❝ just a little manic ❞
Jun 23, 2024

-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ- Under the shadows of the night, only the moon filtered in its silver light as big paws bury themselves into squelching mud. The shining moon lit up the muddy clearing, vines and overgrowth alight with a glowing sheen. A fresh rain brings more mud than usual, a massive tortoiseshell sliding down onto her stomach to submerge herself in the clinging substance. Her expression is solemn, at peace with her surroundings as she rolls onto her back and covers it in the mud. Distracted by her actions, she cares less for her surroundings as she rolls around and creates a further mess of herself.

"Ahhh.. That's muuuch better.." The molly finally breaks her silence, now completely covered in dark muck as she raises herself to her paws once more. She turns then, greeting the first cat to show up. "Wanna join me? Don't be a scaredy cat." She teases with a soft smile, her fur dampened and sticking to her muscular frame. With all of the frogs they'd eaten, she'd certainly filled out more- no longer sporting a less built frame. Instead, she has gained back the musculature she had when she was completely healthy.

Waiting for a response, the molly tilts her head at the other.

  • adopka2_by_kali_568_dfnxhhg-pre.png
  • HOLLOWMASK she/her, warrior of shadowclan, thirty moons.
    big, bulky body that stands at 10in, with long, wild and spiky fur. gives off weird vibes despite oftentimes seen smiling.
    no close friends // dislikes nobody // no mate, no children.
    will kill / will not show mercy / will rarely flee
    [DANGER!!] this character is cunning, manipulative, sadistic, and controlling yet hiding under a friendly guise. please proceed with caution when interacting with her. ic opinions/actions are ic only.
    attempts at healing is permitted, peaceful powerplay is permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by @icaria ↛ @icariarests on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

  • Love
Reactions: wolfie

ShadowClan's warriors covering themselves as a tactic to be less seen in the night is something that Shrike is aware of. They don't carry a strong opinion one way or the other for it, they themself are often found to be covered in mud or something else. Though that was through accident rather than through purposeful battle manoeuvres. The squelching was grating but they were curious to follow the sound nonetheless. The sight makes them grin but it doesn't take much to do that.

“You've got something on your fur there” they point out with a gesture of a white paw. Shrike hadn't been here long enough to know what Hollowmask was like at her healthiest. They had joined after the majority of the frog boon so her carrying a filled out frame was a common sight. Hazel eyes studied her curiously, tilting their head at the sight of damp mud covering her fur, unable to discern where the mud ended and the fur began. They chuckle all the same, before stifling it as she invites them to join with a tease.

“Oh I don't know-” they begin to say, unsure if they particularly wanted to get literally stuck in the mud. The challenge rings like a bell to them, who were they to not answer the call? “A scaredy cat? Of mud? No way!” Their ear pins back slightly but they don't seem annoyed in particular. The black and white cat crouch and wiggle in anticipation before running and jumping into the mud.

It's thick and feels like sludge, with an exclamation of shock as they spit out some mud. Beaming up at Hollowmask with mud stained fangs they flick a small amount at her. “Do you roll in the mud often or is this a rare thing?” Did many others do this too? They lift a once white paw to inspect it, now temporarily stained a brown shade. Yeah they could definitely see why some warriors do this, they'd probably keep it as a fun activity though.

  • OOC.
  • Shrike│Bio
    They / Them, Loner , 28 moons {ages on the 1st},
    A long haired black feline with low white spotting and hazel eyes.
    Jagged x NPC
    Speech, #ad744a, thoughts, attacking
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by Juice ↛ @/ouijeejuice on discord, feel free to dm for plots.


Tonight carries routine's familiar weight. It is marked by an unremarkable nature—wherein Hollowmask surrenders herself to the damp earth, joined by Shrike via playful invitation, and Smogmaw, while making the rounds, stops to supervise the proceedings. Tedium and fatigue blur the fringes of his vision, and though the grey tom stands poised at attention, his focus slips through his claws and seeps into the cool muck underfoot.

He hasn't slept in a hot minute. Or eaten. Or gotten a chance to frolic in the mud, like these two. He's hapless in his envy. Duty keeps the deputy grounded, chained by protocol, expectations, and he's forever on stand-by, always awake and always prepared. Their skin, kissed by the sun's swelter for the day's entirety, must find the mud to be especially refreshing. They both rub it about with ardent purpose, grinding the muck into their pelts, working up a dirty sheen.

It hits Smogmaw then, in a moment of clarity, that he hasn't a clue as to what's keeping him from joining them. Chronic overthinking paired with a rigorous dissection of the world around him have worn him raw and numb. Hollowed out like a dead husk. How easy it could be, he muses, to discard his weary body and lie beside them in a careless heap. No longer a deputy, nor a clanmate. Just a body in the mud.

"Hi," the tom affords them both, wading a couple rabbits'-leaps forward before he wills his cheek down into the cool mire. It is not long before his neck crooks sideways, his lids shutter closed, and his side crumbles inward to meet the ground. Wet, cool, and inviting, it beckons him closer still—until his flank is flush with the mud, and his limbs stretch outwards in a careless sprawl. "Ahhhh, mud."


It is late, basking under the cast of shadow and moonlight. Stars twinkle high overhead, and perhaps a wiser kit would be asleep, but Owlkit's eyes are affixed to the sky with quiet wonder. Far-off eyes stare up at the canopy painted high above, silently wonderous about what was up there. Surely, she had heard the stories of Starclan many times over, and would for moons to come, but it would never make any more sense.

Ears twitched as she heard a noise- squealch... "Don't be a scaredy cat." One sibling or another kit at some point had said that to her, and while she was beloathed to stop staring at the stars, she dragged her vision away. Two warriors and a deputy- what a sight, as they rolled around in deep colored mud, light shining off what clung to their pelts. The small kit picked herself up, wandering over to the three of them, her paws carefully out of the way of the deepest of the mud.

Try as she might, it still clung to her paws, and she peered on. "What are you doing?" Owlkit squeaked out, but not in a rude way- her eyes were wide and ears perked, clearly interested in just why they were rolling in the mud.
  • "speech"
  • OWLKIT she/her, kit of shadowclan, 3 moons.
    SH blue tabby with low white. unusually small in stature, but moves with unintentional grace. eyes are split blue on top, orange on bottom. soft spoken and kind natured.
    mentored by no one / / mentoring no one
    no current love interest / / sibling to shadowkit, pitchkit, lynxkit, waspkit
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by dallas ↛ dallasofnines on discord, feel free to dm for plots.


-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ- Shrike joins her with a leap, their paw splattering mud towards her and she chuckles as it hits her face without a flinch. Her tortoiseshell fur is now stained with dark sludge, her face splattered with the mud. She doesn't seem at all bothered by the muck, if anything she slowly slides herself back into it with a satisfied hum. "Some of us like to cool down our pelts after a long, hard day. Mud hardens and protects our coats." She states matter-of-factly, her ears flicking upwards as she turns to see who joined them next.

Smogmaw greets them with a brief hello, before he slides into the mud and coats himself in it without a flinch. His sigh of relief is one that Hollowmask can respect; she knows how hard the Deputy works, his body must be aching for the relief of the cool mud. It sort of feels like a cool massage against their skin, and she musters up her best friendly smile possible for the Deputy. It wobbles at the corners, but she smiles nonetheless. "Doesn't it feel great to just relax after doing our duties for so long? Not even StarClan can blame us for this moment." She hums thoughtfully, her mood taking a sudden dive at the arrival of a kit.

"What are you doing?" The nosy bug calls out curiously, and Hollowmask's smile drops instantly as she buries the lower half of her face in the mud. Her body's muscles ripple with relief as she cools down, dull golden eyes looking between Smogmaw and Shrike as if they'd answer the kit. Then, realizing that the Deputy was indeed here, she knew she had to be kind to the squirming thing for once. She doesn't spare the young thing a glance as she kneads her paws in the mud. "Mudsoaking. It's good for your muscles. You'll learn one day that it is the best thing after a hard days work." She rumbles softly, eyes momentarily flicking over to Shrike to gauge their reaction to her response. Was that the correct way to respond? She didn't really.. know how to act around kits, so perhaps this was a learning lesson on behavior.

  • HOLLOWMASK she/her, warrior of shadowclan, thirty moons.
    big, bulky body that stands at 10in, with long, wild and spiky fur. gives off eerie vibes despite oftentimes seen smiling.
    no close friends // dislikes nobody // no mate, no children.
    will kill / will not show mercy / will rarely flee
    [DANGER!!] this character is cunning, manipulative, sadistic, and controlling yet hiding under a friendly guise. please proceed with caution when interacting with her. ic opinions/actions are ic only.
    attempts at healing is permitted, peaceful powerplay is permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by @icaria ↛ @icariarests on discord, feel free to dm for plots.