darling buds of may | fishing

It had been hard for Lilybloom to adjust to hunting again after losing her eye. Despite the difficulties, she had been keen to try and get back to work, to try and help provide for her clan. She had taken all the rest necessary for her to recover but she was still eager to get out there. Lilybloom had already hidden herself away for far too long after she had drowned, she did not want to do that again.

The first few attempts at fishing had been bad, to say the least. Despite her best efforts, it had been hard for Lilybloom to catch anything successfully often misjudging where she needed to aim on account of only possessing one eye now. After several; days of failed attempts today proved to be different - today she had succeeded in catching a fish. Trailing in behind the latest returning hunting patrol, Lilybloom proudly carried her fish back to camp, depositing it onto the fresh-kill with a mildly smug look.

A cat bringing prey to the pile is often not celebrated, its a common occurance afterall. Sometimes an apprentice will be congratulated on their first catch, but feeding ones clan was hardly worthy of more than a passing acknowldgement. This was...a little different. The battle at Sunningrocks had been a blow to RiverClan especially after they had been so soundly beaten by WindClan only a few days prior; their already weakened state had ended in absolute failure and some had suffered more than others. He remembers Lilybloom coming to camp bloodied, the side of her face a great seeping wound and it is the memory of this that has him turning to watch as she proudly strutted forward to drop her catch.
He had considered offering help before, but had not wanted to press an issue that might otherwise not want to be discussed, but now seeing her managing so well he found himself thinking to it again. Smokethroat does not often give praise to cats, he isn't interested in enflating egos unecessarily and the humility of doing ones duties should be reward enough, but he makes an exception; albeit a small one.
The dark tom steps forward, lone orange eye narrowed in scrutiny to the catch before finally giving a single curt nod and it is the highest praise a cat of his demeanor can often give. "A good catch."
Its grunted out dismissively but his tone is not harsh, that black whip of a tail lashes once behind him in silent contemplation, he had trained her sister into a proper warrior and Iciclefang had, in turn, helped him train himself to adjust to his new weakness. A blindspot was a terrible thing to have in battle and it certainly didn't aid in hunting either.
"...I was looking for a cat who might help me practice some techniques." He flexes his claws against the ground, curved and sharp; kept in pristine condition, only to sheath them once more, "...you look like you've a moment? Interested?"
It's said casually, in such a way it does not point out the effort would be more for her but who was he to deny a clanmate the right to prove themself.

Not long after leaving her fish on the fresh-kill pile when Smokethroat steps forward. A lone green eye studies him intently, trying to gauge his expression for what he might say, initially a little bit wary. However, when he commends her for her catch Lilybloom allows herself to relax, giving a simple nod of her head in gratitude. She thinks that might be all but Smokethroat begins to speak of looking for a cat that they could practice some techniques with, noting that Lilybloom seems free. She would consider his offer for a moment, debating whether it was wise to throw herself into such a thing. After a few moments of thought, she would nod her head. She had wanted to get herself out there more and prove herself to still be a capable warrior, this little session with Smokethroat would be as good a place as any to do that. "I'm interested," She confirmed. "I can certainly try at the very least."
Fangs were working on prying a stubborn burr from between the molly's toes when from her peripherals she caught sight of a familiar tortoiseshell on her way back with a patrol. Not only that but there was a fish clasped in her jaws. Her grey-blue eyes would widen in excitement before she'd return her gaze to her unwanted hitchhiker. With a new sense of urgency, she'd free herself of the burr before spatting it out far away from herself. "Lilybloom!" Honeystone would chirp ecstatically as she rose her paws. She would make her way over to the other feline and saw Smokethroat chatting with her after the warrior had dropped off her kill. "Sorry to interrupt." She'd apologize quickly between the two once she reached them before turning her sights to the other she-cat. "I just wanted to say I saw you with the fish you brought back. Wonderful catch! I'm so happy to see you're getting your groove back." She'd praise Lilybloom, genuinely happy for the molly. "But I'll uh," She'd glance to Smokethroat."Leave you to it." She'd smile to the both of them before seeing her way out. — tags