camp Daydreamer || Highrocks [Landmark]


So many ways to see the sunrise
Apr 10, 2024

[ ༻ ☼ ༺ ] Fadingkit had been out and about that day, making her normal routes about the clan's clearing, saying hello to any bug she stumbled across to even saying hi to some flowers she saw blooming in the camp. Of course mid way through her routine and she found herself standing in front of the highrock, this was where Howlingstar held her meetins, calling everyone within the camps wall to hold ceremonies, to give news of other clans, it was the spotlight of the camp's interior and... she wondered, how did it feel to have everyone's eyes on you? To stand so high up to address the clan, blue gaze examined the stone settling underneath in while her mind wondered, thinking of how'd it be like to be the one to address the clan in its entirety, did Howlingstar get nervous? Did the leader ever get worried she might stumble over her words or forget something? And... did she feel lonely to sleep seperately from the rest of the clan.

She wondered, how many of her denmates to apprentice and to warriors dream to lead the clan one day, and she thought to herself how difficult that may be. "Do leaders get nervous when they speak in front of the clan?" the kit wondered, yet it was everyone's dream, dight? To be leader, to be respected and looked up to by the clan. Fadingkit heard that they gain nine lives from starclan, yet she wondered what would it be like if starclan did not approve of a deputy, would they not give them their nine lives? Or would the leader choose another? "Has there ever been a deputy not worthy to fill in a leader's place?" she asked, not caring who would answer her silly questions.

  • "speak""Thoughts"
  • Fadingkit She/Her, Kit of Thunderclan, 6 moons.
    Stocky short flame point tabby she-kit with blue eyes and stubby tail, one floppy ear
    Crimsonsun x Shadedmoon
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted (ask first) / / underline and tag when attacking
    see battle info here
    penned by Ryn@/Rynnaro on discord, feel free to dm for plots.


There were days when he wondered what it would be like to lead the clan. To hold the power to rule over everyone, to change the rules he thought were ridiculous...It was a tempting thought to say the least. Howlingstar was a soft leader, and her deputy wasn't much better. He had preferred Raccoonstripe as deputy. The tom was bold and the ambition practically radiated off of him. Quite the opposite of their still grieving, kit favoring deputy.

Normally the tom would stay far away from kits, but for some reason today he made an exception. Perhaps it was the silly questions that fell from her mouth, or perhaps it was a quick distraction from the boredom of waiting for his patrol to leave. "Of course not." he grumbled, turning his golden gaze to the High Rock. Of course leaders don't get nervous when they spoke to the clan. They were the ones who had to make the decisions for everyone, they weren't allowed to be nervous. It would make the clan look weak. At the second part, a name flashed into his thick skull, but he didn't dare speak it. Though, there were several unworthy deputies he had heard about, between rumors and elder stories. "I heard Sootstar went through several. I don't remember their names though." Truthfully, he hadn't paid much attention to the tales from the elders. He remembered the name Sootstar, and how she was the evil queen of the moors, but that was about all he knew. Perhaps he should have paid better attention.

*+:。.。 Was it everyone's dream to be the leader? It certainly wasn't Wrathpaw's. Looking up at that high peak looming over Thunderclan's camp like a claw raised to strike, he felt all at once nervous and awed. He couldn't imagine anyone up there besides Howlingstar - maybe Raccoonstripe, but even then thought made Wrathpaw shiver. To imagine a world without Howlingstar would be like asking Wrathpaw to lift the High Rock with one paw - utterly impossible!
Padding over to the two, ears perked with interest at what he'd heard of their conversation, his navy hues would focus solely on Smokepaw. The older apprentice always seemed to know what to say, and the certainty in his voice widened Wrathpaw's eyes. He was more certain than ever that he could never be Wrathstar - he gets nervous all the time talking to a lot of cats! When the conversation shifts to Sootstar, Wrathpaw shivers. "I guess bad leaders can only pick bad deputies, huh?" he meows aloud with a nervous laugh. The stories told to him about Sootstar made his skin crawl.
"Do you want to be leader someday, Smokepaw?" he looks over at the youngest among them, and with a smile, he repeats, "Do you, Fadingkit?" She had a long way to go before she could ever be considered, but it didn't hurt to play ahead! He giggles to himself at the idea.

    DMAB— He/Him
    6 moons — Ages 1 moon every month real-time
    Brother to Lovelight, Joywing, Giggle-
    Thunderclan — Kit
    Mentored by Wildheart

    Physically easy | mentally easy
    Attack in bold #4a59ff
    injuries: None currently
Scarletkit trots towards the group, her tail flicking with curiosity. She gazes up at Highrock once she realizes it’s what everyone else is looking at, and her eyes widen with wonder. The massive stone looms above her, bathed in the warm light of the dawn sun. "Wow," she breathes, taking a few steps closer, her paws tingling with excitement. "It's so tall! It must feel so…powerful to stand up there!"

She paces the length of the base a few times, imagining what it would be like to be up there, looking down at her clanmates. She looks to Wrathpaw and puffs out her chest, her chin tilting up with confidence. "I’ll be leader,” She trills as if there is no doubt in anyone’s mind. Scarletkit's tail flicks and she pauses, looking up again with a spark of determination in her gaze. She’ll make her parents and ThunderClan proud one day.

Looking back to Fadingkit, she smirks and offers the older kit a playful wink. “You can be my deputy!”
〕The tabby is silent whilst they sit looking at the Highrock. Lost in their own mind and thoughts, fluffy tail curled against their body as they imagine themselves as the leader atop the stone. Needle-sharp claws unsheathe and poke at the yellowish grass of the clearing, in their head seeing it as a showcase of power. Leaders had to be wise, and powerful - Howlingstar was both of those in their eyes. But she grew old, nine lives not enough to stop the passage of time. Would she retire before she breathed her last breath, letting Flamewhisker take over?

Scarletkit's voice is the one to pull them out of their thoughts. Tufted paws stomped on the ground in disatisfaction as Honeykit turned to snap at the older kitten for saying she would be leader in the future. "You only say that because your grandma is leader!" They snap, tail whipping in a snake-like manner. Honeykit wishes Howlingstar was their grandma, sometimes.


  • ooc.
  • HONEYKIT —— kit of thunderclan , mentoring/mentored by name . parent x parent . littermate to character, character ✦ penned by nocthymia
    they/them / 2 moons & ages every 7ᵗʰ
    single / too young
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / underline & tag account when attacking
    —— combat details here / battle notes

    "speech", 'thoughts', all opinions are in character
    biography — msg on discord for plots — toyhouse

  • reference image here
    a longhaired red tabby with low white, vitiligo and dichroic eyes.
The sight of her den mates and the apprentices near the high rocks caught her attention. ”I think Sootstar was the only special case with deputies,” She murmurs as she scrapes her memory for the exact words that describe the former Moorland tyrant. Her ears flick and she decides it is better to not discuss such a morbid topic with someone who is better lost with the wavering of time. Becoming a leader sounded like a fun journey, yet a test of yourself and your qualities. You would have to handle stressful situations without falling under pressure as you held the weight of being responsible for a handful of lives.

”Howlingstar being her grandmother, means nothing,” Myrtlekit would respond gently to Honeykit as she offers a small smile. Howlingstar didn't appear to be the type of character who would favor family power simply based on their relation to her. She's been the queen of the pines for countless moons now and watched the growth of the colonies even before the clans were formed, according to the elders. Whether it was true or not, Howlingstar was old and had multiple lives of knowledge and moons under her paws.