DAYDREAM ABOUT ME // small mink problem

Dec 13, 2023

Two moons have passed since he’s joined ShadowClan with his brother’s. The urge inside him to wander lands past their borders is yet to be tamed… but he is home. This is where Porcupine meant for him to be, so it is here he will stay. Besides, the cats of ShadowClan have proven themselves to not be half-bad… even with all the distrust he was meant with as a newcomer.

Not long ago he was reborn. No longer was he Snipe, ShadowClan’s newest loner take-in, but Snipethorn. Sharp, guarded, and ready to pounce on any foe that threatened him or his clan.

He proved that again today when chasing a stray mink from the heart of their territory. The small weasel-like creature was not to be undermined, in groups they could be deadly and alone their small, needle teeth could pack a punch when bit down into cat flesh. With a final hiss Snipethorn slams its paw into its side, kicking the mink briefly into the air and past the border of ShadowClan land. Angrily it sounds a scream, but it retreats and disappears quickly into the undergrowth.

With a triumphant huff he turns around to catch up with the rest of his patrol, curious to see if they had found anymore of the long-legged carnivores.
  • a mink showed off to give a patrol some trouble. Snipe chased it off and is returning to the patrol who may or may not have found a couple more.
    Please avoid major injuries or there being a TON, this is intended to be a small one-off issue
  • » Snipethorn
    » ShadowClan Warrior
    » He/him
    » A heavily-scarred chocolate tom-cat with amber eyes.
    » "Speech"thoughtsattack
  • » A foe who uses brute strength and hits heavy.
    » Excels in taking opponents head-on.
    » Uses slow but powerful hits to bring them to the ground.
    » Fights to overpower and defeat .
    » May powerplay minor harm. Can powerplay healing

Smogmaw's wanderings thus far have been constrained to this small pocket of nature the clans have carved out for themselves. Save for his excursion into the mountains, mind, yet the point remains there exists much in this world that his blissfully ignorant eyes have yet to glimpse. Bitter truths lying in wait to be discovered. Dastardly creatures languishing in the dark, itching to strike. In this world, no number of border patrols is ever enough to unearth it all—and, case in point, today Smogmaw became acquainted with the spiteful little menace that was the mink.

His perception of physics underwent a dramatic transformation when he'd encountered it. How such a diminutive, twisting creature could contain such ferocious territoriality fervour is perhaps a question never to be answered. It tore viciously after Smogmaw, heedless of any blows he cast upon it. The force behind its charge was so savage he thought it was trying to consume him; it did a number on his forepaw, crimson ichor welling beneath silver strands.

The tabby snuffed out the creature's existence with ease, having crunched on mossballs sturdier than its neck. A grimace accompanies his hold on the cadaver. He's personally offended this animal even exists. A tactless and vile gash across the otherwise idyllic canvas that was ShadowClan's territory.

A faint ache thrums in his limb as he rejoins the patrol, which recuperates in an opening upon sturdier ground. There, clanmates accumulate, and their scents provide a small amount of comfort. His strife against mustelids has left his disposition less than stellar, the injury no smaller, and so he permits himself this single indulgence: griping. "Lookie here," he voices, his quarry dropping to the ground. Amber eyes retain Snipethorn's form as the young warrior draws near. "This... gopher, or whatever it is, ambushed me like a WindClanner. Look." Vivid red leaks across dark-striped fur as his wounded paw outstretches. "Wretched thing, try'na turn me into fresh-kill. The nerve."

He'd make for a hearty and wholesome meal, Smogmaw is sure, but the flavour wouldn't quite measure up.

I WISH YOU COULD SEE THE WICKED TRUTH — Normally, patrols were mundane, and commonplace. Onyxpaw was more than happy to go along on them, but she never found herself expecting anything unusually exciting to happen. It seemed as though the fates were looking to have some fun with them this time however, as the strange smell of a spitting and snarling beast only the size of her forelimb hit her muzzle. She hadn't known what to do immediately, gaze flicking over to Scorchfrost as she searched for guidance from her new mentor. "I've never... I don't think I've ever seen a thing like this before." It vaguely reminded her of the rabbits that Windclan seemed to be so fond of, just stretched out like it had been caught between two snarling dogs. At least the springy creature's legs didn't seem to have the same kick to them, even if their teeth shone like little daggers in the dim light of Shadowclan's territory.

The chimera was half contorted towards her mentor, about to ask whether they should run them off - only to end up squealing in pain as tiny jaws clamped around her leg, fangs digging in through thin fluff and down to her flesh. Onyxpaw abruptly yanked herself back, leg thrashing about as she tried to dislodge the horrible little creature, her tail lashing behind her. "Off! Off, off, get off! Ugh, whatever these things are, I hate them!" Such an outburst was unexpected from the usually docile and quiet apprentice, her muzzle often usually snapping shut before she could let even the smallest complaint leave her. This time though, her voice was sharp and demanding, a hiss leaving her before she lunged forward to sink her teeth into the mink's spine. The creature let out a woeful cry before finally letting her loose, turning and taking off in the opposite direction at a high speed.

Disappointment almost flooded her at the fact that she hadn't been able to end up with her own catch, looking over at the limp creature that Smogmaw had dropped unceremoniously to the ground. There was a faint limp in her step as she ambled closer, huffing in the direction of the dead nuisance. "One of them tried to bite me too. I guess succeeded, considering..." Onyxpaw held up her front leg, wincing at the feeling of blood running down into her fur. The wound - thankfully - wasn't that deep, but it certainly stung, and she found herself glancing back once more in Scorchfrost's direction. "One didn't get you, right Scorchfrost? I was so caught up in dealing with mine..." She wasn't sure of how many had come rushing from the surrounding marshlands, knowing it hadn't been a horde but not knowing just how many had chosen to emerge and taunt their patrol.

// @scorchfrost

  • 75034637_eiCvVhxv9vQNT6l.png
    shorthaired tortoiseshell point and chocolate point chimera with blue eyes
    6 moons old; ages the 1st every month
    bisexual; crushing on yellowpaw
    daughter of monarchroot and sleetjaw
    shadowclan born; silently loyal to her home
    difficult to befriend; shy to most except yellowpaw
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    peaceful powerplay allowed
|―――――――――――――――――| (()) |―――――――――――――――――|
Jaggedpath wasn't a bad hunter, truly. It was the marshes set up against him in some way. The territory small enough that a sneeze on the border could jump off a mouse on the other. Sometimes the marshes preyed back onto him and sent his paws sinking into the mud, making his pounces sloppy. All dramatic lines of thinking but Jaggedpath would swear them true.

Today had certainly felt like they were.

"Aye, AYE!" Frantic shouts announced Jaggedpath's own struggle with an assault. Chased around by an odd, weasel-looking thing, the sight was rather comedic if the warrior wasn't desperately trying to avoid getting bit. "S'tryin' tah n-nip at me! Aye get'it scurryin'!" He yowled to the skies as if StarClan would descend their starry claws and strike the mink down.
|――――――――――――――| (()).....
  • // OOC
  • image here optional
  • (( jaggedpath )) fluffy white tom with black speckles on his muzzle and bright blue eyes
    ↳ shadowclan, warrior, cismale he/him
    easy to make friends with | bad at romance | good at teaching | bad with kits