sensitive topics darkness darkness everywhere // catfish

Mar 25, 2023
stalkingpaw | 06 months | polygender | any pronouns | physically easy | mentally medium | attack in bold crimson
Paws carry stalkingpaw forwards blindly - grass and reeds and undergrowth smacking into her as she flees. She does not know where she is going - only knows that she must get as far from that sickening scene as she can. What kind of monster can do such a thing? Why had help not come? Why had it taken them so long to find him - and why did it have o be them? She can still see her mothers broken form sobbing at the side of her fathers... remains, and it almost feels as though the stench of death and rot is following her. She only stops when she feels the cold touch of water on her ink-dipped paws, skidding to a halt and sending sand and silt spraying into the shallows. She pants and heaves and sobs - staring down at her reflection in utter hysteria. "... why?" She doesn't understand - cannot make sense of it. She wobbles, legs giving out and sending er sprawling into the water with a splash. She notices none of this - she only feels small. Is this what life as a riverclanner will always be like? Blood and death and loss? The color she once found so pretty now paints a nightmare she doesn't think she can unsee.

// @Catfishpaw ; tw: mentions of death ofc.