dawn can't break .. eden ?!

eden ?!

    ⋋ name
    alliance ⋌​
    ✧ edenberry
    previously -- eden, edenpaw​
    kittypet / skyclan ✧
    daylight warrior​

    ⋋ eden was named by their twoleg and does not understand the meaning behind the name ⋌
    ⋋ berry is given for their compassion and unwavering optimism ⋌​

    ✧ non-binary .. they/them ✧​
    ✧ undetermined .. dating cherryblossom ✧​

    ⋋ eden is currently 13 MOONS
    ⋋ their birthday is APRIL 13TH
    ⋋ they age up every 13TH ⋌​

    ⋋ description .. green-eyed white cat with a black dorsal stripe, black spots on the ears, and eyebrow dots accented with a cropped tail ⋌
    extended .. bearing resemblance to an oriental breed, edenberry is a very lengthy, wry cat with ears that lean towards unproportionally large. most times they present fairly thin, maintaining a lean and well-toned shape that suggests proper feeding habits at home as well as constant exercise in the wilds of SkyClan territory. though generally short-haired, it's never far off to find tufts of fur in wild display at the top of their head, cheeks and nape of their neck- they don't care to worry about their appearance much since otterbite's attack, opting to avoid their reflection whenever possible. from the top of their head and all the way down their back to the tip of a bobbed tail, edenberry is painted with a black stripe, complimented only by two dots on the back of their ears, and two more dots where their eyebrows would be. they had a very narrow, long face, marred on its right half as a wound given to them in their apprenticeship; this is matched by rosy pink scars that gouge down their back and are the only indications they've ever been in combat at all. their nose, insides of their ears and paw-pads are all a soft pink color and their eyes are a vibrant green they like to think reflects their spring-bright personality.

    ✧ smell .. sawdust and incense ✧
    ✧ voice .. loud and cheerful ✧

    ✧ physical illness .. none ✧
    ✧ notable features .. cropped tail, scarred face ✧

    ⋋ positive ⋌​
    ⋋ neutral ⋌​
    ⋋ negative ⋌​
    happy-go-lucky .. outgoing .. excitable​
    curious .. energetic .. loud​
    air-headed .. unaware .. spitfire​

    ⋋ extended personality .. wip ⋌

    mental illness .. none
    social quirks .. talks louder the more excited they get- often ends up yelling while having conversations​

    ??? .. mother [ npc ] x ??? .. father [ npc ]
    ??? .. sibling [ npc ]
    ??? .. sibling [ npc ]

    hazelbeam .. adopted big sister [ @Hazelbeam ]
    spicepaw .. adopted little sister [ @spicepaw ]

    mentor .. tawnystripe, hazelbeam
    apprentice .. none
    past trained .. none

    mate .. cherryblossom [ @Cherryblossom ]
    former mates .. raindrop [ @RUMBLERAIN ] ​


    diplomacy style .. pick me!
    catch phrase .. 'heyyyyyyy'
    combat style .. RUN!
    special move .. play dead - lay on the ground and stop moving

    strength .. ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧
    dexterity .. ✦ ✦ ✦ ✧ ✧
    speed .. ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✧
    stealth .. ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧
    swimming .. ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧
    jumping .. ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✧
    hunting .. ✦ ✦ ✦ ✧ ✧

    strategy .. ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧
    perception .. ✦ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧
    memory .. ✦ ✦ ✦ ✧ ✧
    healing .. ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧
    wisdom .. ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧
    motivation .. ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✧
    charisma .. ✦ ✦ ✦ ✧ ✧


    eden was born a kittypet. though the memory of their mother or father or siblings is a complete haze, they know that they exist somewhere out there... occasionally smells bring back fuzzy memories but nothing concrete remains. their twoleg plucked them from that environment before a more involved relationship with their family could exist. eden doesn't have much to complain about though- they are well cared for by their twoleg though they are often left alone. they dig around in the garden, playing with the butterflies and largely just doing whatever kittens do. as they've gotten bigger, their curiosity has grown-

    there is a world beyond that wooden fence and after days of sitting atop it staring out in wonder, eden noticed a pattern. there were small small groups of kitties way out in the distance that would walk by near every single day... and some of their neighbors had mentioned it in passing. skyclan, they called it! eden wondered if that meant they spent most of their time in the sky then... which seemed crazy but... also so so cool!

    deciding to take matter into their own paws, the kit decided they would investigate this 'skyclan' while their twoleg was away- all in the name of harmless discovery of course.​

penned by tieirlys !!
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