hope & perseverance
Feb 28, 2023

The path to the Horseplace was a long and perilous one, wrought with opportunities for awe and danger all spiraled into one like a tabby's swirl. Zorro heard every noise with twice the intensity outside of the Twolegplace, even the shriek of a hungry crow could be proof of a danger he wouldn't even be able to comprehend. Even if the word 'clan' didn't leave an acrid taste on his tongue, he didn't see himself wanting to join one. Badgers and foxes were beyond threats a cat should have to deal with, and with rumours of distant howling at the very edges of clan land, he could only imagine what lurked beyond. Luckily, the solitary cat didn't have to worry about wolves or mustelids. The sky was as peaceful as the earth, the only noise for incomprehensible tail lengths the tweeting of birds and the running of a nearby river. Perhaps the hazards were worth such beauty, but the bobtail didn't have time to appreciate it, not properly.

He stopped for but a second to catch his breath and admire the way the spring leaves caught in the light when he saw a distant figure, large and scraggly, the epitome of the wild. He tilted his charcoal head downwards towards the creature, blue eyes critical in assessing the threat before him. They weren't bounding towards him, they weren't throwing out accusations left and right, but perhaps there was a hidden anger concealed behind that kind face. Zorro decided it wasn't worth risking a conflict. "Apologies, friend." He offered a smile, pleasant, unassuming, guard-lowering. Zorro had no clue how this clan cat would react to his presence so close to the owned ground, and the ribbon around his neck had offered him up to criticisms the likes of which he hadn't even seen enemies receive. The black and white tom inhaled. There was clan stench hovering in the air alright, but he seemed far enough away from it to be in the clear. "I know you lot get fussy over your land. I won't trespass if I can help it." The bobtail bowed his head, eyes never leaving the stranger. "Is this one WindClan or SkyClan?" He asked, gesturing to the land with an animated paw. His tone was sincere in his question, his head tilted forwards in a pursuit of knowledge that may be unwise in the long-term.


six feet tall and super strong ✧°.☀ ———————————— The stocky tom liked time to himself, or that is what he told himself and others when questioned on his solo patrol habits. In all honesty he liked finding kittypets and loners, and sometimes other clan's warrior, along the Thunderclan border and being a little peaceful. To be clear, he wasn't wanting to be a pushover. Thunderclan's safety was always held above his own cravings for less than conventional conversation. But, sometimes the clan wasn't in danger if he teased a Shadowclan warrior that overstepped the Thunderpath. He had actually just been thinking about that white Shadowclanner when his eyes caught movement up ahead.

His first thought was another solo patrol, but as he slowly approached he heard the words of peace, if this was another warrior, they certainly weren't a good one. Stumpybounce responded with a nod to the apology and then waited with a raised eyebrow for the cat's explanation. He saw the ribbon around the neck, a Skyclan cat would have a smell he remembered, this cat didn't, so not even a whatever warrior, the ones that get fed as well as play warrior.

At least the stranger seemed to respect the need for territories, Stumpybounce was thankful for that. If he respected them, Stumpy wouldn't feel the need to scare the stranger off. "I suppose we can be a little uptight about such things. I don't think it's a bad thing however." Stumpybounce then noticed that the eyes of the cat were glued to him, that was good. He should be wary. Not because he would do anything, but other cats may have, and Stumpybounce didn't really like to think about stupid cats getting their blood on the clan's land for no reason.

Anyways, it was a good thing this cat was smart, and it surprised him that he even knew some of the clan's names. "If you are trying to get to either of those places you're a little off. This is Thunderclan's territory. I'm Stumpybounce, nice too meet you..." and he waited to hear the name of this stranger, as he sat down, trying to show the cat didn't have to be too on edge.
[penned by user - [tags☀]]
———————————— ☀.°✧ we'd always get along