camp DAWN |☀| thinking

WE HAVE YET TO CRASH ✧°.☀ —————————————————————————————
Greenleaf was in full swing now. It made him nostalgic, in a way. Happy, too. Although the days grew hotter and sometimes he wanted to retreat under a rock to form kinship with the salamanders, it reminded him of his kithood. Lightpaw had been born in Greenleaf. Things had felt so bright, so easy back then.

Come to think of it, that meant he was nearing a full twelve moons of age, didn't it? How had he forgotten? He would be a warrior soon, with a warrior name of his own and no more apprentice duties, free to do as he pleased.

It was this thought that he mulled over now as he sat in a cluster of other apprentices, hardly paying attention to the chatter as he stared down at the bird between his paws. Lightpaw seemed to be startled out of his thoughts when one of them asked, "something wrong, Lightpaw? You're zoning out."

Now looking up, he noted that half of them were staring at him now. "Uh, no, not really. Just thinking, I guess." He paused, a small grin creeping onto his maw. "I'll be a warrior soon. Bet you'll all miss me soo much."

Swiftly, he stooped down to take a bite of his prey. He hardly paused to swallow before he began to mumble around it. "Wha'dya think my warrior name will be?" He gulped it down, nearly sputtering in a choke. "Something cool, I bet."

[penned by its_oliverr - ]

Sloestride slunk into camp on leaden paws. The sun had been haunting him all patrol, his dark pelt warm at the tips even as the warrior waded into the shade. If only they could somehow store some of that heat and keep it for leafbare. It was a stupid thought, but he let himself off the hook for the time being.

A clutter of apprentices caught his eye and, typical of the tom, he could think of nothing better than to listen in on whatever conversation they were having. Picking a spot a little off from them, he let his blunt ears sweep to catch their words. 'Wha'dya think my warrior name will be?' Ah, a classic. He didn't think he'd heard a bad warrior name, not really, however he had received some sort of prodding from Wolfwind about his own. Didn't know what that was about though.

"No doubt. I dunno about suggestions, luckily Howling Wind is great with names. I didn't really think about mine 'till I got it." Sloestride made the comment mid-huff, shoulder conking off the dry earth with a thud. Then, not wanting to appear redundant, he added, "Maybe Lightbite- no uh- Lightstorm?"
( ) Having joined Thunderclan after already being past the age of apprenticeship, she had missed experiencing the anticipation of waiting to earn a warrior's name. All she had to do was tell Emberstar she wished to join, and with the next meeting she had gotten her name...Flamewhisker. At first, it had sounded sort of funny to her...but it had grown on her with time. Sometimes in her free time, she had imagined herself with flames for whiskers...just thinking about it right now made her chuckle a little. It seemed she had grown into her name...whenever she was angry, it probably looked like she had flames coming out of her face!

As she passed by the chattering group of apprentices, she heard Lightpaw asking what the others thought his warrior name would be. It was a good question really...she loved to guess what names Howlingstar would give the apprentices. The fiery tabby slowed down, and slowly wondered over to the group...hopefully they wouldn't mind if she joined in.

"Maybe...hmm....Lightheart? Or, uh, Lightstripe is a good one!" There were so many possible outcomes...Slowstride's suggestion of Lightstorm was a good one!

Sky-blue eyes attached to an all-too-furry frame stared at Lightpaw from the safety of the corner. He was acutely aware of how the sticks and leaves woven into the wall wrapped themselves around a flame-pressed pelt, and an overactive mind imagined them rooting him in place. Shinepaw’s presence was only announced as a half-curious, half-worried tail flick confirmed that the cat was not indeed stuck.

Truthfully, Shinepaw didn’t know how to approach the other. It was like starting a new job only for one of your coworkers to quit a few days in. Lightpaw was practically a warrior already, while the shaft of sunlight hardly knew his way around the territory. What little they did have in common would vanish as soon as Lightpaw left the den permanently. Still, the sociable tomcat enjoyed talking, and wouldn’t let their differences get in the way if a good conversation.

“Maybe Lightcool?” Shinepaw offered, genuineness as evident as his empty head. The newly-christened apprentice was no good with names, it seemed. “Or Lightawesome! That’d be a good one.” Clearly, the cat had to workshop a few things. Starclan themselves likely shuddered at the thought of the tiny tomcat in charge.​
"What about Lightbeam? OH OH, or Lighthawk? Nobody would ever mess with you with a name like that!" Chickadeepaw interjected, her mouth full of squirrel. She swallowed down her mouthful, coughing a little bit in her haste. "Lightcool sounds like that thing - y'know, that thing where two things are put together but opposites? Like.... 'pretty ugly' or... or.... um.... 'smart dog', yeah!"