked up on the foul odour once more. Stomach twisting and turning, the Warrior let out an unenthusiastic groan - this was one time when being a martyr did not seem as glorious as the stories made it out to be.

Starclan above, it reeked.

Batwing's ears flattened as they dwindled closer to the source of the smell, and upon sighting the black-and-white creature, his ears flattened. He lowered his head towards his apprentice- as if he could push her away from the smell or quiet her if any of her questions seemed to flood forward. He picked his head up, green eyes squinting towards it. "Whatever it is, it's ffffff... it's awful." Batwing's language was going to set Tigerpaw on some kind of wrong path, so a gentle side-glance to Nightbird was given as he redirected his words.

He cleared his throat softly, leaning back on his paws. ".. Do your best to stay away from that thing." He gently instructed Tigerpaw.

@tigerkit. apprentice tag! ​
  • Haha
Reactions: tigerwing

⋆✦⋆ Earlier he'd let a mouse slip away for hesitating on the kill for too long and Dreampaw was now tagging along the hunting patrol with his tongue in cheek and eyes drifting about with unspoken disbelief at his own mishap. But no matter, stranger things seemed to be of interest..namely a horrid odor that wafted through their forest.

When Nightbird identified the creature, he stopped along with the patrol, crouched, and leaned forward on his forepaws as if to get a better look at the offender. It was a black and white fluffy thing with a prominent tail and much bigger than he'd been expecting. Pebblestep insisted the patrol not engage and Batwing was already instructing his new apprentice to stay away. Well, yeah, actually? His clanmates were right, who'd want to approach something that smelled as if it had an ass on every end?

Dreampaw initially cringed hard at Pebblestep's deep inhale, but eventually he gave the warrior a nod. Fellow valiant souls were exactly what they needed right now.

Finding a fine opportunity to slip his own opinion in, his burning eyes lit up despite the putrid smell around them. "Ah! I've seen this creature before!" and a careful pause for dramatics, "It is a foul servant of the abyss! Wielder of noxious fumes as you can see. But fear not, the mere presence of the Dark Warrior will keep us safe from its mischief." The tortoiseshell cat repressed a cough of disgust as he regretted that speaking equaled breathing. With one eye squinted, he gave the hunting party a winsome smile of reassurance of his own abilities regardless.

Honestly, he wasn't sure what the thing would do if they made themselves known but he shifted on his paws in excitement as he mulled over if it would be a fight or not.

  • name ▹ Dreampaw
    gender ▹ trans ftm + he/him
    age ▹ 9 moons​

  • ages real-time on the 1st of every month.

    sexuality ▹ pansexual

    clan ▹ Thunderclan
    rank ▹ apprentice

    created on ▹ September 1st
    penned by ▹ yamitisane

  • Haha
Reactions: nightbird
Oh, he's seen one of these before. Awful little things that spray you with the most disgusting smelling spray in the world and even worse, it's hard to get off. How does he know? Well. He watched helplessly in his kit days as his friend Fish wandered unsuspectingly up to one. He scared it, and so he was blasted with the foul smelling odor as the creature made its escape, leaving his friend defeated and flailing around. It took days of effort to get it off, he's not sure Fish ever smelled the same again.

He looked at the other cats present and noted how they didn't recognize it. He was just about to explain what it was when Dreampaw piped up, and he couldn't agree more. It WAS a foul servant of the abyss, a wielder of noxious fumes. Terrible, terrible creature.

"The Warrior of Darkness is right, I've seen the chaos they leave behind with their foul stench!" He says, matching Dreampaw's dramatics. "We should let it be, and hopefully it will go away on its own."
She had a hard time sitting still, even worse now. Her paws leaped on fallen logs, skipping across them, and would kick leaves that had fallen in piles. They would scatter everywhere and it was quite funny to her.

Plus, her mouth never seemed to keep quiet, talking about everything. Woah look at that pretty tree! Oh batwing! Look at this flower, poor little thing is wilting!

Any void of silence was filled with her talking, but she tried to quiet down when the smell of meat would come, so that the others could properly hunt. She'd watch carefully, but her eyes were untrained, distracted.

But then a smell she did not know came into play and her nose and lips curled in a disgusted manner. Batwing would say to stay away, and she would lean back on her hind legs to catch sight of the black and white creature waddling through. "Oh my! It's so.. it's so cute! Can I name it? Can it's name be Night? Because it's black and white!" Tigerpaw squealed, pulling herself back down to four paws.

her gaze shifted between batwing and pebblestep as they warned all to keep distance. the former stumbling through his words in a strong attempt to keep profanity away from his brand new apprentice. her expression turning humored as pebblestep offered himself as a sacrifice. she had never seen such a pitiful attempt at a selfless gesture, they didn't even make it a full step before groaning a retreat. "thunderclan honors your bravery," she drawled sarcastically, tail twitching behind her in amusement.

dreampaw earned an incredulous look at his display of bravado. 'the dark warrior', he called himself. nightbird withheld a snort for the sake of her nose. rabbitnose backs him up, the chaos it leaves. surely a bought of insanity followed it as well, that would be the only way to explain this odd behavior. the pale warrior had at least one idea, leave it alone. and just suffer until it decided to bring it's stench along? hunting patrols would continue to suffer, was that a risk they could take with leaf-fall just around the corner?

tigerpaw speaks up with squealing delight as conversation lulls. an innocent idea, to name the creature. one not saved especially for kittens either considering rabbitnose had decided to name a toad just the other day. it wasn't the notion of naming it that had the lead warriors head swinging around, it was what the child offered. "absolutely not," she snorted, ears flicking in annoyance. the last thing she needed was to share a name with a creature... how did dreampaw put it? a wielder of noxious fumes. did tigerpaw think she was being funny or was it just a decision bound to childhood ignorance. either way, her tail lashed unapprovingly. "it's not cute, it does not need to be named. it needs to leave."

but how? that was the question that plagued her. they couldn't just wait it out like their last visitors, at least the boars didn't contaminate what felt like the whole forest at once. she turned to dreampaw, wordiness aside he seemed to have the most knowledge on the tiny beast. "any ideas to encourage it's departure, dark warrior?"

  • NIGHTBIRD she/her, lead warrior of thunderclan, twenty-five moons
    nightbird is a small black smoke molly with pale silver eyes. a loner turned thunderclanner, her loyalty and drive to provide for her clan is unwavering. however, she is not known for harboring a bleeding heart, instead equipped with sarcastically fueled wit, brutal honesty, and a sharply edged tongue.
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking ↛ see battle info here
    penned by vayle@vayl3 on discord, feel free to dm for plots.


⋆✦⋆ Dreampaw nodded along to Rabbitnose’s affirmation. If Rabbitnose had seen the creature in action too then he knew just how ugly it could get. Tigerpaw spoke to christen the skunk with a name, Night, and this time it is Dreampaw who fought to suppress a snort. It wasn’t that it was a bad name but Nightbird was NOT having it.

Honestly, Dreampaw wouldn’t want to share part of his name with a creature that smelled so awful. That would make the Dark Warrior far less impressive. But Night was a fine enough word to poetically describe its white on blackness so he couldn’t help muttering, ”But Night is a nice name.” Any name that created the image of darkness and mystery was uncontested over all else.

Anyway Nightbird was right. It needs to leave.

Dreampaw smiles when the smoke warrior addresses him. He wants to suggest they approach and learn what happens for uh…’research purposes’ but he wasn’t even sure he wanted to do that no matter how good of a joke it would be later if he could convince the others to follow his lead. Plus, it was a near serious matter if the foul creature continued to be a distraction to hunting patrols and the like. They didn’t need any additional distractions with Yellowcough working its horrific way through the their clanmates and leaving them nestridden at best, lifeless at worst.

”On your signal, let’s yowl as loud as thunder bellows and show ourselves. It will surely flee in fear,” he would offer a nod to Rabbitnose and Batwing as he easily recalled both warriors’ advice to keep distance, ”But don’t get too close or else. “

  • name ▹ Dreampaw
    gender ▹ trans ftm + he/him
    age ▹ 9 moons
    ages real-time on the 1st of every month.
    sexuality ▹ pansexual

    clan ▹ Thunderclan
    rank ▹ apprentice

    created on ▹ September 1st
    penned by ▹ yamitisane

  • short description ▹ lithe, short tortoiseshell tom with hazel eyes.

    physique ▹ delicate, smaller than average height, stature lends easily to agile feats
    notable features ▹ a strong menacing gaze
    eye details ▹ hazel eyes

  • traits ▹ confident, creative, delusional, impulsive, prankster, dramatic, mischievous, prideful, antagonistic, sadistic, awkward, likes to play the villain, adorably the chuunibyou archetype (evil eye variant), seems egotistical but it’s mostly for show because he doesn’t mind putting his friends and clanmates first, speaks in third-person person often, likes to eat

    personality ▹

    The self-proclaimed 'Dark Warrior,' Dreampaw is mischievous and proud of his power. He appreciates a good prank or joke and has earned himself disapproval from his peers for his fondness of causing trouble. He's easily excited and makes decisions on a whim, often driven forward by his impulsive nature. Although he hates losing, he sees every defeat as 'preparation for victory,' and waits patiently for opportunities to present themselves.

    Despite the title he gives himself, Dreampaw isn't as sinister as he claims to be. Rather, he's simply an eccentric and somewhat socially awkward youth with a taste for theatrics. Even so, he knows how to portray an intimidating persona that, combined with his impressive natural skills and thirst for power, help make him live up to his self-appointed title.

  • generation ▹ gen 1
    status ▹ single / crushing on: gingerpaw

    parents ▹ npc x npc
    offspring ▹ n/a

    mentor ▹ Asterflame (npc, red and high white tabby tom with van markings; focused, somewhat easily-going and worried in regards to dreampaw)
    apprentice(s) ▹ n/a

    friends ▹ gingerpaw
    enemies▹ n/a

  • interaction notes ▹ willing fighter / shows no mercy / not always the most calculated but has a strong spirit and is fully confident he can succeed in nearly any encounter even when all the odds say otherwise / daring but also plays smart when he has prior knowledge on a certain opponent or challenge / persistent / strikes to kill or disable in real battles with a cold-blooded lack of hesitation / has no issue fighting dirty, inflicting fear upon opponents, being cruel, killing, or interfering with others' battles

    adept at ▹ quick on feet, very agile in his moves, can climb well, not often discouraged and not often does he break his personal facade
    inept at ▹ staying focused, keeping track of time, skills that require brute strength such as carrying many things at once or heavy objects etc, expressing thanks

    stats ▹
    strength ◆◆◇◇◇​
    stamina ◆◆◇◇◇◇​
    speed ◆◆◆◆◇​
    charisma ◆◆◆◇◇​
    intellect ◆◆◇◇◇​

    hunting ◆◆◇◇◇​
    swimming ◆◇◇◇◇​
    climbing ◆◆◆◆◇​
    fighting ◆◆◆◆◇​

  • ▹ Clanborn and raised in Thunderclan. Sometime before his apprentice ceremony, he developed his ‘Dark Warrior’ persona along with his true gender identity and considers this self-defining moment one that he is both proud and fond of.

    WIP as events occur in roleplay!

"Buh-but, it is cute! If not Night, what aboutttt," She paused, a hint of troublesome nature in her eyes. She knew why he didn't want the skunk to be named Night after she put some thoughts together. And even Dreampaw agreed that night was a nice name! She wanted to say to name it Nightbird, but then she was sure a cuff over the ears would come. it wasn't like she was a troublesome cat anyways. She sighed, stomping her foot in a pouting manner. "I'm gonna name it Sky, and there's nothing anyone can say." She insisted, changing her mind rather quickly.

Nightbird would continue to ask the 'dark warriors' thoughts would be on the matter on hand, which he would respond with scaring it. "What if it charges toward us, and is aggressive?" tigerpaw countered, scooching towards Batwing a bit.
Batwing huffed out a hoarse sound- something between a groan of exasperation and a small bark of laughter. Not only was the Warrior of Darkness was here, but Tigerpaw was naming the creature after Nightbird. His grin split across his face- this situation was funny, but perhaps he shouldn't be thinking about that right now. After all, there was something they needed to take care of. The soft snicker leaving his mouth, he turned his gaze towards Tigerpaw as the discussion about naming continued. Batwing finally broke his silence to butt in.

"Would you name a mouse, or vole, just before you catch it and kill it, Tigerpaw? We do not name things that can turn on us and harm us. They do not deserve the honor." Batwing stated coolly, a wry grin still on his face as he turned his vision towards Nightbird, head tilting in question. After all, Dreampaw's suggestion wasn't bad. He surely didn't want to get any closer to the skunk then was necessary. ​
  • Crying
Reactions: tigerwing