*:・゚✧ Chilledstar wasn't super nice towards any of them, but at the very least she let them all stay in one place. Excluding the kits, queens, the sick, and the medicine cats (although he's not too sure about the medicine cats or the sick). It's not too bad. Amber eyes gaze at all the worn faces and skinny bodies. Let him reiterate. It could be worse. Even though he had to be in the same place with the other clans outside of Thunderclan, he was going to be okay. It wasn't like he lost everything. Even though things were weird now he still had Thunderclan and that was a big comfort with times like these. Still, he felt weird with being surrounded by so many cats he didn't know the names of. No one said they were obligated to get along and he wasn't expecting for everyone to suddenly hold paws and become the best of friends. That would be highly unrealistic given the fact that Windclan who had a questionable reputation was in the same space as them. He's happy that they all didn't just start brawling as soon as they settled.

I mean, i don't have to talk to anyone outside of thunder... but it feels kinda wrong not to learn who the other cats are. think of this like a gathering and uhm what did shiningsun say? get to know your peers, right. For that reason he pads around trying to find anyone who seems to be an apprentice, although truth be told he can't really tell and it doesn't help that they're all scattered doing their own things. Guess I have to take one for the team. He probably looks like some moron screeching "H-hey! Apprentices! I know we m-might not like each other and that's okay, b-but! I think it would be nice if we could learn each other's names and talk! I'll go first. My name is gingerpaw! Shinningsun is my mentor and I'm from Thunderclan." Was that good enough? I won't get in trouble right?

XXXXXThe first time they’d been chased from their territory had been almost too much to bear, but this—this is an indignity Bluepaw had never thought she would be forced to face. She crouches miserably, insects buzzing in her notched ear, other Clan cats in her other. If forced to choose which of the two is more annoying to her, she’d have a difficult time picking one over the other. The small gray she-cat broods, looking at her paws with half-lidded, shimmering emerald eyes that are flinty and cold despite their beauty. In her head, monstrous thoughts begin to turn, thoughts of violence she had never before entertained.

XXXXXShe wants to go home. She wants to do anything possible to get away from this swamp, to not be at the mercy of Clans who are beneath WindClan.

XXXXXA cat with ThunderClan’s oaken scent begins to chatter, and Bluepaw’s ears flatten briefly. The last thing she wants to do is make friends with commoner’s, but… what else is there to do? Her belly is half-full of slime, of the frogs her mother had once eaten, and she finds conversation may either suppress her nausea or intensify it.

XXXXXThe reddish tabby introduces himself as Gingerpaw of ThunderClan, names his mentor as Shiningsun. Bluepaw stares at him without blinking. “I am Bluepaw of WindClan. My mentor is also my mother and leader, Sootstar.” Immediately, she must establish how much better she is than this cat. She has wind and fire in her blood—she has a conqueror’s heart, born and bred, honed like fine steel. She is Sootstar’s progeny, her protégé. With that in mind, she straightens her posture, eyes narrowing. “Pleasure to make your acquaintance.” A lie, but one well-told.

  • Haha
Reactions: Floppie

A myriad of thoughts swarm her mind, tumbling relentlessly as she contemplates things like how long would it take until they can return home. Her hatred of the mucky marsh was another thing constantly lingering at the forefront of her mind. Perhaps it was one of the reasons her mother decided to leave this place. A grimace darts across her features as a single ebony paw lifts to sling a bit of caked mud from the appendage. Disgusting. The plume of her thick tail begins to wrap itself across her paws once it returns to the ground. Somewhere nearby a voice calls out and Sablepaw's eyes drift until they find the thunderclan apprentice in question. Given her sour mood and the aching the still panged within her shoulder she hardly wished to perform any introductions. But she supposed it wouldn't hurt to be amicable, especially towards cats that have not personally caused her any ill intent.

Dark ears rotate forward, listening quietly as the tom goes first by dubbing himself Gingerpaw and listing his mentor. A windclanner follows up swiftly after, her tone cool as the shade of her coat and her mentor, Sootstar herself. It was hard for Sablepaw not to blink with a faint hint of admiration. She would've loved to have been mentored by either of her parents, but that was not a possibility now. She slender shoulders roll to alleviate some of the soreness there before speaking up herself. "My name is Sablepaw, apprentice of riverclan. My mentor is Cindershade." She finished with a small nod.

≖≖ riverclan apprentice / twelve moons old / she/her ≖≖
₊· ͟͟͞͞➳˚ Beepaw isn't far from Sablepaw and quite frankly doesn't want to speak with any of the clans, she's tired and feeling several mixed feelings all at once but most importantly, she's homesick. She wants to return to the river and have her father come back to them in one piece as well, it feels impossible now. Her eyes notice her friend shifting slightly and her gaze turns to a Thunderclanner named Gingerpaw who begins to introduce himself, bottlebrush tail thumping onto the ground as she feels the fur on her neck rise ever so slightly. They weren't here to make friends but she supposed that she could use them as a distraction from her injury and everything else that had been happening to all of them. She nods her acknowledgment of the tom only to turn her attention to Bluepaw who mentions that her mother is not only her mentor but the moor queen who had nearly had a hissy fit when they had arrived and Beepaw can't help but snort.

"I can see the resemblance," The younger molly says as she sits up and slowly stands until she's leaning against the uninjured side of Sablepaw. She listens to her friend speak before deciding that she should probably introduce herself as well "I'm Beepaw, apprentice of Riverclan. My mentor is my father, Smokethroat." A half smile present on her maw, she's not trying to one up Bluepaw by any means but if she could simply make it known to the other molly that she isn't as special as she believes she is, it would be enough for her.

  • beekit_chibi.png
    ❥ 4 moons old
    ❥ riverclan apprentice
    ❥ sexuality unknown; single
    ❥ daughter of cicadastar and smokethroat
    ❥ sister of cicadapaw & starlightpaw
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    ❥ easy; still learning how to fight
    ❥ peaceful powerplay allowed
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Applepaw did not like being here. It is noisy, full of cats she has never seen, nor caught a wiff of despite having more than one gathering appearance. ShadowClan must occasionally walk among them to ensure the guidelines set for their guests have not been broken, and in most aspects, Applepaw is more than eager to return to her nest, or get back to hunting for ShadowClan.

But it would be a lie to say she is not the slightest bit interested. Whether that may be to pick at the most interesting among the strangers, or simply to see if other Clan cats reached the same levels of annoying as ShadowClan often did. Applepaw finds herself tuning into the chatter of some apprentices. Introductions, or something. This seems utterly pointless. Gingerpaw of ThunderClan. Applepaw certainly did not see the point in mentioning mentorship unless— Sootstar, yes— it was someone like that. Applepaw does not hide her interest, and immediately, she pities poor Gingerpaw. When Bluepaw straightens her posture, so does she.

Cindershade, the name rings a bell. Smokethroat— certainly. Poor, poor Gingerpaw.

She notices, too, that the swamp's muck and insects were bothering all of those gathered. Oh, Applepaw hated it just as much, but she finds strange satisfaction in being far more used to it than any of these cats were.

Abruptly, she decides to insert herself into the mix. " I am Applepaw of ShadowClan, " Typically, she would not volunteer her name so easily, but now she fingers hers was one these apprentices would know at some point or another, regardless. " Smogmaw is my father. " ...but he is mentoring some lowlife. And also gone, possibly to never return. Applepaw does not let herself clench her teeth in front of the others. No, shedoes not care at all. " And my mentor is Granitepelt, " a thing only slightly less prestigious. Perhaps she should get to know "Bluepaw" and "Beepaw" better. Sablepaw might not hurt... Poor Gingerpaw. With a faint smile she tells them," I hope the swamp has not been too unkind to you all, " A lie.

  • ( I'M OBSESSED WITH THE MESS THAT'S AMERICA. ) APPLEPAW. kit of shadowclan. eldest sister to swanpaw, ashenpaw, and garlicpaw. ( + birdkit, halfkit & tanglekit )
    —— she / her; confused by the use of others.
    —— currently 7 moons old as of 10.22.23. ages every 17th.

    longhaired blue torbie with a white chest, paws, and underbelly. A young cat you would describe as " bossy, " Applekit is quick to take charge of any situation she sees herself as the probable head of. A rule - follower to a T, and thinks herself better than the majority of her clan for this. Not ignorant enough to think herself above a warrior, but seeks to gain that status as quickly as possible. Intensely self - motivated to be the best in a mixture of blind, childish desire, and never wanting to be afraid of anything ever again.
Cottonpaw's plush fur fluffs with the humidity of the swamp - even with the air chillier than that of cloudless nights, it feels thick and unyielding. And like the others, the bugs are more than enough to get under her skin. She can handle the occasional beetle and would even play with a grasshopper, but the swamp makes her feel like hot badger dung with how the flies hardly leave her be.

Her tail curls around her body as the apprentices begin with introductions. Her sister volunteers information like she has power with it, and Cottonpaw purses her lips somewhat. It's very in line for Bluepaw to brag, especially in front of less fortunate apprentices, but Cottonpaw almost wishes that her sister had not entertained the small gathering at all. When did I get so... pessimistic? She asks herself, though her fathers croaking voice still hasn't left her mind.

She sits taller as the other apprentices continue the conversation. Her facial scar stings when Beepaw speaks, and her stomach churns. Her expression is all that keeps her from looking outwardly uncomfortable, though those well aware of Cottonpaw and all she is would find her paws kneading the ground, claws scraping the wet pine nettles, and know how she feels. She's grateful for that of Applepaw, Sablepaw, and Gingerpaw. At least she doesn't have to focus on her attacker's little lookalike.

She almost feels bad to outright ignore Beepaw, but she does, at least for the moment.

"The swamp isn't too bad," she lies, as they all seem to be doing, "And it's nice to have a little conversation, I suppose," another, though this one only partial. Her tail twitches, "I'm Cottonpaw, Bluepaw's sister," she shares a smile to her icy eyed sister before looking back to the others, "I'm training to be a medicine cat, underneath Wolfsong. I'm not sure of your mentors, but mine is very kind. He makes sure I understand things before moving on." She supposed she should be the conversationalist here, lest they all introduce and say nothing more.​
The fluffy black apprentice is there because they've wandered again, golden eyes wide and unseeing as they pad about the territory and they had forgotten about the Burnt Sycamore now housing several other clans. It is a wonder they found it given the miasma of scents flooding the area, filling their nose and blinding their only reliable sense but after a bit of bumping along into cats they realized it was not really that dangerous here. The other clans, though enemies of a sort, were far more focused on surviving and trying to manage outside their territory than they cared about any infighting and that was good with them. Forestshade had gotten sick recently, leaving Sweetpaw mentorless and motherless in one swift blow and the blind apprentice could only hope foe distraction in this sudden upheaval of their normal duties and diligences.
"I'm...Sweetpaw." They say with a high voice, having sat down near the familiar scent of Applepaw for security and directing their gaze in the direction of the voices - they were sitting in a sort of circle now that they took a moment to listen in and realize so it was very easy to find a point to face forward without it seeming too jarring for discussion. They should do circle talks more often, it was less awkward than hearing 'what are you looking at' every moment.
"My mentor is my mother Forestshade and she is...sick." Sweetpaw's voice trails into a light whine of a sound, words slurring in their tired way, "The ground isn't that bad here, its soft and damp..." The dark apprentice settles down to press their ear to the earth, humming to themself in contentment, "It's easier to see this way."


  • dg7xjfe-3cba7704-88de-406c-9472-ad57880b8650.png
    —⊰⋅ Apprentice of ShadowClan
    —⊰⋅ They/Them
    —⊰⋅ LH Solid black w/golden eyes (Is Blind)
    —⊰⋅ penned by Rai