pafp DARLING, I'VE JUST LEFT THE BAR ✹ nursery visit

Not for the first time, Raccoonstripe finds himself cursing all the cats who think it's a good idea to procreate during the worst season of the year. The stringy squirrel hanging limp from his jaws is barely enough to feed a hungry kit, but it's the biggest thing he's caught in days, and although the scent and feel of the bristly fur against his tongue causes his mouth to water, he knows he cannot partake.

With a groan, a tug of responsibility, Raccoonstripe heads to the nursery, where there is only a lone resident now. Sunfreckle is free to suffer on snowy treks like the rest of them, and so is his sister. It's just overly-round, overly-bored looking Flamewhisker, her belly beginning to plump up. She looks out of place here where he'd only ever visited Little Wolf and Sunfreckle; he'd never really imagined her as the 'queenly' type.

Nevertheless, he grins around a mouthful of gray-red fur and drops the squirrel at her forepaws. "Dinner for... however many you've got in there," he jokes, giving her a cocky grin. "Eat up. It's fresh. Not even frostbitten yet."

He lets his gaze wander about the empty nursery, ear flicking. "Not much to do in here, huh?" His tone is casual, but there's something devilish in his expression. "Bet you don't get many chances to stretch those legs. When's the last time you got to catch something, Flamewhisker?" He watches her carefully, smile never wavering.

// please wait for @Flamewhisker

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Flamewhisker I'll sleep when I'm dead

An eye lid opens as she hears movement outside the den. The red tabby lifts her head, and her gaze lands upon a brown figure. Before she blinks the sleepiness from her eyes, she at first thinks that it was Howling Wind. But when the figure speaks, she realizes that it is not the deputy, but her son, Raccoonstripe. A lanky squirrel dangles limply from her jaws, and her belly rumbles as if on cue. He pads forward, and sets the squirrel down at her paws. Her ears lower momentarily, but she quickly tries to hide her guilt.

"Thank you." she would respond before casting a glance outside into the camp. "Howling Wind has eaten right...? And the elders?" If they hadn't, she would demand that they were given a share of the squirrel too, even though it was hardly enough to consider a squirrel. "It kills me...I don't want to be stuck in here. I should be helping hunt...but I'd just scare everything off with my big belly." she attempts to make a joke out of the last few words of her statement. "It's been a couple weeks."

Burnpaw knows a thing or two about responsibility, responsibility is what he feels whenever he looks at his sister or his mother. It is a strong feeling, the need to protect, to care for and he feels it for his clan too. He feels it every time Emberstar takes him out of the camp for a training lesson and drills it into his head. Everyone is responsible for everyone here, he cannot imagine a different way. It didn't make chores suck any less though.

Why did he have to clean the nursery if it was only Flamewhisker in there? He asks himself it repeatedly as he brings fresh moss into the den for the she cat's new nest. Did being pregnant suddenly mean a cat was unable to make their own nests? Still, he obeys without question and keeps his thoughts to himself. "Special Delivery" he mumbles around his bundle as he pushes his way into the den only to discover his uncle already there. Yellow eyes flash to the brown tabby pelt as he drops it, wondering what he would be criticized for this time, Raccoonstripe always seemed to have some opinion about something he was never asked about after all. His attention turns back to the red-furred queen as she explains she cannot hunt on account of her rotund belly and he can't help but admit he is excited about having a few cats younger than him running around. Maybe the adults would finally lay off. The idea excites him.

Oooh? Whats this? Everyones gathered around the nursery or inside and it piqued her interest as she walks past, doing a quick doubletake as she slides over. Oh! Turns out it was just Raccoon, her friend, and Burnpaw visiting lone queen Flamewhisker, which makes Coves eyes light up. She had meant to ask how Flame had been after the fox attack but had never gotten around to it, so now was a perfect time, or was it? It was pretty busy in here already even if it was only Flamewhisker nested.

"I'm sure the others have enough to eat." a quick meow, friendly as Cove pokes her head besides Raccoontails taller figure. "You're not missing out on much hunting, don't worry! Still snowy." she chirps, oblivious to the deeper meaning that Raccoon had intended for it. Cove purrs and sits besides her friend, happy to provide Flamewhisker some company if she wanted it. The nursery is a cozy place... She likes it, wonders what it be like to stay here fulltime. Oh well! She has a job to do.
✦ ★ ✦

Flamewhisker I'll sleep when I'm dead

Another figure caused the entrance to rustle, and as she peaked around Raccoonstripe's figure, she spotted Little Wolf's son, Burnpaw. He carried fresh moss in his jaws, and while he didn't look overly excited to be here, she was still thankful for the new bedding. "Thank you." she would purr gratefully. Being waited on for weeks was not her fancy, but it sure was helpful. What she wouldn't give to be able to fetch her own bedding, and hunt her own prey, but every day she grew more tired and helpless. Her paws burned with the urge to go out even just a paw step into the forest, but after the incident with the fox, she knew she was incapable of doing so for right now.

"How is your training going? Learn anything interesting?" she would ask the young tom. She missed her training sessions with Jaypaw. Her heart longed to see him, but he hadn't visited her yet. She hoped he wasn't upset with her. Before she could ask about her former apprentice, Covecatcher poked her head in. A smile formed on her maw as the other molly spoke, she was almost always in a cheery mood. "The prey better hide well when I'm let out...snowy or not, I'm coming for them."