dandelionwish x butterflytuft // realistic aging skyclan litter

Blitz Krieg

alpha and omega moonlight howl
Jun 7, 2022

Born a barn cat and taken to WindClan to escape the tragic death of his mother, Dandelion quickly earned a reputation of caring too much, an unwanted oddity in Sootstar's WindClan. When he was made Honeytwist's apprentice, his good nature never faded once - even when his mentor was exiled for attacking another medicine cat. Promoted with the name Dandelionwish at the age of 7 moons, the health of the clan fell on his shoulders and it grew to be too much, culminating in the herb raid upon SkyClan, which he opposed. Punished for speaking out, he was demoted and kept as WindClan's prisoner to train their new medicine cat, his friend Vulturemask. After several moons and the realization Sootstar planned to kill him, he made a daring escape and ended up on SkyClan's doorstep, where Blazestar took him in despite protests and he slowly adapted to his new home.

Butterflytuft, on the other hand, was born a kittypet named Gaia. She’d slipped out when she was young and ended up on the newly formed SkyClan’s territory. Blazestar had found her cowering under a bush and brought her back to camp where she was promptly given to the then deputy and queen, Daisyflight, to raise. A coward who had never had a knack for hunting or fighting, Butterflytuft found her own place in the clan as the go-to babysitter and den-repairer. Dandelionwish and her had quickly grown close, their kind natures finding familiarity with each other until one day, Dandelionwish confessed his true feelings, which Butterflytuft reciprocated.

Not long after the birth of the their family, they will discover a lost newborn kit. Much like Daisyflight had taken Butterflytuft in, the young parents will adopt the kitten to raise alongside their own. As first time parents, these two are quite inexperienced! Butterflytuft herself is going to begin as a naive queen who is far too soft on her kits. As the primary caretaker of the kittens, it won’t be far-fetched for them to have rebellious moments that teach the gentle tortoiseshell how to be a firmer parent. In the end, she is going to discover that being a queen is how she truly contributes to the clan the best, and while Dandelionwish continues to become a more skilled SkyClanner, Butterflytuft will opt to remain a queen even after their kits are apprentices.

This is an experimental realistic aging litter. They will be played from birth. By applying to this litter, you are acknowledging that you are okay with aging your character moon by moon and they will be kits for six months before reaching apprenticeship. We are aware this is not the norm, but it's something we're excited to experiment with and try, especially because Butterflytuft will be a permaqueen and we hope this slow, realistically timed development will be fun for both the kits and parents!

  • This is not FCFS. Applications will close on 11/7. Birth will be 11/14, so this gives chosen role-players time to get their accounts set up!
  • Disabilities and birth defects are allowed, but must be thoroughly researched and played realistically. No genetic mutations.
  • All activity levels are welcome in this litter. However, we expect them to be present. We reserve the right to rehome your slot after one month of inactivity without warning.
  • Kits must stay in SkyClan until adulthood, after which they may leave if a plot calls for it.
  • No edgy backstories! Both of their parents are balls of sunshine and will love them unconditionally.
  • Biological kits will follow realistic genetics. The adopted loner kit can have any realistic genetics.
  • Please stick to the names or themes on the naming lists!
  • If you wish to apply for both a biological kit and the adopted kit, you may submit alternative designs if you wish. No one can be picked for both, though! The same character concept can be used.
  • Number of slots are subject to change but right now we want a smaller litter!
  • You may apply with any form you'd like as long as all the basics are there.
  • Please include alternative names in case your first choice is taken by an earlier applicant.



Sire: SH chocolate (carrying longhair, dilute)
Dam: LH tortoiseshell w/ low white (carrying chocolate, dilute)
Toms can be black, chocolate, blue, lilac, red tabby, or cream tabby
She-cats can be black, chocolate, blue, lilac, tortoiseshell, chocolate tortoiseshell, blue tortoiseshell, or lilac tortoiseshell

kits can be shorthaired or longhaired
kits can have no white or low white
kits without white can have any realistic eye color besides blue; kits with white can have any realistic eye color
kits will be born with fever coat which will grow out between 4-12 moons old
red-based kits will mask black or chocolate
shorthaired kits will carry longhair; black-based kits will carry chocolate; non-dilute kits may or may not carry dilute

Kits will be Gen 3
Maternal adoptive grandmother: Daisyflight
Maternal adoptive aunts and uncles: Figfeather, Snowpath, Greeneyes, Violetnose
Paternal grandfather: Harefur
Paternal uncle: Thymeroot


Floral names like Petalkit, Peonykit, Posykit, Sunflowerkit, Orchidkit, Lilykit, Bloomkit, Blossomkit, Buttercupkit

Herb names for his time as a medicine cat like Mintkit, Heatherkit, Burdock-kit, Chamomilekit, Chervilkit, Fennelkit, Goldenrodkit, Laurelkit, Lavenderkit, Rushkit, Tansykit, Tormentilkit
Special Names: Rootkit, Buzzardkit/Thornkit, Daisykit, Snowkit, Rosekit
Names for Butterflytuft: Gentlekit, Warmkit, Caterpillarkit, Spottedkit, Softkit, Yellowkit

Not a Chance Names: Serpent-themed names, Sootkit, Badgerkit, Tigerkit​

Wishkit, Seedkit, Weedkit names inspired by Dandelionwish
Any animal name, especially those common in SkyClan (see guide) like Bunnykit, Volekit, Stoatkit
Any insect name like Caterpillarkit, Antkit, Roachkit, Fleakit, Dragonflykit, Waspkit, Mayflykit, Hornetkit
Flamingkit, Firekit, Glowingkit, Flarekit, Fierykit
after her mentor, Blazestar, who has been a very important figure in her life
Daisykit, Hollykit, Flowerkit, Blossomkit for Daisyflight, her late adoptive mother and the clan's first deputy
Snowkit for her late adoptive younger brother, Snowpath, who died saving her life
Mistkit, Twilightkit, Cloudkit, Woodlandkit, Flutterkit, Mulberrykit, Streamkit, Gustkit, Zephyrkit, Azurekit, Springkit, Ivykit, Rainkit are all names that display her love for nature
Mellowkit, Gentlekit, Songkit, Shykit, Fluffykit because she likes softer names

Names to avoid: Centipedekit, Crimsonkit, Lionkit, Chrysaliskit, any prefix currently in use by an active character

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WISHKIT Butterflytuft XX Dandelionwish


SH blue w/low white & blue eyes (art will be made to reflect proper genetics)
Two slightly different shades of blue cover the entirety of his body with the darker covering the back of his head, his ears, and over and to the outer sides of his eyes completely, the lighter blue shooting through the middle of his head and down, extending to the sides of his face. White star-shaped marking shows up on his forehead and another marking circles over his nose and around his top lips.

The lighter blue continues down his chin and spills down onto his chest and stomach. The darker blue covers his back and legs save for some odd white spotting here and there. The bottom of his paws up the backs to what would be considered the "knee" are white, similar to low-cut socks or ballet slippers, and his tail is completely white until you get to the tip which is splashed with both the lighter and darker blue.

As a kitten, Wishkit is of average... almost everything. Average size of a kit, average ears, average paws, the only thing not completely average is his long tail that he often uses to cover himself when others aren't around. Growing slowly at first it's thought that he'll always be a smaller cat, but when he's an apprentice he'll have a growth spurt with awkwardly long limbs that takes some time to get used to and paws will get slightly bigger. As a result of this growth he'll excel in climbing trees and defensive fighting, but will take a lot longer to learn how to properly hunt and stalk prey due to the awkwardness of the limbs.

To offset his mostly "averageness" when younger, Wishkit has a big personality, and sometimes it feels too big. When he feels an emotion he feels it too much, often bubbling over a bit too soon and the emotions showing very loudly and obviously. When happy he is very loud and jumpy, when mad he's explosive, when sad he's non-stop crying and a blubbering mess. As he grows up he'll learn how to show his emotions in a less distracting/interrupting way, but will never grow out of the physical affection phase of his life, finding comfort and the ability to calm down his emotions quicker if he's pressed against a loved one. His whole life he's almost always found pressed against another or heading in their direction, and his favorite way to sleep is at the bottom of a cuddle pile.
  • Applying for both the adoptive slot and bio kid slot
  • Alternate names: Fennelkit, Orchidkit, Mistkit, Twilightkit
  • Personality will develop more within rp
  • If chosen for bio kit slot, will have fever coat as a kit
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  • Untitled371_20231026142541.png

    SPRINGKIT ; represents freedom and adventure, to her.
    Springkit is a sensitive cat who's greatest wishes are to get everything she wants whenever she wants it and "oh also for everyone to get along all of the time". She feels and expresses her love deeply and freely, oftentimes being said to have big dreams and a big heart but also a big mouth. Springkit, in her youth, will more than likely grow to be known as a loud personality, the kind of kid who has BIG opinions on many topics and who isn't afraid to share these big opinions. At the end of the day though, her heart is in the right place and that is what counts isn't it?
    ⤷ named for her mothers love of nature
    — AFAB ; she / her ; sexuality undetermined
    — kit of skyclan, knows nothing else
    — created x.x.xxxx at x moons / ages every date / currently x moons
    — alt names gentlekit, streamkit applying for bio kit
    — penned by Jay; PINTEREST ; PLAYLIST
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    A dainty black and white she cat with plush long fur and blue eyes / TOYHOUSE
    Upon her birth, Springkit's plush coat is fully black save for the blaze of white on her chest and on her chin. When in her younger years, she will appear as a puffball, stumbling around the nursery on dainty kitten feet and as she grows it will become apparent that she will remain small in stature as her peers and even some of her siblings quickly surpass her in height. As she grows, she will retain the thick coat she was born with but her tail will become noticeably long and the fur around her neck even more fluffy than that of the fur of her body, a look reminiscent of her father. Her eyes are a crystalline blue that just barely borders on green, a happy coincidence that they match the waters of her namesake.
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    Upon first appearances, Springkit appears to be the docile sort. She hides between her mothers or her fathers legs, seemingly timid around new faces. Once the initial “stranger danger” wears away though, and she is comfortable around you, is when she truly opens up. To her peers she will be known as a loud mouth. She’s always babbling on and on about something and in a screaming contest, she would win every single time. She’s the kind of cat who talks a little too loudly even when she means to whisper and it’s often joked that her voice is bigger than she is. Her emotions run deep. She squeals when she’s excited and is prone to tantrums or crying over little things, especially when something doesn’t go her way like for example, if she had spent all day looking forward to eating a mouse and there were no mice on the fresh-kill pile or someone insists she eat something else, she may be prone to bawling. Eventually, when she is older, she may grow out of this trait but she will always remain sensitive at heart.

    And speaking of hearts, Springkit seems to have a big one. She loves deeply and freely, often saying ‘I love you’ whenever it pops into her mind. Wether it be to her family, her friends, or the beetle that she is playing with that day. She is fierce in her devotion, her loyalty, and perhaps only an act from StarClan themselves could ever cause her to waver in her love for those closest to her. As a kit, she’ll have a tendency to daydream, to get lost looking up at the sky and imagining images in the clouds or to make up impossible scenarios in her head where she becomes best friends with everyone. If anyone were to ever dislike her it’s likely she would take it extremely personally and if said cat were in her clan it’s also likely she would go to great lengths to try and make the other like her. That being said, she does not handle rejection or being told no very well. In time, she may learn that it’s okay to not be liked by literally everyone in existence ever but for now she keeps her heart open.

    NOTES in the beginning of her apprenticeship I would love it if it became clear pretty early on that she struggles in a similar manner to her mother, but depending on ic and who her mentor is I would like it if she worked hard and developed her skills through dedication and training.

    ENFP-A : The Campaigner
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    trusts extremely easily, her friendship is easily won
    SOUNDS LIKE: tba voiceclaim if you have one
    SMELLS LIKE: pine needles and flowers.
    speech is #BEE1E6

    DANDELIONWISH xx BUTTERFLYTUFT sibling to tbd | mentoring none , mentored by none
    Mate to none | Parent to none
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    ► SONG NAME - artist
    SONG NAME - artist
    SONG NAME - artist
    SONG NAME - artist

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    ○○○○○○○○○○ HUNTING: knowledge level. Expand on amnt. of knowledge.
    ○○○○○○○○○○ CLAN SKILL: knowledge level. Expand on amnt. of knowledge.

    ○○○○○○○○○○ TRACKING: knowledge level. Expand on amnt. of knowledge.
    ○○○○○○○○○○ COMBAT: knowledge level. Expand on amnt. of knowledge.
  • posting template
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the loveliest lies of all
  • GENERALhow the gentle wind
    rootkit + rootpaw, rootblaze/rootspark/tbd
    ↪ root for dandy's brother
    afab, trans male, he/they
    ↪ bisexual - mates with none
    0 moons, ages 1 moon every month
    skyclan, kit
    can be adopted or biological

  • APPEARANCEbeckons through the leaves
    a longhaired chocolate tortoiseshell with low white and amber eyes.
    smells like leaves after rain
    sounds like tbd
    no physical illnesses

    ↪ link to toyhouse!
  • PERSONALITYas autumn colors fall
    POSITIVE TRAITS: curious, loyal, empathetic
    NEUTRAL TRAITS: protective, stubborn, defensive, realistic
    NEGATIVE TRAITS: distrusting, snappish, cold

    ↪ a generally well mannered cat, rootkit nonetheless holds his walls close around him. his mood is generally snappish, a chill permeating his vocals at most times, even if he tries to hide it. not unkind, he tries to be as empathetic as he can, but his voice is monotone and raspy, making him sound less kind than he is. fiercely protective, rootkit will devote moons of loyalty to his clan and will not stand for any insult when it comes to his family. intense loyalty to skyclan will develop, and a distaste to outsiders will linger as he grows older. pride for his siblings and parents shines in everything he does, and he would do anything to show his support to his family and, most importantly, his clan. though he may be brisk and gruff, he is, at heart, a teddy-bear of a boy.
    ↪ list MBTI type here...
    ↪ or hogwarts houses. or pokemon types, whatever you're into
  • RELATIONSHIPSdancing in a swirl
    dandelionwish x butterflytuft
    ↪ sibling to tbd
    mates with none
    ↪ parent to none
    mentored by tbd
    ↪ currently mentoring n/a
    FRIENDS: tbd
    DISLIKES: outsiders, the other clans
    HATES: windclan

  • INTERACTIONof golden memories
    will not start fights, will end fights, will not flee

    ↪ STRENGTH: ★★★☆☆
    ↪ DEXTERITY: ★★★★☆
    ↪ SPEED: ★★★☆☆
    ↪ STEALTH: ★★★★☆
    ↪ SWIMMING: ☆☆☆☆☆
    ↪ HUNTING: ★★★★☆
    closed off in conversation
    difficult to talk to
    ↪ STRATEGY: ★★★★☆
    ↪ PERCEPTION: ★★★☆☆
    ↪ MEMORY: ★★★☆☆
    ↪ HEALING: ★★☆☆☆
    ↪ WISDOM: ★★★☆☆
    ↪ MOTIVATION: ★★★★☆
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i am applying solely for an adoptive slot!


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    SNOWKIT; named for snowpath, and the color of his fur when he was found ——— alt. names.
    despite his small, fragile size, the tufted cloud of white fur displays a level of personality that is almost shocking. from discovery, if not birth, snowkit is shaped by a defiant will to live. stubborn and headstrong enough to challenge any grown warrior and too proud to admit that he's certainly going to lose, never before has skyclan seen such an itty bitty boulder, and they likely never will again.

    — AMAB; cis male, he/him, masc terms ╱ sexuality unknown
    — currently unborn kit of skyclan ╱ former kittypet, adopted
    — created 10.17.23, born 11.14 ╱ ages real time on the 14th
    — penned by @revelations; HEARTCHART ; PINTEREST ; PLAYLIST

    banner images credit to tuesday riddell, found here.​
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    Though he begins life as a puffed up marshmallow, thorn-point tail and a tiny pink nose, it becomes readily apparent that he will not remain such for long. His colors linger longer than the size of him does. From pebble to stone and eventually to boulder, it is clear early on that Snowkit will dwarf his mother. He shares her long fur, if not her stature, and finds himself well-groomed for such things. What better place to learn to take care of himself than from a mother who shares his struggles? At least he looks handsome then, as his colors begin to bloom. His points darken to a soft brown and eventually to a sharp cinnamon, leaving the innards of him to a soft, creamy color. Patches of white seem almost invisible at first, but eventually cut through his markings in a white neck, tail tip, and toes. His underbelly seems dusted with it in places, as if he's eternally belly-deep in snow. Even then, one thing about him never changes: his kitten-blue eyes seem stuck that way forever. A slight addition in vibrancy spills in with time, but he always looks to his family with the same wide-eyed blue stare.
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    In sharp contrast to his mother's timid nature, Snowkit seems to choose from a time before his adoption that he will make up for it. The, "Thanks, I love it," as he throws it over his shoulder kind of child, the, "Excuse me, they said no pickles," adult, and the, "If you're mean to my siblings I will bite you," kind of brother, Snowkit's spine seems to have grown in spontaneously. Though he will rarely ever raise his voice, it's not out of a fear of doing so– if anything, he knows that he simply doesn't need to expend the effort. Why bother pushing when you can just hold your ground until the other one relents? Such is the best and worst of Snowkit.

    It seems the entirety of him is formed by these contradictions. Things that are good and bad, but never truly neutral. Much like Snowkit himself. No matter the problem, no matter how terribly any might try to keep him from being involved, he must always have an opinion, a thought, a stance. He cares, deeply so. Maybe too deeply, even love comes from deep in the chest and is filtered through so many layers until it spills out stunted and stubborn. He learned to love from two cats who have been through too much, and wishes desperately that he could love the way that they do. Even if he can't repay it in the same words, Snowkit will always be a proud SkyClanner, and a proud son of Dandelionwish and Butterflytuft.

    snowkit will have to be taught to “lie” so to say. as a kitten he is bluntly honest, even when it is impolite– if he does not like the food, he will tell you. if you’re annoying and he wants you to go away, he will ask. this blunt honesty carries out into anything and everything else, but being told to be polite and respectful will eventually curb it in those aspects.
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    A quietly trusting cat who sees no issue with trusting each and every one of his clanmates, Snowkit is rather easy to befriend. Though he can be slightly bossy and headstrong, that often ends up being utilized to the benefit of those close to him. A steadfast backer and an eventual strong apprentice or warrior who will gladly take on a friend's extra work in times of need.
    SOUNDS LIKE: description. voiceclaim if you have one
    SMELLS LIKE: description.
    speech is #ccbfa8

    DANDELIONWISH xx BUTTERFLYTUFT sibling to who | no planned mentor
    TENDS TO AVOID: who?

    THOUGHTS ON FAMILY: Almost aggressively loving, Snowkit is determined to love and be loved by the fmaily that has taken him in. Be it his parents or his siblings, he will be almost overbearing in his desperation for affection.
    — Being his primary caregiver, BUTTERFLYTUFT has hung the stars, as far as Snowkit is concerned. He is a mama's boy through and through, bringing her various things he made or found and even seeking her out throughout his apprenticeship to tell her about his adventures of the day. Anyone who upsets her is very readily named an enemy, even when he's little more than a thistly puffball.
    DANDELIONWISH is something of a point of confusion for Snowkit. Though he loves his father, the more he discovers about him the less he will feel that he knows him. It never diminishes his love for him, but what do you mean he used to be in another clan? He will be beyond curious, and never hesitate to pester him about whatever's on his mind. Eventually he will decide that Dandy is the kind of cat to aspire to be, and will proudly take after him as best as he can.

    PLOT IDEAS subject to change with ic development or my own shifting ideas, but currently a guiding force behind how i expect snowkit to turn out.

    — I would like him to be an intentionally abandoned kitten found on SkyClan territory! Though there would be no sign of his family, the stale scent of a loner would be clear, and it's obvious he was left there on purpose. Nothing special, really, but I would like to avoid any trauma on that front! As peaceful an adoption as he can get would be wonderful. (No dead parent angst lol.) I would also like him to have a somewhat significant (in the very early stages) age gap from his adopted siblings! Be it younger or older, I'd love for there to be enough difference that he's either the first or last to hit milestones.

    — He will not see himself any differently than the rest of the litter, even if he's told about where he came from! He will consider both his family and SkyClan a gift, but may find himself in an extra vulnerable place because of it if anyone chooses to poke at his true heritage. If any clanmates consider him less than or otherwise different than his family, Snowkit's stubborn, rocky exterior will finally begin to crumble. It will genuinely sadden him, and if he's still young when it happens, may truly result in him going and crying to his mom about it.

    — Snowkit will likely be the first of the litter to truly push at Butterflytuft's boundaries. While he loves his mother dearly and respects her a great deal, his questioning, curious attitude and seemingly bone-deep stubbornness will cause him to butt heads with her at times. If she tells him he can't go out of camp, she will unfortunately be faced with a kit that suddenly has nothing better to do than leave. I want her to eventually find her stern voice with him! He will be forced to stop and reevaluate his actions if she ever snaps at him, and while it will definitely hurt his sensitive feelings, he will come to realize that he was in the wrong and do a much better job at listening to her.

    — As an apprentice, I would love for him to have an almost unconventional relationship with his mentor. I would hope to find someone that will both indulge and curb his stubbornness by arguing with him and challenging him, but then shutting him down readily when it gets too far. It will quickly build his respect for them and teach him that however stubborn he is, he still needs to follow the directions of those older and more experienced than he is.
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    my sister says i've a restless soul ╱ restless soul, restless soul ╱ easy to catch, but i'm hard to hold ╱ like a song on the wind that you caught one day ╱ i get under your skin, then i slip away ╱ i'm a map of the world and the ones before ╱ one foot in sea and one on shore ╱ every step, every hope flung high ╱ i'm a map of them all with my irish eyes
    SONG NAME - artist
    SONG NAME - artist
    SONG NAME - artist
    SONG NAME - artist
    SONG NAME - artist
    SONG NAME - artist
    SONG NAME - artist
    SONG NAME - artist
    SONG NAME - artist

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    ⬤⬤○○○○○○○○ PLAY FIGHTING: innate. though naturally skilled, being raised by pacifists is unhelpful in such things.
    ⬤○○○○○○○○○ WEAVING: woeful. try as he might to emulate his mother, snowkit struggles to do so passably.
    ⬤⬤⬤⬤○○○○○○ POUNCING: good. a true hunter-to-be, he is an early master at pinning down tails and small bugs.
    ⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤○○○○ KITCLAN: excellent. stubborn and bossy, he is good at playing at leader, but tends to commandeer a game.
    ⬤⬤○○○○○○○○ MOSSBALL: decent. though he has good coordination, snowkit mostly plays keep-away.
    ⬤○○○○○○○○○ LISTENING: strugglesome. innately curious and headstrong, he's not very good at hearing the word 'no'.

    credit to izanami for the cute kit skills idea! will obviously change these as he ages.
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Martenkit is born to a coat of thick ash. All that can be seen at first are muddy paws and a face of ruddy sunwarmed red, streaked tabby stripes curving across her cheeks. Scattered specks of soot coat the child's form, but not for long. She will shed her gray coat like a pheonix rising from the ashes, a chocolate pelt taken from her father's faux-points with a back dappled like sunlight through trees. From her mother she takes bits of snow, freckles on her face, back, and legs, splashes on her tail and the crown of her head. For her colorless eyes, a barely-there bit of blue, she takes from the treetops. Green grows into her just as it fades from the trees, stealing the last gasp of a green-leaf she does not know and keeping it for herself.

She bears a thick coat befit the leaf-bare she will be raised in, a colorful cascade of fur covering her form. Martenkit's body is befit her name, a stout, long body with a large tail trailing far behind her. She walks low to the ground, but with eyes turned to the sky, strong legs to meet her clanmates among the trees. Her face is round, even past her kithood, framed with a mane of wolfish fur and sporting two large, rounded ears. Despite her bushy fur, Martenkit is actually rather small, her head always tilting up to look her clanmates in the eyes.

Martenkit is an impressionable child, a patchwork creature stictched from pieces of the world around her, hoarding scraps of words and stories to gradually shape a whole. A soft claything, gradually molding herself in the image of what she believes she is meant to be. The sunlit soft-smiling vibrancy of her parents will surely make the child kind, make her hopeful. A strange set of first idols to some, not cats of status (not anymore, for Dandelionwish, and certainly not here), but golden to Martenkit. An ideal of love and warmth, noble and shining. Of course, a child cannot hold onto their parents alone, and where Martenkit goes once she's left the nursery is unknown; a path forged unrelentingly, but never alone.

Martenkit is not without her own impulses, however. For as easily influenced as she is, she holds a strong drive. It is born of fascination -- obsession, perhaps -- with heroes, with stories. Her parents may well be king and queen in her youth, but she longs for something more, something of her own. Fables, adventure, heroism, something grand and perfect -- with a happy ending, of course. And if she cannot have it, she will shape it herself. Her world is a storybook, a daydream, lost in her own fantasy in which she is always the hero. Savior to the weak and the weary, a claybuilt sunshaped creature weaving worlds from thread.

FAMILY HISTORY; marten will always want to know more about her parents as well as how they found her adopted sibling, fascinated by the idea of a life different from her own, a life interesting enough to tell about. she will likely pester her parents with questions, and whine when they won't tell her a story.

RESTLESSNESS; while marten will love her parents, her desire to be the hero of a great story will make her restless in time, and her attempts to break away from her mother and go on adventures could definitely lead to becoming a bit of a problem child, well meaning as she may be. she may also get her siblings in on this for more chaos <3

INTROVERSION v EXTROVERSION; heavily dependent on her siblings & early interactions!! marten is perfectly fine on her own, but may become more social depending on the circumstances! she can either lean towards a more reserved, daydreamy type lost in her own fantasies OR a leaderly, adventurous type sweeping others up into those fantasies!! or both, shifting from one to the other >:]

IDOLIZATION; can lead to several plots depending on who she ends up idolizing!! definitely could result in betrayal when they don't conform to her idea of them or manipulation bc marten is so very easily manipulated </3

focusing on early dev right now; later plots will be determined by early interactions :]
  • OOC NOTE; martenkit is intended as an experimental, heavily IC reactive character. she is defined primarily by the way in which she reacts to the world, to be used as guideline for shaping her character. behavior, ideals, morals, relationships, etc will all be defined throughout rp rather than being pre-determined.
  • ROLLS; i plan to heavily utilize rolling throughout marten's life, to make her development more organic. her skills will have a starting proficiency which i roll for, developing with each instance in which it is used. for example, her initial kithood pouncing skill will eventually develop into her apprenticeship hunting skills, with her rolls during kithood determining how talented she is in it. i may also roll for emotions early on, to create a pattern of behavior on which to base future interactions. if picked, i'll build a concrete system for rolls to use throughout marten's life, taking inspiration from ttrpgs
  • ACTIVITY; will start out casual, likely to grow more active as she nears apprenticehood. for the first several moons of marten's life, i will be focusing mostly on interactions, prioritizing pafps & privs over opens. as she grows older, she will move more into the clan as a whole, but i would like to build her important relationships first.
  • SLOT; applying for a bio kit!
  • AESTHETICS; knights and dragonscale, swords pointed skywards, leaves against stone or snow, hands reaching towards light (or towards one another, or holding onto anything they can), brown, orange, and gold in a brightening crescendo, sunwarmed and blinding, castles and crowns, the pages of books
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I'm a little kid, and so are you - don't you go and grow up before I do

thornkit | thornpaw | thorn-???
named 'thorn' after vulturemask and as a nod to their prickly appearance; warrior name tbd icly
alt. names of bloomkit or seedkit

trans. masc. nonbinary (undiscovered) [afab] | uses feminine pronouns but finds them strangely uncomfortable [she/her]

romantic orientation undiscovered | sexual orientation undiscovered | polyamorous

kit | skyclan

longhaired black with ghost tabby markings + low white; fever coat resulting in silvering; appears mediumhaired | ref
smokey black meets silver in a pale mimicry of a starlit sky overhead, glittering pelt splashed with moonlit white - even upon birth, thornkit paints a strong figure. with all of their fathers slender build and their mothers fluff, they're quite dazzling to look at long before their fever coat sheds to reveal inky-black swirls revealed only in the sunlight. heavy lidded grey eyes with long lashes and a permanent frown leave them looking rather bored and annoyed by default.

gentle | timid | compassionate | thoughtful | loving
a gentle soul at heart, thornkit's personality is at odds with their appearance. though quite timid, they are far from a passive personality, clearly expressing even early on just how much they love and care for their family through their actions. compassionate and thoughtful, everything and everyone within thornkits very small world is at their whims, each insect and flower treated just as gently as the way they choose their words when speaking to others. the peacemaker, the mediator, thornkit seems easily distressed by others pain or stress, quick to insert themselves into the midst while trying to keep things calm. a cautious creature by nature, they'd much prefer clinging to their parents than wandering off, but they aren't afraid to join in the fun when necessary or the moment strikes.

dandelionwish x butterflytuft | gen 03
?? littermates (name,name)
01 adopted sibling (name)
other relatives: figfeather(adoptive aunt), greeneyes(adoptive uncle), snowpath(adoptive uncle), violetnose(adoptive aunt), daisyflight(adoptive grandmother), thymeroot(uncle), harefur(grandfather),

ambiverted | average to befriend | average to romance

morally flexible | loyal to family above all else

plot ideas.
All major life decisions and growth will be completely in character. Just as they are growing from day 1 instead of skipping ahead, everything about them will start just the same. Any and all ic factors will affect their growth as an individual, including but not limited to future friendship, romance, orientation, skills, and warrior name. I may or may not end up using rolls to decide some factors for more options.
Would like to make clear ahead of time that thornkit will likely be a casual character for me, though I won't know for sure until I play them (sometimes my mains come as a surprise to me).
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Found in her youth, the young Sunkit will know only the love of her adoptive parents and littermates. Her Clan will be her forever home and she will grow to be a fierce, protective warrior. However, she will never accept the fact that she was found in a bush (assuming her parents tell her) and upon the news of this, she will feel betrayed. Rebellion, rage, confusion; emotions will run through the body of the young SkyClanner like the wind runs across the moors of WindClan.


Sunkit bares the coat of a beautiful tortoiseshell, her yellow eyes a striking, prominent feature. Her long fur will be predominantly black with flecks of orange, but her belly will be a soft white splotch upon her otherwise dark physique. As scars accumulate in her age, she will still often be regarded as a beautiful, youthful feline.​
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i cannot resist!!!!!

- stoatkit, named for her stoatlike coloring
- afab, transitions to male around 5-6 moons (will be referred to with fem pronouns for kithood descriptions and masc for future)
- sh chocolate w/ low white (carrying longhair and dilute), orange eyes, average-sized and pretty slender, built for leaping through the trees and gracefully snagging birds. will be colorpicking from dandy's palette!
- witty, independent, sarcastic, cunning, jealous, selfish. a stereotypical swaggering street cat who just happened to grow up in skyclan!

- potential future daylight warrior! during apprenticeship his adventurous and independent streak will often lead him towards the twolegplace and beyond, and he'll feel a constant longing to just waltz wherever he pleases. he hates the idea of borders and wishes everyone would get along, but he isn't motivated or powerful enough to do anything about it. he'll eventually find some twolegs who feed him and give him a collar, but otherwise let him do whatever he wants under the assumption that it'd be cruel to trap such a wild cat in their den.
- sort of inspired by marq's doompaw: stoat may be interpreted as an expression of butterflytuft's past as gaia. where she lacks the basic clan skills of fighting and hunting, stoat lacks the passive desire to be a part of a community and honestly finds the amount of support stifling. he prioritizes his family and friends above his clan, and he loves them dearly, but he does not want to provide for those who can't provide for themselves. becoming an apprentice and getting reduced food rations will definitely upset him!

will be upfront on stoat being very casual! cherrypaw will 95% of the time be my first priority in skyclan
also i'm not super settled on this being an actual application but we shall see >:)
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Personality: Azurekit is a strange mix of shy and social. He likes social interaction, but not TOO much social interaction, or he will fade out of the conversation until acknowledged again. He is inquisitive, wanting to learn all about everyone and everything. He mutters to himself when thinking and needs to be snapped out of his train of thought. His shyness does not stop him from correcting others or butting into conversations.

He is mostly independent, and if he does not want to do something, he will let you know and then proceed not to do it UNLESS you say please. If he doesn't like you, you have to say PRETTY PLEASE. As a kit, he will be difficult, but not on purpose usually. He doesn't want to clean up his mess because he knows where everything is now. Maybe he likes the destroyed mossballs. Maybe he doesnt want to share right now. Maybe that mean thing he said is TOTALLY TRUE and he shouldn't have to apologize for telling the truth.

When things don't go his way he will cry. This will last until he's an older kitten and ready to be apprenticed. He won't throw a tantrum, he'll just cry. When he's apprenticed you'll get a bunch of "Why not???" and "I like my way better" though he usually gives in easily.

Other notes

- Brave, if you are in trouble he WILL fight that dog for u

- Nap time enthusiast as a worm, if you wake him he will be GRUMPY!!!

- Will have a little trouble learning to speak at first and will mess up everyone's names

- Will make conspiracy theories. The sun is actually a giant firefly in the sky.

- Will be a lil pudgy at first.

-bio slot!
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  • GBP5KOl.jpg

    WEEDKIT ; bears his name with a great sense of honor
    weed is a thoughtful and critical guy. he is guided by his head over his heart, and tries his best to take the high road any chance he's got. he is introverted and might often be seen "brooding" around camp, though he's usually just lost in thought about something.
    ⤷ named after dandelionwish's perseverance and resilience
    — male; he/him & masc terms; tbd
    — kit of skyclan, loyal to skyclan
    — created tbd, ages every tbd
    — penned by carat; HEARTCHART ; PINTEREST ; PLAYLIST
  • Black LH with low white spotting and blue eyes / INSPO SOURCE
    Weedkit's appearance is as enigmatic as his personality, with his long, sleek black fur often blending seamlessly into the unassuming shade of the SkyClan territory. His coat, though unremarkable at first glance, is accented by a small white streak that stretches from his nose, tracing a delicate path over his mouth, and then broadening slightly as it reaches his neck and chest.

    A closer inspection of Weedkit reveals the intricacies of his unique markings, with a white tip that accents his feathery, fanned out tail. His back toes, too, are dipped in the same milky hue, a subtle contrast that adds a touch of softness to his overall appearance. Despite the lack of ostentatious features, Weedkit's light blue eyes hold a depth that mirror his quiet thoughtfulness, reflecting a mix of contemplation and a guarded wariness that only those who truly know him can discern.

    His wispy, flowing fur often carries traces of the SkyClan forest floor, subtly blending him into the natural surroundings of Skyclan's domain and adding to his earthen, leafy smell. While not possessing the striking allure of some of his clanmates, Weedkit's unassuming presence serves as a silent reminder of the depth and intricacies that lie beneath the surface.
    Weedkit's name hails from his father's unwavering perseverance during his tumultuous past. As the son of Dandelionwish, the once-imprisoned medicine cat from a tyrannical WindClan, Weedkit carries within him that same tenacity and resilience that his father exhibited during his darkest days. From a very young age, Weedkit's pensive and observant nature sets him apart from his rambunctious peers. He spends much of his time lost in thought, carefully analyzing the world around him. Where others may think he is brooding and serious, Weedkit is simply taking it all in.

    Beneath his contemplative exterior lies a high-strung demeanor and caring heart. Though his parents love his deeply, he often burdens himself with expectations to go above and beyond his peers and clanmates. Weedkit's deep-seated tendency to overthink often leads him to view situations through a critical lens, discerning potential pitfalls that others might overlook. His quiet demeanor often gives him an air of mystery, leaving his clanmates to wonder about the complexities that lie beneath his stoic facade. His deep thinking tendencies, no matter how detrimental they may be (or waffling over decisions) ensure that he never makes rash decisions. Despite his introverted nature, Weedkit maintains a pragmatic approach to life, valuing practicality over idealism, and often harboring a cynical outlook that comes from his deep understanding of the harsh realities of the clan life.

    Despite his reservations, Weedkit's caring nature often leads him to quietly look after the wellbeing of his fellow clanmates, even if he doesn't always express it overtly. He is especially interested in the health and safety (and opinions) of his family, both close and distant. His inner conflict between his pragmatic approach and his desire to make a positive impact on his family and clan's future sets the stage for a cat whose journey is sure to be marked by a delicate balance between self-discovery and the responsibilities that come with being a part of SkyClan.

    Interactions with others: Weedkit's thoughtfulness and critical thinking often make him an insightful companion, as he can offer valuable perspectives and advice when his friends are faced with difficult decisions or challenges. However, this same trait can also make him appear aloof or distant, as he sometimes comes across as overly analytical, and his quiet demeanor can be misinterpreted as indifference. In this way, Weedkit is often slow to make friends and slow to open up, as both he and others can tend to be stand-offish with one another given his demeanor.

    Weedkit's high-strung nature means that he can be easily agitated or anxious, especially when he feels that his concerns are not being addressed. This can make him appear irritable, and he may struggle to cope with the more carefree or impulsive members of the clan.

    Despite these challenges, Weedkit's caring nature ensures that he genuinely looks out for the well-being of others. He quietly provides support or assistance when needed, even if he doesn't always express his concern openly. This can make him a valuable ally and friend to those who recognize his caring nature beneath his reserved exterior.

    Weed tends to stare from time to time- usually when he is deep in thought. He might also avoid looking at those he feels critical of, and tends to shuffle his feet when speaking to someone he isn't comfortable with whether its because he looks up to them or he just doesn't know them very well.
    slow to trust, and slow to make friends/build relationships
    SOUNDS LIKE: quiet and well-enunciated
    SMELLS LIKE: earth & leaves
    speech is #HEXCODE

    DANDELIONWISH xx BUTTERFLYTUFT sibling to tbd | mentoring n/a , mentored by n/a
    Mate to none | Parent to none - too young
    NOTABLE FRIENDS: none yet
    NOTABLE ENEMIES: none yet
  • ► SONG NAME - artist
    SONG NAME - artist
    SONG NAME - artist
    SONG NAME - artist

  • ○○○○○○○○○○ HUNTING: none. Can u imagine a fetus hunting that actually kinda sounds funny
    ○○○○○○○○○○ CLAN SKILL: none. He is just a baby, a small boy

    ○○○○○○○○○○ TRACKING: none. I'm trying to figure out how many ways I can say he's unborn
    ○○○○○○○○○○ COMBAT: none. Man is not even jellied yet bro
  • posting template
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bite me raicatty!!!!!!!! i have no self confidence ok!!!!!
yes i'm reusing it idc!!!!

name: any, to be named ic ✨
(except chamomile, lavender, caterpillar etc pls i'm not a fan of long/3+ syllable prefixes)
gender: intersex from birth, agab undefined
pronouns: its/they/any
(they are free to icly believe them to be one or the other from birth and refer to them as such)
appearance: (prototype)

- SH red tabby w/ low white + SH black chimera
me: rai roll the dice
rai: rolls the dice
me: nvm actually

- likely to start out as largely oblivious and cheerful, just wanting to play and love
- early development will be largely stunted as a result of deafness
-- may come across as stupid/dense to other cats until later on when it can understand and communicate with others
-- personality and intelligence will really begin to shine through once it manages to break the communication barrier
- may maintain upbeat nature as it grows older
-- playful, silly, optimistic, hardworking
- exceptional tracker with heightened sense of smell, excellent climber
-- will struggle with hunting, may pour itself into other aspects of training to try and make up for it/bury guilt

- deaf from birth! cannot hear at all
-- early development is likely going to focus largely around delayed/slowed learning ability due to its deafness, and gradually learning to overcome it/lip read/communicate
- mini plot revolving around discovering their deafness..?
- will be born loud and squealing
- will not be born with fever coat as per update​
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Applying for either the bio or adoptive! Only thing that would change for the adoptive is the appearance!

DRAGONFLY/THORN/WISH-KIT butterflytuft XX dandelionwish​



amab demi-boy, he/they | KIT OF SKYCLAN | 00 MOONS

blank-kit is an oddly perfect, if not monochromatic, mix of his parents. They are a perfect little fluffball when young, silvered from the fever coat. Though as they grow out of it, they will reveal a lovely black and blue coat with markings resembling Dandelionwish's, not perfectly of course but enough that they take pride in the comparison of the freckles they both share. He also has the thick fluffy fur resembling Butterflytuft, ear tufts and all. They are always smaller than the rest in their litter and even full-grown he stands short next to most cats.

Personality. blank-kit is rather quiet and docile. He lets things slide and has a hard time saying no to others requests of him. There is little that he stands up for, for that he may often be likened to a coward. This also can bring into question his feelings towards his loved ones, often not openly showing much affection after kithood besides the occasional gift.

When his boundaries aren't being pushed though he is an incredibly sweet kitten, often he can be found trying to find flowers near the nursery to gift to the queens. His preferred activities involve curling up with Butterflytuft for naps and listening to stories, specifically those of Starclan, Dandelionwish’s time as a medicine cat is especially intriguing to them. It is debatable whether his laidback nature will eventually die with his youth or if he will cling to it. Sometimes it seems his imagination may be a little bit more active than other kits, often you can find him puttering on about the little stories he makes in his head, they are quite detailed.

  • COMING OUT PLOT (early apprenticeship)
  • ”STOP SMOTHERING ME” (problems with possible “over” affection from his family members)
  • STARCLAN ZEALOT (possible false prophet? not malicious but probably knowing that he didn’t receive a prophecy, he just doesn’t want anyone to not believe in starclan)
  • EASILY MANIPULATED (possible future plot?)
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Daisykit is an unusually tiny cream tabby with short fur. Their coat has touches of white on the ends of their paws and tail, as well as on her chest. They has two soft green eyes that stand out for their contrast with the color of her fur. Even as they grow, they will be far smaller than most of her peers.

Personality. Daisykit meets life with a smile, ever cheerful and eager to chat with anyone and everyone. There is nothing they would rather do than whittle the day away chatting and frolicking with as many cats as they can. They get along well with most cats, being charming and friendly. Unfortunately, they are also a bit immature, as they don't really seem to take anything seriously; not their training, not the rules, and not even the leader himself. They regularly disregard all three when they feel like it. Any time anything goes wrong, they simply laugh it off.
  • alt names; sunflowerkit or buttercupkit
  • gee, it sure would be a shame if something terrible happened to this carefree and immature character :)
  • their color palate link

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