dark blue, dark blue [open/rta]


astronaut in the ocean
Aug 7, 2022


OOC- Quillstrike has been cleared to leave the medicine cats den! He's no longer a sick boy!

When Quillstrike had exiled himself to the medicine cats den alongside the other sick cats in camp, he'd been expecting a far longer wait for freedom. Granted, the weeks spent cooped up away from his clanmates had felt like an eternity when forced to face it alone, but in the grand scheme of things, with cats falling over dead left and right- he'd expected things to remain bleak for far longer than they had. So, when Dawnglare had told them they were all cleared to return to their nests, he'd been surprised. Still, the healer seemed to be right- the Lungwart they'd been feeding them all was doing it's job, and he felt better than he had in weeks if he was honest.

It was late in the evening when he finally stepped out of the medicine cats den and into the fresh, clean air of camp. The sky was turning dark as the stars began to paint the sky, and he couldn't help but inhale deeply, letting the sweet air cleanse his lungs of the stale, herb-heavy crap it'd been exposed to this last little while.

He wondered how Twitchbolt and Plaguepaw were, mismatched eyes moving to scan the clearing in search of either pelt. He'd purposefully been voiding any cat who came near Dawnglares den in hopes of sparing them a cruel death at the hands of the virus, but now that he was assured he was no longer a risk his need to stay away had done a complete 180- particularly in regards to a certain kink-tailed warrior.

skyclan - male - 16 months (Feb 17th) - bisexual - homoromantic - a very tall, dark chimera tomcat with mismatched eyes and several scars. has bluejay feathers woven like spikes along his spine and neck.




♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
Figfeather is grooming herself not too far away when she spots a dark patch of fur in her vision. Looking up she watches as Quillstrike leaves the medicine cats den, he looks strong and healthy, nothing like some of their ill did. ”…Dawnglare must be releasing him” She figures, a subtle smile forming on her face, pleased the cure was working.

Getting up onto her three paws she makes her way over to him. ”You look a lot better… can I expect to see you on patrol again?”
  • » Figfeather
    » SkyClan Warrior
    » She/her . AMAB
    » A red tabby she-cat with a mangled leg.
    » ”Speech”thoughtsattack
  • » A foe in battle whose ability to strategize can shift tides.
    » Excels in strategizing and pre-planning her battles.
    » Fights defensively and aid her clan to victory.
    » May powerplay minor harm. Can powerplay healing

The sickness scared him, it had kept Charlielight hesitant to come most days and he was often left tagging along with other patrols and hunting parties as a result of it. He couldn't necessarily blame his mentor for her worries, she loved her two-legs and wanted to be able to go home and see them everynight and if she grew sick and died here in camp as Tallulahwing did they would never know. A lot of the daylight warriors seemed unsettled by that aspect and the rest of the clan was more focused on managing and getting by. Abysspaw understood, but he thinks about the fear of never knowing what happened to someone you loved and it makes him all he more sympathetic to the kittypet plight.
When Quillstrike leaves the medicine cat den it is seen with much relief and he sighs quietly to himself that finally one of the sick cats was cured and resuming their normal life. It meant hope, it meant more cats to save, it meant his mentor would come back more often and they could continue training. He hoped she visited again soon so he could share the good news, but maybe he'd go that way himself to find her? He did know where her nest was afterall.
"I'm glad you're okay." The apprentice states with a quiet but friendly nod of his head. His green gaze darts to Figfeather's more professional assurance an he smiles, "If you go soon, can I come too? Charlielight isn't here today."

Twitchbolt had been unable to hide how much Quillstrike being ill had bothered him. It dragged him to the brink, really... but he wouldn't be telling anyone that. Surely they could tell, anyway; he had always bothered very little to hide his connection to the chimera, and since his conversation with Blazestar had bothered even less. Let his actions show his feelings, the leader had said. And for these few weeks, Twitchbolt had thought the tall tom would never get the chance.

Relief aflutter on his face, Twitchbolt almost fell over himself as he raced over to his friend, a shuddering, hoarse purr in his throat. Figfeather and Abysspaw got there first, immediately concerned with patrols- but the mahogany-and-white tom didn't bother with responsibilities. All of his importance to the Clan was thrown out of the window when it came to Quillstrike. Maybe that was a weakness- maybe as an apprentice he's have seen it as one- but Twitchbolt would always believe that the connection they had, whatever you called it, gave him strength.

"I'm- I'm- I'm-" and he got caught, stuttering and spasming. Smiling all the while, though... "I'm so glad to see you." It was honest, but not all that he wanted to say. But... well, he wouldn't say much in front of everyone. He didn't want any looks, any comments. Wandering close to the chimera, he brushed their shoulders in greeting.
penned by pin ✧


His response to the patrol stuff was quickly put on hold when the familiar mahogany and cream pelt of a certain lead warrior came rushing toward him. The chimera seemed to visibly soften at the sight of them nearly tripping over their own feet to get to him, and he did a piss-poor job of acting like anyone else in the world mattered in that moment as his attention went fully to the other tom.

Unlike Twitchbolt, Quillstrike didn't seem to have any concerns about looks or comments as he happily leaned into the others touch, taller figure affording him the luxury of licking down a cowlick that sat atop the other cats head.

"Yeah, same." he replied, voice reflecting that special softness that seemed reserved only for them.

He had missed them. Had it been anything other than a contagious virus that could kill them, Quill would have gladly broken every rule in the clan to be able to see his friend over the last few weeks, but not even his own loneliness could tempt him into exposing the other to something so dangerous.

Now though, he was free to do exactly as he pleased.

Mismatched eyes finally landed on Figfeather and Abysspaw, but rather than shift away from the other tom in embarrassment he simply rested his chin atop their head as he regarded the others. "Stick around for a few if you want and you can see it sooner than later." Quill replied with a small smirk in return to Figfeathers question. "I've been going crazy staring at the walls of Dawnglares den these last few weeks. If I don't go touch some grass or something I'm gonna lose my damn mind."

As much as he appreciated the fact that the healer had cured him and the others of the illness, it wasn't exactly fun or fufilling sitting in there all day.

"And thanks." he said, gaze shifting to the apprentice. He should hvae said 'no thanks, my own apprentice is enough of a pain in the ass', but he was in a good mood and Abyss wasn't acting like a total pain, so relented and agreed. [/b]" I guess so. Just don't let Plaguepaw and Doompaw talk you into acting like a brat while we're out there or I'm leaving the three of you on Windclans border to terrorize them for a change."[/b]

skyclan - male - 16 months (Feb 17th) - bisexual - homoromantic - a very tall, dark chimera tomcat with mismatched eyes and several scars. has bluejay feathers woven like spikes along his spine and neck.