DANGEROUS WOMAN ~ thunderclan hunting at sunningrocks

( ) The last time she had been here was with Dewfang. It had gone...about how she had expected, but he had helped her get over her fear. She wasn't going to let those fish-brain's win...she refused to let them take any satisfaction in seeing her afraid. That tom had tried to kill her, and she had been too stubborn to die, and now was no different, she was too stubborn to let them think she was weak.

As she emerged through the undergrowth, the fur on her shoulders instinctively twitched, but she forced it down. There had been so much blood spilled over these rocks...but they had pulled her clan through the tail end of leaf bare and what should have been a plentiful new leaf, but the forest was still recovering between the dogs, Shadowclan, and the fire that had wrecked havoc last green leaf. Now her clanmates were starting to fill out, and they no longer went to sleep hungry.

Her eyes would glitter excitedly as the rest of the patrol joined her. Today was a special hunting trip...she had asked Owlear if she could borrow her daughter for a few hours. This would be their first official hunting patrol together, and she couldn't wait. Hopefully Riverclan will behave themselves. She parted her jaws, taking in the smells from the area. The rocks were known for its many mice, so it was no surprise she smelled quite a few trails already. "The mice sure smell active today" she would say, before finding her own trail to follow.

@STORMPAW @Mothsqueak! @RACCOONSTRIPE @Roeflame . @Cloudypaw

feel free to post before those tagged
feel free to antagonize if you wish :)

Squeak Squeak

The young warrior was...quite surprised that she had been asked to go on a patrol with Flamewhisker and a few others, but she accepted nonetheless, figuring this would be a perfect time to gain in more practice in, not wanting to have any other doubt if she was truly even ready to take on the position. As she followed after close with the rest, coming to a halt towards the sunning rocks, a frown pressing on her lips. A war for this, had it been worth it?

Her gaze drifted towards the others who seemed eager to begin the hunt while the young warrior shifted her paws nervously, hoping that riverclanners would dare not show their face up. She knew at one point and time, they had been friends with the others but...soon leaf bare had came, the struggles with the dogs and later down the line Shadowclan... this had been something, that would soon put strain on their friendship with the other clan which left a soft sigh drift from her maw.

"I-it'll b-be a good hunt t-then..." she said softly in response before lifting her nose into the air, trying to track down any scent, her tail flicked slightly as she moved into a seperated route than that of the patrol leader, silentlt hoping that no Riverclan showed up, but one could only hope and wish and she knew they'll soon appear and spit their anger into the faces of the patrol but...this was their land now, not Riverclans.

Fernpaw was not long in front of his patrol, ensuring to spare them a glance every so often. He was prone to losing assigned warriors in the haze of scents that swarmed around him while walking across the territory, but as he had grown he had learned that simply remembering to keep an eye on them did him a world of favours. His vision could not fail him the same way his nose often did; and such was the way he eventually noticed the flash of a ginger pelt, but one he did not recognise, over the river. Behind her trailed a small patrol- and the forest-scent was unmistakeable, then. Even for a flawed tracker, Fernpaw could recognise that putrid stink.

In a manner rarely seen, the bright-pelted tom's fur bristled thorny, nose wrinkling with distaste. Backtracking a little to pad closer to the patrol he was a part of, Fernpaw hissed lowly, "The thieves are back."

Never would a Riverclanner be on the end of Fernpaw's ire, so seldom stoked; but he reserved the hate in his heart for only the evil of the forest.
penned by pin
Each excursion to Sunningrocks so far has managed to leave him smoldering, but he refuses to give up his conquest. He'd jumped at the chance to accompany Flamewhisker on her hunting patrol. The sun-warmed stone is pleasant under his paws, and he, like the other warriors, can hear the scribbling claws of mice and other creatures within the crevices.

A splash of ginger across the shore hisses about thieves, and Raccoonstripe gives him an unwavering dark brown stare. With his tail tip, he beckons to @Moonpaw. and meows, "RiverClan is upset we're hunting on our own territory." Not surprising, considering they've been stealing across the river at night to leave their disgusting scent all over the conquered land. He turns away from the opposite shore. "See what you can catch. I can scent good fortune over the stench of fish."


ROEFLAME — break the air to feel the fall.
Roeflame is more than happy to have been assigned with Flamewhisker, not only enjoying sunningrocks themselves, but the lead warriors company had always been a positive one.
She follows the fiery-pelted molly out into the open, paws subconsciously stretching against the warm surface of the rocks.
She only nods in agreement to Flamewhisker, too eager to try her own paw at catching something to muse something in reply.
Shaded white paws are silent as they trot against the boulder, leaping down from the big rock to one of the smaller ones closer to the rivers bank.
Fernpaws petulant grumbling is not unheard by the warrior, her gaze even momentarily flickering to the brush of ginger partially hidden by foliage.
If any Riverclanners were to look her way, she’d stick her bottom lip out in a comically exaggerated manner, her ears flattening in mock-sorrow before she’d relax her expression once more with a roll of her eyes and a scoff on her tongue.
"Children, all of them. Our kits have more dignity than they." She’d laugh to the closest warrior, her voice still kept low with the priority of hunting still in her mind… somewhere.

Scanning the sparse growth that grew in chunks near their border, Lichentail was often left surprised whenever an apprentice was brought along to a recently contested piece of territory. It was dangerous at the very least, especially with how arrogance encouraged further fighting. Humming quietly to fill the silence of a fairly routine patrol, she was relieved at least to see Fernpaw paying attention to the distance he had from his seniors... An improvement at least, one she was grateful for if only for the orange tabby's safety.

It was at the sight of his grumpy retreat back towards her reach that the blue point tilted their head in confusion. The little patrol leader had decided to grace them with his proximity? "The thieves are back." A frown creased her features at this.... undesirable news, as it only proved to reaffirm her concerns.

"Stay close...."

Raising her head to hold it higher and prouder, the RiverClan cat prowled forward to listen to the childish retorts of the thieves that were so self absorbed they couldn't even acknowledge their own treachery. Turning to glance back at Fernpaw, she made a show of tilting her chin higher, a silent encouragement to hold himself high.

"It must be exhausting to be so bad at hunting in an entire forest that you have to go hunting on stolen land instead just to make ends meet. I don't know how they don't cry themselves to sleep most nights, Fernpaw!" A voice declaring mocking sympathy. If they wanted to throw insults like a bunch of whiny kittens, two could play at that game.​
( ☾ ) there is an uncommon venom in the verdant eyes of the lead warrior as she pads forward the river, keeping to the back of the patrol. the loss of sunningrocks has never sat right with her, but she's been in councils- she knows cicadastar has bigger problems to focus on. still, seeing the forest dwellers lounge about on the rocks is never a pleasant feeling. as fernpaw pushes back towards the rest of the patrol, he mutters something about thieves. whiskers twitch in half hearted amusement as willowroot follows his gaze towards the opposite bank, where a flaming warrior crouches, accompanied by other pelts of earthen tones. lichentail seems more excited about the prospect of mocking the thunderclanners. willowroot wonders if she's a bad authority figure for letting this happen. still, the taunts from across the river send prickles through her fur. she pads out into the open with her tail kinked over her back, snorting at her clanmate's words. "ah, they'll soon learn the rocks are only good for sunning and fishing off of," she agrees, sparing only half a look across. "but they can't fish. unfortunate." she tries not to take enjoyment out of this. it feels good to take out her aggression, point it somewhere where it won't explode. "sad that they can't find enough prey in their own territory. they've crawled on their bellies over to our rocks."

humming thoughtfully, the smoke femme pads closer to the water. "but of course, we shouldn't say these things. they can't take another ego hit, poor things." now her chest is warm, ears swiveling in an attempt to overhear any conversation. this is something all riverclanners will always agree on. "come, lets do what we came here for." crouching, she will stare into the water. after all, providing for her own clan is more important.

// mobile! ​

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Well, atleast our kits are more brave and ambitious than these pathetic mousebrains. Can't even dip their paws in water. How sad." She meowed in response to Roeflame, emerging from some brush as if she came out of no where. She eyed a nervous young warrior from afar as she sat close by Fernpaw's other side. She aimed to give Fernpaw a nuzzle on the shoulder to show praise and encouragement, "Looks like most of them are nervous to hunt on their so called "territory"." She grumbled aloud, giving Lichentail and Fernpaw a snicker, before she tore her gaze back to the Thunderclanners, proudly raising her chin and puffing her chest. "Try fishing- It's fun! Oh! Watch out! Don't fall in.. The pike seem quite hungry.." She teased, her tail twitching excitedly as she goaded on them. How fun it would be to anger them and mess up their hunting trip. "Be loud. Maybe it'll scare the prey or distract them." She urged quieter to the two clanmates for them to only catch, drawing her tongue over her teeth in thought.

It was silly for them to claim Sunningrocks. Most of it was full of prey they were unskilled hunting for. It disappointed Petalnose to see the fish untouched. It must be swarming with fattened fish by now, her stomach grumbling from the image. They'd get their piece of land back.. some day.

Petalnose listened to Willowroot, chuckling softly at her words about their enemies. “Oh but hurting their ego is so fun.” She cooed, deciding to stick at the bank rather than follow the other. Whether she was being a bad influence or not, she decided that she didn’t care. Any fight was her thing. Teasing was almost close to as thrilling as dragging her claws into their pelts.

//ahhh lunch break post and mobile!!!
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જ➶ How long are they going to sit here and have to watch Thunderclan creeping along their rocks? When will they launch their strike against them to take back what rightfully belongs to them? This shouting competition is starting to annoy the moggy more and more as the days drone on. Back and forth, scathing insults. It's almost more exhausting than fishing. Turning their head they let out a huff before shifting along the shore. The fish here were probably all but gone now thanks to his own clanmates and how loud they were being to get the attention of Thunderclanners. Maybe they should diverge from this path and head further down. Despite themselves their need to provide outweighs their want to be a burr in a Thunderclanners side. "They won't see us coming when we take back our rocks. The mere fact that they need them speaks volumes of their horrid hunting skills." He murmurs, more to carry a conversation with his clanmates than speak to Thunderclan at all.

They are in agreement with Lichentail on that. An entire forest and they are too inept to actually catch anything at all. Needing the rocks to so call survive. It sounds more like a lie to them than anything else. Regardless they pause and look to Lichen then. "Want to hunt with me further down the river? I'm tired of smelling squirrel scat." Heh, looks like they aren't to tired of the insults after all.
Raccoonstripe swings his broad head to look at Roeflame, agreement rumbling from his throat. As they hunt, the RiverClan side of the shore becomes crowded with sneering, taunting fish-eaters. He recognizes a few of them just from previous battles and encounters, but Willowroot he knows. One of Cicadastar's lead warriors. They're all just as insane as he is, and she proves to be no exception.

"Why would we need to fish?" He smiles disarmingly, his purr rumbling. "After all, we have these wonderful rocks to hunt on now. Keep your filthy fish. You have what you need, and we have what we need." Their bitterness can be so exhausting! Raccoonstripe wonders if it'll be like this for the remainder of his life.

"You're so right, maggot-face." Hyacinthbreath drawls sarcastically as she finishes hooking a fish on her claw, pulling it onto land with a huff. A swift smack kills the fish, fur shaking out as she sighs at her hunt. She'd done well this time, perhaps she'd bring it back as a peace offering to Clayfur when she saw him next. She tunes out the bickering in the background as she lifts up the fish by its fin, dragging it across the land to add it to the growing pile of fish they caught together. She could never really understand why they loved to argue so much, especially when this was stolen land. Perhaps they were so full of themselves they didn't have anything else to do with their lives.

// ic opinions​