DARK HAD NO REMARK - sitting by the river

Bored in the camp Ratpaw had been glad to be able to go out with the patrol she was with now to the river that bordered SkyClan and RiverClan. They were meant to come out and hunt the best they could, watch the territory to see if any rogues decided to come by the border of the territory that now was home to two clans - even if one was temporary. They hadn't much luck with fishing before the rogues had taken over, their supply dwindling day by day, but it was possible now that with less cats fishing upstream there would be more fish downstream... or at least the apprentice had hoped that'd be the case.

By the time they had gotten there though her leg burned and a silent plea was cast the way of some of the other RiverClanners around her as she soon found herself sitting at the edge of the water, injured leg outstretched and dipped within the icy cold liquid. It was getting colder and soon - if words she'd heard before were to be true - ice would find its way over the water and they'd no longer be able to fish. As she sat, orange eyes flicked over the water watching for any fish that could come their way. I'll get up when I see some fish. She kept telling herself, even if she wasn't sure she'd actually be able to get up and move quick enough to catch a fish at the moment.

  • mentor tag - @salmonshade
  • 72197262_ih0kl09k9BIlFkG.png
    ratkit - ratpaw - rat???
    ⋆ female - she/her - 5 moons
    ⋆ homosexual - not looking
    ⋆ apprentice of riverclan
    ⋆ peaceful powerplay allowed
    attack - "speech" - thought
    ⋆ penned by tikki
RiverClan being housed in the same place as Drizzlepelt’s home is… unusual, to say the least. RiverClan might be the clan he’s the most familiar with thanks to his talks with Mosspaw at gatherings, but living with them was another matter entirely. He’s always paranoid that WindClan will come to haunt him while he’s asleep, and to see apparitions of unfamiliar cats before he comes to his senses while he’s trying to relax has only put him more on edge. Nothing against them personally, but his nerves were always alight, and new situations such as these didn’t make it any better.

He spots one of the RiverClan apprentices between the border that separates their ravaged home and his own, attempting to look for fish. It’s a really sad sight, and Drizzlepelt can’t help but frown. He knows what it’s like to lose your home suddenly, in territory known and yet scary in its unfamiliarity. He pads over to her, sitting down and staring at the river before talking. “Any fish passed by yet?” He asks as an ice breaker. He’s never had to fish before, and yet he could see himself among the stream. Must be because of his namesake, both before and after joining.​

If Dipperpaw said she didn't miss home she would be a liar. The first night that they are in SkyClan she finds that she cannot sleep. It is dreadfully quiet in the dark hours with no river to softly babble in her ear. When she was a kit she liked to imagine that it was telling her bedtime stories, lulling her into sleep. When she wakes up in the forest she feels as if she has hardly slept at all. When they go out on patrol her limbs drag, heavy and burdensome. When she sees where they are going, however, she perks up. She nearly runs to the rivers edge and flings herself into its cool embrace. She wants to more than she has ever wanted anything before. Ratpaw feels the same, she thinks. What with the way one paw sits where the waves can lap over it, as if the river is kissing her wounds and telling her everything will be okay, she will make it better like she always does. Dipperpaw says nothing but quietly takes a spot at the white she cats side, a mutual understanding she thinks. A mutual desire to be close to the river.

When finally another cat speaks, a SkyClanner, she casts her sun burst eyes upwards "No... not yet" she answers him. They would not be able to catch anything if they were distracted but she finds herself too curious to prevent the question from passing through her lips "Have you ever had fish?" it is directed at him or any other SkyClanner present with him. Did the other clans subject themselves to a life of only land-prey? How dull that sounded....

  • ooc : — mentor tag! @lichentail and fellow apprentice tag @brookpaw

  • 69166767_W29VveJbx7B3cGv.png

    ➵ she / her
    ➵ riverclan apprentice
    ➵ single
    ➵ bisexual
    ➵ a tall, long legged blue tabby and white she cat with a plumed tail and blue eyes, the left one containing a burst of yellow
    ➵ toyhouse [ ]


No part of Twitchbolt blamed the Riverclanners for wandering out this far, just to get a glimpse of their home. Every cell of Twitchbolt's own brain would be screaming at him- get away! The rogues were there, and- like they ran into any border patrol, they could run into them too. Lawless opponents, apparently- willing to rip a cat from the fray, tear him to bits from what he'd heard. And- well, he'd be a pathetic excuse for a lead warrior if he just turned a blind eye to a concern. A concern, he told himself- not a pointless, spiralling worry. Because the rogues had done this to RiverClan, and they would do it again, and- and they could, if they wanted to. In fact, he was rather certain they were going to-

As he got a little closer to the conversation, Twitchbolt was hardly able to hide the fear in his eyes- the manner in which his eyeballs kept flicking back to glimpse over the border for movement, any movement, any shred of it. Or maybe Cicadastar's haggard, injured form- alive, thankfully. Nothing but worries and wishes whipped around in his skull for a moment. For a few moments.

"No, no- we don't... we don't really learn how to catch'em," Twitchbolt confirmed, answering Dipperpaw's question without looking at her. Form rattling with worry, he kept his eye over the line, ready to spring them all into escape at the slightest rustle. Only when he realised that he'd probably been quite rude could he bear to rip his eyes away from the imagined tormentors to meet the apprentice's sad-looking eyes.
penned by pin ✧
Drizzlepelt nods at Twitchbolt’s response to Dipperpaw’s question. Even when he was learning to fend for himself, he never dared take to the water to hunt for prey. He honestly didn’t mind getting wet, but learning to swim was never something his absentee mother taught him. He had to learn to hunt on ground first before ever touching a fish, and it never entered his mind, anyways. “It’s not something we’re taught, and it’s never a skill I’ve tried to pick up for myself, either. Though, I’m sure fish tastes good! I wouldn’t mind trying a bite,” he says as he licks his lips. Something innate in him is the want to devour saltwater meat; he just hasn’t acted on it before.​

sneezefur & 32 moons & demi-boy & he/they & riverclan warrior

It's nice out today - inspite of the unfamiliar surroundings, the rivers presence is as comforting as ever. Honestly, sneezefur had almost forgotten what it felt like to dwell within the trees, his time with riverclan nearly drowning out the memories of his past. But he was adjusting well - all things consdered.

Though sneezefur sits upon the shoreline only a few tail lengths from the others, seafoam gaze turned upon the churning waters, the skeletal tom makes no attempt to join the conversation at hand. Of course, he couldn't even if he tired, but keen ears turn to listen anyways, head dipping to the side. It's strange to think there are cats here who have not yet tasted fish - he'd thought that the kittypet clan would've been the one to, if any would've. He remembers days spent traveling the streets looking for scraps and left-out bowls - fish was among the more common offerings to the strays and loners that lived in twolegplace, alongside the hard bits that looked like rocks but tasted... okay.

  • Actions && "Speech," && ' Thoughts/Quotes '

    ooc: —
    tw/cw: —
  • a stick figure feline, all sharp lines and awkward angles, sneezefur's body bears the story of a harsh life on the twolegplace streets. his mostly white pelt is littered in scars, leaving him looking rather unpleasant to most. the one exception is shockingly bright seafoam gaze, long-lashed and angular, shining like gemstones upon his face. he's never once said a word to his clanmates, his vocabulary seemingly limited to quiet hums and grunts, but some swear they've heard him talking when alone.

    physically medium && mentally medium
    non-violent powerplay allowed && healing powerplay allowed && minor injury powerplay allowed
    please attack using [b][color=#50c878]action here[/color][/b] and tag account

Silent look of understanding passed to Dipperpaw as she sat near Ratpaw, and her ears swiveled as SkyClanners spoke and conversations had. Before Ratpaw could answer questions they were already being answered, and the only thing heard from her at first were small hums of approval or thought. It was when Twitchbolt mentioned he had never had fish did the apprentice finally take her eyes away from the water, looking quickly over the RiverClan territory across from it before she turned to look back at the two SkyClanners that were there. She didn't think they would know how to catch them - though a pity that was - since RiverClan was really the only clan that knew how to swim or even liked the water, but the fact they had never even tried fish caused her to look over in slight awe.

They had never had the best food in the world, and there was nothing she could do to change that.

"Minnows are easier to catch, if you ever wanted to try one." She'd suggest. They couldn't feed any cat bigger than a kit very well unless more than one was caught, and maybe they could be found in places other than the river. Soft hum from her once again as she thought for a moment, "If we catch any today maybe we could pass it around in camp to let everyone try it." Kits and queens ate first, of course, but maybe this could help everyone keep going if a fish big enough was caught. If any fish were caught... she cast her eyes over the river once more and frown placed itself upon her maw - she still couldn't see any fish. At least not any she could catch.

  • 72197262_ih0kl09k9BIlFkG.png
    ratkit - ratpaw - rat???
    ⋆ female - she/her - 5 moons
    ⋆ homosexual - not looking
    ⋆ apprentice of riverclan
    ⋆ peaceful powerplay allowed
    attack - "speech" - thought
    ⋆ penned by tikki
₊· ͟͟͞͞➳˚ Beepaw walks over when she notices Ratpaw and Dipperpaw by the river, her ears perking forward when the presence of Skyclanners seemingly arrive too and mention how they never learned how to catch fish or not had fish before. The kingsblood can't help but frown believing the kittypet lovers to be just as unfortunate as beavers even if one of the warriors didn't seem opposed to trying fish, the molly takes to Ratpaw's other side as she speaks mentioning how minnows are the easiest to catch and Beepaw can't help the fond smile from forming on her maw knowing that the moon kissed molly seemed to enjoy those little fish the most even if they were barely a morsel to an older cat.

She makes sure to not have her shadow hover above the water and potentially scare any fish, her bicolored gaze flicking back to the Skyclan cats then to Ratpaw hearing how if they caught fish they could let the other clan try it. A few what ifs pop into her head but she does not voice any of them and simply adds with a tilt of her head to the water "Hopefully, we catch a monster of a fish then." Small yet soft amusement lacing her voice.

  • beekit_chibi.png
    ❥ 4 moons old
    ❥ riverclan apprentice
    ❥ sexuality unknown; single
    ❥ daughter of cicadastar and smokethroat
    ❥ sister of cicadapaw & starlightpaw
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    ❥ easy; still learning how to fight
    ❥ peaceful powerplay allowed