dawnpaw 🌄 you ain't got not right to care where i wake up these days


New member
May 20, 2024

  • name â–¹ dawnkit > dawnpaw > dawnmoth
    gender â–¹ cis female + she/her
    age â–¹ 10 moons ( 09.01.2023 )
    ↳ ages real time on the 1st of every month
    sexuality â–¹ heterosexual

    clan â–¹ thunderclan
    rank â–¹ apprentice

    created on â–¹ 05.21.2024
    penned by â–¹ helly

  • short description â–¹ sh red mackerel tabby w/ low white and folded ears

    physique â–¹ average sized apprentice with large paws and big head that she hasn't grown into yet.
    notable features â–¹ large paws, big head.
    eye details â–¹ blue.

    scent â–¹ damp moss
    voice â–¹sounds snobby most times

    demeanor â–¹ she carries herself with an air of poise and hostility. she's a bitch.
    accessories/items â–¹ n/a

  • personality traits â–¹ naive / childish / arrogant when she has absolutely no right to be / obsessive / snobby / mean / loyal / aggressive / outright and blunt about her beliefs / outspoken

    alignment â–¹ to be decided
    hogwarts house â–¹ slytherin

    likes â–¹ laying in the sun, battle training, soaking in puddles on a hot day, catching rabbits (she gets to go fast)
    dislikes â–¹ climbing, the cold, chasing birds (she actually has to try)

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  • mentored by â–¹ antlerstride , she/her , npc
    mentored â–¹ tag here

    mentoring style â–¹ she won't be an easy going mentor, she will push them to their breaking point and might even do a few unethical things to make sure that her charges are trained properly.


    due to thunderclan heritage +3 on Scent & Stalking

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history —— 🌄.°✧
[ 🌄 ] - important / development

  • kithood to present —— 🌄.°✧
    Dawnmoth was born to two Thunderclan loyalists who abhorred that the clan even took in kits. They thought the pureness of Thunderclan was being tainted by the kittypet trash they were taking in, and the rogue traitor children were going to infect the minds of their young. That's just putting their ideals lightly, to be frank. Dawnpaw and her four siblings were all named after states of day-- Midnightpaw, Sunpaw, Dawnpaw, Nightpaw, Morningpaw, etc. Dawnpaw was the only girl in the litter and so she was pushed from day one to make her parents proud, her grandparents, even, when they were still alive.

    Dawnpaw's parents were just adolescents themselves when the clans were formed and had taken great pains to secure places amongst the clan cats for them and their impending offspring, and their parents were happy to work hard and grow old for a good group of cats that had a chance at being a decent group. For now, Dawnpaw is content in her apprentice duties.

    She complains but only a little, does her chores and her training as needed and excels in combat, failing spectacularly in hunting most of the time due to her heavy feet and big head that she still hasn't grown into. She's ready for whatever's to come, and who knows? Maybe she'll make a fool of herself one too many times.
  • may, 2024 —— 🌄.°✧
    lights on
    — sparring ft. softpaw, orangepaw, adderpaw, wildheart, houndpaw, & wrathpaw
    we don't believe in safe environments
    — dawnpaw's on camp duty! ft. littlekit
  • june, 2024 —— 🌄.°✧
    thread name
    — brief description
    thread name
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  • july, 2024 —— 🌄.°✧
    thread name
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  • august, 2024 —— 🌄.°✧
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  • september, 2024 —— 🌄.°✧
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  • october, 2024 —— 🌄.°✧
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  • november, 2024 —— 🌄.°✧
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  • december, 2024 —— 🌄.°✧
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dawnpaw & 10 moons & female & she/her & thunderclan apprentice

Text goes here and then "Speech," here, and don't forget to emphasize a few words like this.

  • Actions && "Speech," && Thoughts/Quotes

    ooc: —
    tw/cw: —
    tag: —
    mentor: antlerstride / she/her / npc
  • — sh red mackerel tabby w/ low white and folded ears

    — physically healthy && mentally healthy
    — non-violent powerplay allowed && healing powerplay allowed && minor injury powerplay allowed w/ permission

[box=60%; text-align: justify; font-size: 12px;][center][size=16px][glow=#FF9C6A][color=#FF9C6A][b]YOU DON'T HAVE A RIGHT[/b][/color][/glow][/size][glow=#FF9C6A][color=#FF9C6A]

[size=14px]dawnpaw[color=#FF9C6A]&[/color] 10 moons [color=#FF9C6A]&[/color] female [color=#FF9C6A]&[/color] she/her [color=#FF9C6A]&[/color] thunderclan apprentice[/size]
Text goes here and then [b][color=#FF9C6A][glow=#FF9C6A]"Speech,"[/glow][/color][/b] here, and don't forget to [i]emphasize[/i] a few words like [i]this[/i].  

[slide=—][size=12px] Actions && [b][color=#FF9C6A][glow=#FF9C6A]"Speech,"[/glow][/color][/b] && [i]Thoughts/Quotes[/i]

[b]ooc[/b]: —
[b]tw/cw[/b]: —
[b]tag[/b]: —
[b]mentor[/b]: antlerstride / she/her / npc
[slide=TO CARE ABOUT WHERE I WAKE UP IN THE MORNING][fleft][bimg]https://f2.toyhou.se/file/f2-toyhou-se/images/81344471_Rh1IeNSCXY9aO5T.png[/bimg][/fleft][size=12px]   [color=#FF9C6A]—[/color]   [i]sh red mackerel tabby w/ low white and folded ears[/i]

   [color=#FF9C6A]—[/color]   physically [b]healthy[/b] [color=#FF9C6A]&&[/color] mentally [b]healthy[/b] 
   [color=#FF9C6A]—[/color]   non-violent powerplay allowed [color=#FF9C6A]&&[/color] healing powerplay allowed [color=#FF9C6A]&&[/color] minor injury powerplay allowed w/ permission[/size][/slide]



[b][URL='https://tabbytales.net/threads/dawnpaw-%F0%9F%8C%84-you-aint-got-not-right-to-care-where-i-wake-up-these-days.14569/'][FONT=book antiqua][SIZE=11px][COLOR=#DB7C4C]TO CARE ABOUT WHERE I WAKE UP IN THE MORNING[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][/URL][/B]
[box=70%]she/her | 10 moons | thunderclan[/box][/fright]
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