Darling | coyotepaw | the devil knows my name

They both got the same punishments of sorts, having to clean and do the boring uninteresting work that had to be done but was probably his least favorite aspect of becoming an apprentice. The second was not getting to go where he pleased, not getting the freedom he’d craved since his nursery days. Keeping Snowpaw trapped in camp was the worst thing you could do to him, he felt like a caged bird; wings clipped and unable to do much but sing forlornly. Not that he sang, not that he sat there feeling sorry for himself. He wanted to, but he also didn’t want anyone to have the satisfaction of knowing how beaten down he felt. The punishment wasn’t doing it's job, he had still felt no remorse; it was Leopardcloud who instilled in him the shame of his actions so sharply that he was still reeling from their brief conversation. He hadn’t even excused himself politely, he’d ran, so daunting was his new knowledge and so judgmental her gaze.
The blue tom wondered if it would haunt him forever, those pale green eyes watching him sorrowfully. It felt like he needed to break this curse, needed to do something…

He had no sympathy for Coyotepaw when the other jumped on him, he had taken it simply as just reaffirmation of his opinion and proof that he was right but now…
Now he wasn’t sure. Snowpaw hated the uncertainty of not knowing which direction to lean when it came to his own feelings and viewpoints. “...Coyotepaw, wait a second.”
He’d been so distracted in his thoughts he almost didn’t realize the other tom had gotten his moss and was leaving, the blue dappled apprentice rising to stand to step forward but deciding against stepping in front of him to stall him; it might have been taken as an attack and right now he didn’t want another scolding from his mother and his mentor.

“I’m…” Why was this so difficult, he’d never had problems apologizing before but maybe it was because they were purely superficial apologies that meant nothing. Sorry I’m late held no weight to it, sorry I lost that squirrel was meaningless, but this felt more impactful. This was not just a wave of a paw, it was an acknowledgement and he despised how much he was struggling with it. “I was wrong!” Snowpaw blurted out, tone aggressive but his irritation was more centered toward himself, “I…I didn’t realize what it was like there. I know it’s no excuse…” He shouldn’t be judging cats on first impressions and their births anyways, “....but I’m…sorry. For what I said.”

I won't apologize for being who I am
While Snowpaw found himself enlightened to the brutal truth of his family's past, Coyote spent the last few days stewing in a toxic brew of confusion, misplaced guilt, and anger. The crippling amount of disappointment that swam within his "sister's" olive gaze was almost too much to bear. It forced the boy to question himself, wondering why she disapproved so heavily of him finally standing up for himself. Especially after receiving backlash or snide comments from other clanmates time and time again. Redstorm, Figpaw, Dawnglare, and now Snowpaw, the list only seemed to be growing. He'd tried to hold out, to ignore the and endure their painful words, and look at where all that built up tension got him. Surely Leopardcloud did not expect him to be skyclan's personal punching bag?

His head was beginning to ache from pondering the possibilities, eyes of mint narrowing as he snatched up his ball of moss and aimed to high tail it out of the den. Starclan knew he couldn't stand being in there any longer than necessary. The silence between the two toms was already tense enough without the older apprentice calling his name. Coyote stiffened, gaze apprehensive as he fully expected another tongue lashing from the dappled boy. "...What?" He mouthed around his ball of foliage. Anxiety simmered beneath his pelt the longer Snowpaw went on without saying a single word, the pregnant pause leaving his mind to dangerously imagine the worse. But surely he wouldn't try anything, given they were fully surrounded by watchful elders.

The tabby's visage lowered a degree as Snowpaw faltered over a single word that eventually exploded into an apology. Pastel eyes widen marginally, genuinely surprised to hear an apology, truthfully it was the last thing he would have expected. Coyote looks down briefly at his paws, mulling over the older boy's words and the seemingly sincere tones therein. "You're the only one that's ever apologized..." Honeyed brows pinch together thoughtfully as his gaze pans back to Snowpaw. His protective walls were still up, ready to defend himself should things take a turn. However, he did manage a less rigid posture whilst placing his moss down. "I'm...sorry too. I shouldn't have attacked you, it wasn't right. No matter how I felt." His jaw tightens as he fights the urge to frown. "It just gets annoying...being pinned as some kind of monster."
Tryna throw shade on me say a lot 'bout you

Coyotepaw was guarded, hackles raised and facing him as if he was going to take another metaphorical swing and Snowpaw could not blame him for it, he would have been just as bristling and mistrusting had the roles been reversed. If anything the other tom took it better, he couldn't imagine himself even giving someone the chance to speak after the entire altercation before; he would've stalked off without pause. He was much more spiteful than the other apprentice. It took a moment for him to raise his own gaze back up from the floor, eyes narrowed but not in a menacing manner-more thoughtfully intuitive and the first remark had his nose twitch in irritation. That he, of all cats, was the first to apologize for being such a bully...how laughable. Snowpaw never apologized, not really, because most of the time he felt so deeply self-righteous in his decisions he never lingered on regrets or possibilities. He was a young cat who often only moved forward. Lowest common denominator-this clan was slacking. 'Miserable idiots.'

When Coyotepaw offered his own apology the blue tabby gave a snort, "Don't. My own fault for not even being prepared after running my mouth. I'm not so easily jumped you know, whether its deserved or not." His expression twisted into a smile, "You got lucky, it's my gift to you. Cherish it, you won't get lucky again."