no angst dark wings | owl




Hunting she finds helps to clear her mind. Helps to get all of her ducks in a row and she has been at it since the sun has set. With the cold settling in things are harder than normal to find prey. It shows its face with grumbling stomachs and because of the fire that ravaged their home it's even worse than it should be. Her own meals she sets aside for others to get when they get hungry and now she feels that in her stomach. Perhaps she can find some prey to take back and grab a small morsel for herself. Just something to take the edge off. Her nose twitches as she slips along the thin foliage, following a scent she has picked up a while back. She knows the scent is that of a mouse and it will be a shift from a lizard or a frog. So she hopes she can find and catch it.

Her eyes glisten in the night as she keeps her track, ears shifting as her pale white spine bristles in an attempt to keep her warm. As her paws shift against the ground when she hears soft shifting of foliage, gentle squeaks of her prey. Form crouching she begins to creep forward slowly with the hopes she will be able to catch the piece of prey. Her long limbs tuck and them she sees the mouse, her body uncoils with lithe muscles as she springs with outstretched claws. But she doesn't land on a mouse as she expects to. No, she hits feathers and hears screeching noises. The woman falls and curls in on herself as she digs her claws in deeper, realizing that what she has managed to pin against the ground is an owl. "Shit!"

As silent as the Shadowclanner is herself, the night hunter also had the mouse pegged for dinner. But now the molly is fighting it, shifting as talons scrap against her skin.
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She's a solo hunter more than anything, but since taking her apprentice on, she's come to the realization that she can no longer sink into the shadows unaccompanied. It's her duty to ensure little Siltpaw becomes a useful member of the Clan, and although she finds that irritating, she can't shirk the little twerp when she's only four moons old. Barely old enough to do anything, but the skinny tabby needs some skills. Especially with her unfortunate kittypet blood -- a thought that makes Flickerfire's nose crinkle with distaste.

"Scent the air," she tells @Siltcloud. in a half-bored tone. But when she tastes the darkness herself, her fur begins to prickle. Any ShadowClanner knows the scent of owl, knows to go running from the reaching talons and hungry beak, but it's blood is fresh salt on the breeze. Their medicine cat has somehow managed to trap one, and her mouth waters.

"Need some help?" She calls out. Her apprentice is briefly forgotten; the screeching fury pinned brutally beneath Bonejaw's big white paws now has her full attention. She licks her chops before darting to the owl's left side, teeth piercing the joint of the wing. She shakes her head back and forth, hoping to tear the limb from the bird's body.

- ,,

Soon a blur of black and smokey grey joins the other Mollys in their tussle with the nocturnal avian. A flash of white teeth would be seen in the darkness as Glowingsoul tries her best to bite down on the bird's right wing while Flickerfire handled the left side.

Owls were such a rare catch in Shadowclan territory. Most of the time kits were the prey of choice for the silent hunter, so in the molly's mind, this was a small form of revenge for all those who had been snatched by their claws.

Glowingsoul had also been hunting, as was expected since it was well known by those close to her that the tabby enjoyed stalking prey by the moonlight alone. Still, it surprised her to hear the angry screech of the owl, and was even more surprised by the scent that greeted her as she arrived. Their healer, grappling with a mass of feathers and angry cries of defiance.

Flickerfire had clearly beaten her to their medicine cats' aid, but wanting to be part of this little victory hunt, Glowingsoul couldn't stop herself from jumping in as well.
✦ ★ ✦

She had been hesitant to leave camp that night. While her understanding was that Shadowclan were more often than not night owls, she had always been raised to believe that “home by sundown” was the mantra to live by, that is when the dogs came out after all.
Tonight however, she pushed herself through the exit, trying to keep a confident demeanor as she traveled through a well-trodden path- albeit still muddy.
It wasn’t long into you exploration that she caught the clear scent of… oh, who was it? Flickblaze? Ficklefreckle? She couldn’t quite remember.
Either way, she found that her direction had switched to follow hers, slightly hoping that the other would be up for a hunting companion.
The screeches up ahead spoke a different story, but curiosity killed the cat, and Sweets was running forward.
Stumbling to a stop, her eyes grew wide at the sight of Bonejaw wrestling with a furious owl, it’s screeches something horrific.
Sweets herself was no stranger to barn owls, but those were quite different than the one their healer was currently in a face-off with.
Ficklefreckle instantly threw herself into the fray, and another comes rushing past Sweets, too quick for the chimera to catch who they were.
She froze, her flight or fight telling her to turn tail and run, but what would they think of her? A coward… a kit?
She thinks, only having to take a moment to remember one of her mothers many teachings. "Scream at it! Owls have extremely sensitive hearing- screaming can stun it so you can kill it!" She yells at the attacking cats, watching as Ficklefreckle begins to try and tear the owls wing off with a small knot in her belly- was such a gruesome death truly needed? Perhaps to keep the thing from tearing Bonejaws stomach open but…
She shakes herself away from her thoughts, hoping the others will heed her advice.
siltpaw | 04 months | female | she/her | physically easy | mentally easy | attack in bold #ddadaf

Siltpaw wonders sometimes if being an apprentice is worth it - and then she remembers the respect warriors get, the adoration. She wants to be someone someday... even if she's not very good at anything yet. While flickerfires words come across as a bit harsh - dragging a small flinch from the unsightly child - she nods obediently, jaws parting to take in the scents of the cool night air. Instead of the expected taste of pine and frog and whatnot, it is the copper tang of blood that draws her attention first; and then the all to familiar scent of bonejaw. Freezing, dull gaze goes wide in panic - should she do something? Before she can even gather her thoughts the warriors have already rushed into the fight, and she decides she'd probably just get in the way - she's small and weak and unskilled, the bird would probably snap her up in a flash and eat her for dinner. Instead she hovers on the sidelines, muscles coiled tight and tense, terrified.


The bristling white along her back is stark as she struggles the avian hunter and then she hears the sounds of others. Flickerfire is quick to come forth and offer her help, snapping the bird's wing and then tearing it, pulling it from the birds body. Another comes to help and she is grateful for it honestly. The owl is bleeding onto the ground and all the noise has probably ruined any hunts in the area. So this bird will have to do, her eyes glimmer with annoyance then as she parts her jaws. But she doesn't get to strike just yet, struck suddenly confused at what Seeets says. "Scream at it?!" To her that is pointless and she narrowly avoids that deadly beat. Fuck this thing. She is done playing nice. Screaming at it isn't an option and she quickly snaps her jaws around the bird's throat.

It screeches and them gurgles, shaking and thrashing. Those talons nick her chest, blossoming blood but she ignores it as she pulls and tears flesh. It takes but a moment and then the bird lays dead before them. "Thanks, looks like Shadowclan will eat well. We can use these feathers for some of the nests also." She sniffs as she looks at the bird.