border daydream ★ thunderclan patrol

Things had been quiet along the Windclan border...eerily so. It had been quite some time since she had seen anyone in the moor dwelling clan that went on the journey. It was definitely concerning...who knew what could have happened to them with Sootstar. For all she knew, those who went on the journey could have been exiled...the leader seemed to enjoy exiling her clanmates.

Snow crunched quietly underneath her paws as she lead the patrol along the Thunderpath. The path was completely covered with snow today, and there didn't seem to be any monsters traveling. A harsh wind from the north carried thick, fresh Shadowclan scent. The new deputy wrinkled her nose at the smell, but she quickly shook out her pelt to disguise her disgust. Without their help on the journey, we would've all died. she reminded herself. Though it doesn't make them smell any better.

The tabby padded to a nearby tree and rubbed her cheek against the bark to mark it. "The snow seems to be picking up. Let's not linger...sometimes when it snows the monsters leave the Thunderpath."

  • @leafhusk @PEBBLESTEP @Acornpaw.

  • IMG_1727.png

    LH red tabby with low white (masks black tabby, carries dilute, solid)
    — Deputy of Thunderclan ; currently mentoring Acornpaw
    — she/her ; mated with Flycatcher
    — mother to Stormfeather & Falconheart
    — 29 moons ; ages on the 20th
    — Smells like dirt, old leaves, tree sap, faint hint of flowers
    — will start a fight, will finish fights, will kill (case depending)
    "speech" ; thoughts ; attacks
    — penned by Icey ! ; link to tags
    — link to toyhouse

dirty snow underneath leafhusk’s paws made a nasty, slimy crunch as she followed the patrol. she hated walking so close to the thunderpath in the middle of leafbare, the snow that piles close to it always gains a gross mucky color. her nose twisted, combined with the stench of shadowclan her senses felt overwhelmed. at least she finally felt awake from the blast of cold air. hopefully that’s the last wind from leafbare.

“sometimes, when the snow piles up really high on the thunderpath, they send monsters to push it all away. we’d get buried.” she warns, rubbing her side against a different tree.

  • base: StarlingaleBases​
  • LEAFHUSK 」warrior of thunderclan・36 ・she/her
    lh molly fawn point sepia w/ green eyes. lanky & agile frame. soft & neatly groomed fur.
    ‣ backwritten ex-kittypet, joined during emberstar's reign. detailed info
    ‣ loyal to thunderclan・mentor to no one
    ‣ please attack in underline and tag
    permission to powerplay:
    - peaceful actions: healing, touching etc​
    - harmful actions: shoving, minor scrapes etc​

    all opinions ic
    ——— written by maxine
  • ‣ please attack in underline and tag
    easy difficulty・leafhusk skills are mainly in stealth & tracking she backs away if she knows an opponent will overpower her
    will start verbal fights・won't end fights・refuses to kill


Claw-tips drag against snow crust and crackling frost, and the unsettling scraping noise provokes the strands along his neck. Even after a lifetime spent in the pinewoods and marshlands, the tabby remains a novice when it comes to navigating snow. His grace is questionable and his balance is a mess. Those alongside him on this patrol will all remark it a fortuitous decision that he wasn't at the helm—for he wobbles, falters, and stumbles at the most inopportune intervals.

In the wake of the precarious border-bound hike (which Smogmaw's muffled expletives provided a constant backdrop to), the ShadowClan deputy finds himself flooded with relief as he yields to a halt. They've reached the territorial margin. A swathe of untouched snow, interrupted only by gnarled, white-capped underbrush, precedes the thunderpath beyond.

The tom intuitively relaxes against a sizeable bush to mark his scent. When his flank grazes its powery, frozen coat, he recoils with a breathless splutter and staggers off balance. "Ouugghghgh" is his eloquent protest, and once steadied, Smogmaw huffs while shaking frost from his flank. Another shiver, and his eyes flutter open to glimpse the ThunderClan patrol hugging their side of the paved path.

A squint sharpens his view to better distinguish their silhouettes, and a croaky hum breaks through his jagged breaths when one of their identities register. "Oh, she was with us on the journey," he murmurs to @ASHENPAW, who'd optimistically mimicked his marking with sounder success. "That one. The fluffy ball of fire over there." When a name slices through his mental curtain, "Flamewhisker," he utters it low.


[ ༻❄༺ ] Ironically speaking, Snowpaw hated the snow. The way it would crunch underneath their paws sending a wave of cold up through her paw and then oh that blast of bitter cold air nipping at her nose making her squint to avoid any more cold air smacking her in the face and getting her eyes all watery. Worse part of all of this? Was how high it got. The apprentice just awkwardly walked through the snow, attempting mostly to get into the area where Scorchedmoon had walked in to make more at ease.

Soon the patrol would peer at the border and Thunderclan's scent would come in strong. Softly Snowpaw huffed a bit, watching her breath puff out from the cold ear. Her gaze flicked to her mentor expecting to sy something, but she was slightly focused on the snow that clung to her fur and how she couldn't wait to get back to camp. Of course then she thought about what she would do if she spotted Thornpaw in camp, and potentially chase the other paw around in an attempt to shake the snow off on the other, and that thought made a soft smile peered on her maw, even though she knows it would potentially warrant a good thwak from the other.

  • "speak""Thoughts"
  • Snowpaw She/Her, apprentice of Shadowclan, 5 moons.
    Lithe long hair blue lynx sepia with high white, and yellow eyes. Stubby tail, permanent resting bitch face
    Hailfreckle x Mudsplash
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted (ask first) / / underline and tag when attacking
    see battle info here
    penned by Ryn@/Rynnaro on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

Mentor tag! @Scorchedmoon
Thornpaw and her mentor @Bonerattle were slow to catch up after a brief talk, and now she was gliding over the mounds with eagerness. Spending time with Smogmaw could be a bit awkward but the more she stayed in the ashen tom's presence the warmer her life felt. Eventually, she spotted the familiar tabby markings and if she squinted the soft grays of Snowpaw's markings could be made out. Running up to the side of her friend she slowed her roll and aimed to gently bump the pale feline. Her dad's dismayed curses puts a smile on Thornpaw's mug. Pelt fluffed against the freeze she sticks close to Snowpaw's side. Aiming to lightly brush their pelts to fight off the frigid air around them.

Trudging through piles of powdery white was fun to her but the awful chill that came with it felt far less pleasant. A part of Thornpaw loved seeing the land draped in glittery snow but in the more swampy areas it often turned to ugly brown mush. At last they stop and she sets off from her companion to rub against a neighboring tree blonde pelt sticking out against its brown base. Whispers pull the apprentice from her task and bi-colored eyes land on the fiery orange Thunderclanner across the way. On a dime her demeanor flips to something more neutral and she pays the stranger no mind.
  • Love
Reactions: Snowlark.