border dark harvest | rc patrol

Troutsnout wasn't expecting Lichentail to choose her to lead the patrol to Skyclan, under the presumption of Riverclan not needing to be babysat by the lead warriors. The neutral personality female felt nervous for once in a while as if she was retaking her assessments once again, her strides holding a steady pace as she casts occasional gazes to her surroundings. On the way out after gathering everyone for the patrol and traversing their way to Skyclan's borders, she had noticed that the rivers were quite the spirits today. Newleaf had finally overtaken as the main season with new life spewing out in its course and the river had finally officially thawed and didn't hesitate the show that it was a dangerous site. "The waters are rapid today. . ." She would murmur to her patrol to none in particular as the scent of Skyclan came to high.

"Let's proceed to mark the border," She would instruct as she makes her way to mark as well while everyone else made themselves busy. Hopefully, her peers wouldn't start arguments or do anything that would reflect bad on her-- she's hear of rumors of some Riverclanners embarrassing others on patrols. Did she believe them? Not particularly, but she could only hope for the best. It would be an embarrassment for her to report what happened on the patrol and also ruin her own reputation on leading a patrol again. A deep inhale and exhale part her lips as she focuses on her task on head, often glancing to see if any Skyclanners would approach and inquire them on Riverclan and report to them on Skyclan as well.

ooc | @coyotecreek @QUICKJAW @Tigersplash
"speech", thoughts, attacking

It’s easy to spot the SkyClan warrior as she approaches the stream. The pine forest offered little undergrowth to hide her flame-colored pelt. Without the correct training, a SkyClan warrior stuck on the ground could be as vulnerable as a bird with a broken wing. Still, she seemed to know how to navigate the forest at ground level and keep herself safe while her clan-mates roamed the treetops.

As she steps out of the trees she suppresses a purr, the mixture of sunlight and the new-leaf breeze felt nice against her skin.

Taking note of the RiverClan cat’s present she is shocked to see who’s at their lead. Troutpaw was among the older apprentices of RiverClan, Figfeather guessed she’d get her warrior name any half-moon now. Was she had the head because Smokestar had crowned her a warrior? With how nervous she appears the SkyClan she-cat wonders if this isn’t her final assessment.

”RiverClan,” She greets them all with a respectful dip of her head. Moving closer to the stream she brushes against a medium boulder leaving behind yellow fur sheds. ”I wasn’t expecting to see you leading this patrol, Troutpaw. Have you earned your warrior name?” She inquires, curiosity glittering in her eyes.
  • » Figfeather
    » SkyClan Warrior
    » She/her . AMAB
    » Mentoring Wolfpaw
    » Mate to Fantastream
    » Sire to Sangriakit & Coffeekit
    » A red tabby she-cat with a mangled leg.
    » ”Speech”thoughtsattack
  • » A foe in battle whose ability to strategize can shift tides.
    » Excels in strategizing and pre-planning her battles.
    » Fights defensively and aid to her clan to victory.
    » May powerplay minor harm. Can powerplay healing

Sans Coyotecreek, the patrol was mainly made up of more inexperienced warriors, and Quickjaw had never felt more in his element in his entire life. Whilst slacking off was out of the question, behaving as if he wasn't being held hostage by decorum was not. Padding along the edge of the river with a spring in his step, the flame point found himself often having to slow down and wait for Troutsnout to take the lead instead, impatience evident in his lashing tail: he just wanted to go go go. For whatever reason, his peer seemed significantly less excited. Striped ears flicking at the mention of the water, the blue-eyed tom eventually looked down towards the river where, sure enough, the waves seemed to aggressively chug along. "It's got places to be," he huffed dryly.

He looked over to the first SkyClanner that greeted them, mirroring her nod albeit with slightly more sharpness. Quickjaw raised his head as Figfeather addressed Troutsnout. "Hah, you're damn right she has!" Quickjaw beamed, pride glinting in his gaze. He didn't mind taking over the conversation with SkyClan (domineering it, really), without his mentor shadowing his every step, he finally felt free to speak to their neighbour as equals. His tail-tip curled in greeting as he moved closer to the edge of the river, mindful that the noise may have drowned his words out otherwise. "She's named for her nose, it's the strongest in RiverClan, why... I'd wager it's stronger than a SkyClanners!" Mischief decorated his smile, though he believed his words to be truthful, he spoke lightheartedly, looking to provoke a weak reaction moreso than a volatile one - he was not so foolish as to try and pick fights with otherwise friendly faces. "How about we have a friendly competition to see if I'm right?" StarClan knew what they could track that wouldn't incite a break in the Warrior Code, but with the offer already spoken, he figured the SkyClan patrol ahead could pitch in with some suggestions.

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The ripe scent of Skyclan tingled her nose, one that wasn't the border yet had a familiar scent. Her cobalt gaze flicks as she spots the flaming coat of Figfeather as she dips her head in a mutual respect and meeting. The Skyclanner seems surprised of her leading the patrol much akin to Troutsnout, and she calls her by her apprentice name and inquires of her warrior name. "Mmn, same as I." She would respond to her mention of her leading a patrol as Quickjaw quickly answers for her on her warrior name. The strongest in Riverclan? Oh... this was embarrassing.

Troutsnout shakes her mane out while Quickjaw continues to banter on her name and attempts to start a friendly competition. "I have, it's Troutsnout now." The cinnamon spotted tabby would respond as she rubs against a tree, loose tufts of hair coming off and also giving a good scratch to her coat. "I would be careful around the waters today, they're rapid today. How fares Skyclan?" She would meow towards the warrior warning her of the dangers of the river but also inquiring on the state of Skyclan. Hopefully, all was well.

"speech", thoughts, attacking
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Fishy stench of Riverclan overpowered Chrysaliswing's senses, as though the Riverclanners made sure to make their scents were as impregnated with the pungency of stringy guts and brackish water as possible. The Skyclan warrior attempted to hide the disgust that threatened to paint his face in vivid and sharp shadow, though he never claimed to push away that part of himself. Still, the chimaera remained civil. He certainly did not step near the waters, which wrested and rolled like it harbored some sort of anger, though he couldn't possibly guess what had imbued the streams with such rapid ire. He would never admit it, but he did find the way Riverclan traversed the dark waters quite admirable - not that he would ever step foot in it. "I doubt it. I don't think you can sniff anything with your noses underwater all the time." Chrysaliswing's envenomed voice sounded through the shadows as he appeared behind Figfeather, heterochromatic gaze trained upon Troutsnout and Quickjaw, like a dagger held just at sunlight's graze. "Skyclan is fine. Newleaf is treating us well." He curtly mewed next, choosing not to indulge in Quickjaw's offer at a friendly competition. He briskly paced along the treeline of the pine forest, as if to signal his burning impatience, upon restless and undying charcoals. Besides, with Chrys around, the competition might quickly become unfriendly.

  • IC opinions!
  • eUVAhNL.png
  • —— CHRYSALISWING / He/They / 23 Moons
    —— Warrior of Skyclan / Mentoring n/a
    —— A long-haired tomcat with chimaeric patterning. His left side is fully black and his right side is black splotched with sunset-orange. He has complete heterochromia, with his right eye being a bright green and his left eye being a glowering yellow.
    —— Abrasive, temperamental, and critical. Approach at your own risk and engage at your own cost. Despite this, he is a hard worker and quick to call out what he finds wrong.
    —— Penned by Tempest. Contact on Discord (naruk4mi) for plots and threads.

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-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ- Had they been following Chrysaliswing? Maybe. But it was only because she was wanting to talk his ear off about what she had been up to today, but that didnt seem like the opportune time. Regardless, the young warrior was more than thrilled about seeing the border again and being on patrol! They had missed it so much, seeing Riverclan and the river. Honeysplash spotted the Riverclan warriors across the water first before Figfeather came into sight. She popped up her tail in excitement and it waved behind her.

Swimming is so cool!” They chirped from where they popped up beside the black and ginger cat, speaking right after him to try to deter the rather rude comment from Chrys, “Whatre we competing for?” She asked as she had picked up what Quickjaw said but not entirely. Was it something to do with noses? Probably but she had only just walked up.

Then Chrys says they’re fairing well in Skyclan and she grinned brightly, “How’re things in Riverclan? What do fish taste like?” They ask with a child-like curiosity.

  • HONEYSPLASH she/they, Warrior of Skyclan, 27 moons.
    A lithe, cream tabby cat with high white and green eyes.
    Younger siister to Orangestar, Applefrost and Apritcotflower and littermates with Blueberrybounce and Cloudberrythorn // Former mate to; Quillstrike
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    see battle info here
    penned by youwolf_1997 on discord, feel free to dm for plots.


Strong waters didn’t worry her much, they’d always calm in time. She still figured she could brave it, Starclan did she want to both to show off and well if she could swim everywhere instead of walk she totally would. She smiles Troutsnout’s way head nodding at her orders "On it boss!" she mraows jovially. She gets to it quick then rejoins the patrol just as the Skyclanners emerge. She meets them with a friendly wave of her bushy tail.

She respects the tree climbing clan she’d never had any problems with them personally and they tended to be rather pretty. She’s sure it’s because of those kittypet genes many of them have, sure some of her clanmates may look down on them but she can see the beauty in the exotic pelts some of them had. Seemed the first to speak recognized Troutsnout (it really was an honor to be able to lead a patrol she was both envious and proud) which causes Quickjaw to boast in her stead. Tigersplash laughs "Ain’t that the truth, she’s hard to beat that’s for sure" she herself well she couldn’t catch a good whiff of a mouse until it was already under her paws.

They don’t seem to interested in taking Quickjaw up on the challenge, the pretty but grumpy tom completely pushed away the idea of her skill. It’s quite the departure when Honeysplash pipes up excitedly - her enthusiasm makes Tigersplash sad she wasn’t on this side of the border. "No better feeling in the world then diving into the river" she says pride inflected onto her voice; she begins to ask questions and she’s happy to oblige in giving her answers.

"Things have been good" despite their losses "there’s been more prey in the pile with the river thawing more and more and we have some new warriors and apprentices in our ranks." the others could elaborate more if they’d like she’s quickly pulled in to trying her best to explain the delicacy that was fish. "Delicious! They have such a unique flavor, crisp and fresh you’d be surprised how soft their flesh is beneath all those scales" she excitedly explains.

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