danger danger | working on camp walls


New member
Jul 8, 2023
જ➶ Living through the darkness of the night means little to him. Not like he has seen the stars in the sky or the light of day. These eyes of his have never seen anything but an expanse of nothingness. It isn't simply darkness because he has not seen that either. Truthfully it is hard to explain so he honestly is happy that no one has ever asked him what it was like. His sightless gaze is lifted up to the night sky and he has been working for a good majority of the night. The cool breeze of green leaf warming his partially solid black fur. A lot of brambles and branches lay in a pile close by and he is carefully using his paws to try and weave them into shape to reform their broken and mangled wall. The bears sure did make a number on them from what he heard his clanmates say and he can feel the breeze blowing through massive gaps. His nose twitches, a small meager pain making eyes partially close. It's isn't so bad though and rather it is bleeding or not does not much matter. Just comes with the territory of bumping into things. Particularly a bramble this time as he collected them. Stepping back he lowers his head and sniffs as paws reach forward and he grasps a bramble carefully, pulling it toward the wall. His ears are shifting, moving to pick up sounds as he works to try and restore what has been lost.

"Ain't gonna look the best but at least it'll be closed up." Just one of many holes they have to fixed. This is only the second one he has managed to do and anyone can tell his handy work. The crisscrossing pattern he normally creatues as he feels for an interwoven pattern. It's nice busy work. He doesn't have to think too hard on what had happened. It...nice.
The bears had made a mess of camp. Applekit couldn't tell if she was happy to be here or not. It was less smelly than the tunnels, less weird than ThunderClan. At least it wasn't cramped, and she'd have her own space with her mom and her siblings again in the nursery, but could she really be safe now, knowing something like that could happen again? Why had the bears even stayed that long, when there had been no yummy cats to gobble up anymore?

Maybe there had been, her mind offers. And they were gobbled up already, Bones crunched, but its a stupid thought. If anyone had been eaten, she would know, right?

Applekit watches as the warrior patches up the bramble walls of camp. Applekit wonders how he does it without pricking himself. Applekit wonders what the point in spending all this time fixing it was, if scary monsters could just tear it down in a few heartbeats. She looks on quietly, frowning.

She agrees that she'd rather have it closed up than not.

Still, " Could it be closed up and pretty too, or are you just bad at it? " she asks, sincerely curious. Applekit needed to be a good warrior for ShadowClan so bears couldn't get them ever again.

chilledstar didn't care how the damned walls looked, so long as they kept them beasts out. that was the purpose of it, right? to keep things out that weren't supposed to be in? what did it need to look pretty for? but then... part of them wouldn't have minded it having a few flowers. like their own fur, it probably should have been kept neat. they weren't gonna have visitors anytime soon, but if they needed to look at them all day, they supposed the kits truly would want for them to be pretty. with a gentle flick of their ears they walk away, coming back with a few flowers in their jaws. they steal one for themself, tucking it behind their ear and giving the rest to applekit.

"we can make it pretty if you'd like."

they quickly groom down their own fur, making sure that they themself feel pretty. flowers always did that, and with a groomed pelt, surely they looked better. at least, they thought so.
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