dancing in the moonlight | fireflypaw

Howlfire gestures for her brother to follow her quietly, having succeeded in convincing him to talk. SkyClan had two medicine cats it was true, and whilst she did trust Dawnglare, it was her brother she sought out in this moment. Fireflypaw who had always looked out for her, protected her from harm as best he could, and who she could trust to tell her the straight truth and not some cryptic conversation... hopefully.

"I've been feeling increasingly tired lately. Some days I find it's getting so hard to want to get out of my nest," Howlfire whined. Howlfire was quite an early riser, eager to get to the tasks of the day. Not wanting to get out of her nest was definitely an oddity for her. "Can I tell you something else?" She leaned in a little to whisper this part. "I've been eating more than I should have lately. Sneaking another mouse or bird when I'd already eaten earlier." Howlfire looked down at her paws shamefully. She couldn't help her hunger pangs, but with the new code introduced she felt even worse about it. "Y-you don't think I have yellowcough do you?"

Fireflypaw follows his sister calmly, tail gently tapping against her back paws to let himself be guided away from the medicine den, blue eyes wide with curiosity. She talks of her symptoms, and Fireflypaw is thankful that he's had some training in a few things. Otherwise, this would be a wilder guess than he was going to make now. You don't think I have yellowcough, do you? She asks, worried. Fireflypaw hums in thought, thinking of the symptoms Sparrowsong had before they healed. "No yellowcough. You wouldn't be walking around like this if you had it." He points out bluntly, sighing softly to himself. Tiredness, heavy appetite... "Do you ever feel nauseous?" He asks curiously, already having an idea in his head. He hoped he was wrong- but a part of him was excited to know the answer to this question of his.​

Despite her concerns, Fireflypaw is quick to reassure her that she does not have yellowcough. In truth, Howlfire had suspected that to be the case, but her own paranoias had gotten the better of her. "Right...yeah. I suspected as much," Howlfire responded softly, nodding her head.

A moment later she catches her brother looking at her curiously. She stares back with an equally curious expression. Had he come up with a diagnosis? Fireflypaw asked her if she had been feeling nauseous. "A little but I just put that down to my overeating," Howlfire confessed. "Why...what do you think is wrong with me?"
Fireflypaw listens to the words his sister says with perked ears, humming in thought as she gives him the resolute answer he needed for the diagnosis. He takes a step closer to her, bumping his head against her stomach momentarily- invading her space. "Weight gain, along with increased appetite and nausea, with fatigue.." He surmises aloud, tail twitching behind him. "You're pregnant, Howie." He finalizes firmly, ghostly blues staring back at his sister as he waits for an answer. He could only assume it was somebody in the Clan who was the father; Howlfire would never break the code that took their sister dying to create. His paws knead the ground. So, she was pregnant.. What was he supposed to do about that, give her the diagnosis and move on his way? No, he had to be there for her in case this was bad news. "Congrats, Howie."
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You're pregnant, Howie. Although the diagnosis is delivered seriously, Howlfire's first reaction is to burst out laughing. She's not trying to be rude but the idea that she might have been pregnant seemed ludicrous. But then slowly the pieces begin to come together in her mind, and Howlfire realises with a start that it makes sense and that what Fireflypaw had said was true. "Oh." The laughter ends, and a startled expression takes hold. She looks at her paws, at the ground, looks up at the sky, and then finally finds her brother's clouded gaze. "Thanks..." She responds awkwardly, struggling to muster any excitement for this reveal currently. "Stars...what am I going to do? You'll help me won't you, Fi?"
His sister bursts out laughing, and Fireflypaw's face soon turns downwards into a frown of confusion- did he make a joke that was funny? He thought he was being pretty serious. The tom stares owlishly towards his sister as she continues to laugh, before the laughter finally fades off into a still silence. One blink, then two. His head turns awkwardly to the side. "No.. problem?" He meows in return to her thanks, confusion still bubbling in his throat. Then, she asks him if he'll help her- confused as to what she'll do with the news. "I think you should tell pa first. He's going to be a grandpa, after all." And mom, too. She'll be a grandma. He thinks to himself awkwardly, tail swishing behind him. He walks forward, bumping his head against his sister's affectionately as she asks him for help. "I'll always be there for you, Howie. I'll help deliver the kits, and I'll be there for every single checkup beforethen, too. Alright? So don't be scared. You have cats who would do anything to make sure your kits are born safely."