camp dayglow in the mire ➢ sunbathing

pipitclaw !!

in the rain, do light and darkness fade!
Dec 13, 2023

He can smell the sun on the horizon as if it were as easy to identify as rainstorm. The clouds roll so quickly through the sky that the dappling of light on the floor warns a need for haste. He is already slithering across the camp to stake his claim- he isn't the only one and with a quick, playfully selfish movement, he lunges to sit atop it.

"Ha! Nice try but it's mine now," he purrs devilishly, "If you're lucky I might be convinced to share... but you'll have to earn it." A gauntlet thrown from his little perch slightly elevated from his clan-mate, a wicked grin plastered across his face.

He stretches languidly, unbothered, a taunting display meant only to antagonize (all in the name of fun of course). Besides, he loved a good tussle... and what better way to get one than to relentlessly tease someone else the way he had been since he arrived? It was just a hot rock... but it was worth everything after a miserable winter.

What was less expected... was that it was more than one pair of eyes glaring at him in hopes of stealing his prize...

// feel free to be the one fighting for the rock with him !!
PROMPT: The air is still cold and the stones at the edge of camp are free of snow at last, with only a little room on the rocks for cats to lay. Will you share a spot to sunbath or fight to keep it to yourself.​
He comes to a halt from where he was walking, turning his head to the side as he watched Pipitclaw leap onto a stone. Pale splashed tail swishing, he lets his long limbs take him towards the chimera, muzzle crinkling in amusement at what the other tom said. He lets out a snort, as he stopped in front of his clanmate. The dark tom shifted, head tilted as he poked at the other with a dainty paw before letting out a soft meow. "Shove over, we can share." He rolls his eyes, from where they were hidden from the outside world underneath curled fur.

Dark shoulders shaking slightly, at his clanmates very childish antics. Oh, whatever! Lemme just... He lunges at the stone to sit on top of it, definitely pushing Pipitclaw to tumble off the rock he sits his rump on top his newly acquired perch. Grinning smugly, he begins to stretch languidly and just plops himself down to sprawl about on the warm rock. He lets out a soft huff starting to relax, muscles unwinding like putty. He figures Pipitclaw, will get back up and whack at him with a paw to get him off of his once claimed stone.

  • // kaboom >:3!!!
  • no ref yet </3
  • ( Ehhh ?! ) BATCHASER
    ⛧ HE / HIM ; no problems with other pronouns
    ⛧ warrior of shadowclan; formerly a loner
    ⛧ a tall, curly shorthaired oriental mix with half-lidded odd colored eyes.
    action , thoughts , "Speech , 7077A1"

    - tags / @ on discord for plots
    - penned by calzone

  • nothing here begone!

Oh, an argument about a rock? Looked like fun! Pipitclaw and Batchaser's racket brought the cinnamon tabby over, a singular tooth sticking out her maw as she parted her lips back in a smile. Hiding in the shadows, a ruddish worm of a tail sticking out from them, Bloodpaw saw her prize beneath the squabbling ShadowClanners. She missed the warmth of the Nursery, if this allegedly warm stone could provide her at least some comfort, she would take it from them in a heartbeat. Batchaser pushed Pipitclaw off (or at least tried to) and Bloodpaw saw her opportunity. A battle-cry escaped from her muzzle as she darted forwards, claws unsheathed as she attempted to leap onto Batchaser's side. As if climbing a tree, the apprentice aimed to catch her claws in the other's curls to hoist herself up to his head, where she would promptly try to sit. Mischief filled her smirk, but her eyes burned with determination - she would be ShadowClan's most annoying kitten if it meant getting what she wanted that day. "I'm not moving until you do, warrior," she'd tell the other if she suceeded, lashing tail likely whacking him in the face as she fought to keep her balance.

Frostbite watches his clanmates battle for supremacy over a warm rock and while he feels the urge to join them, he stays back. This looks like it could be fun to watch, he thinks. He has plenty of fur to keep him warm anyways. He takes a seat nearby and watches as Batchaser shoves Pipitclaw off the rock, a small smile crossing his face. Does Pipitclaw have what it takes to protect his rock?? Will he be ousted, made to lay on the cold floor? He is delighted to be able to wait and see. Personally, he thinks they should just share... But he supposes that isn't any fun.

A new contender joins the fray... Bloodpaw, scaling Batchaser like a professional and planting herself right on top of him. Frostbite can't help but chuckle, It was good to see his clanmates embroiled in something other than grief.

"Its like....Thunderclan and Riverclan over Sunningrocks." He observes. Both fought over warm rocks!​

BRIARPAW — hello, my old heart.
There is no malice behind the thought that pops into the youths brain as she watches the trio squabble over the scarce sun-warmed surface of the stone.
She had been sat there, waiting for Skunktail to come grab her for a hunting patrol, when the scene was quick to steal idle attention.
For several heartbeats, Briarpaw struggled to recall what the display reminded her of, until her stomach began to growl in protest of its emptiness.
They scrap over it like lizards. The raven apprentice finally answers herself, satisfied with her analogy. Warily, she saunters up to Frostbite’s side, watching Bloodpaw claiming her own stake in the “fight.”
"I don’t understand." The apprentice begins to muse, to no one it particular. "Won’t they just be cold again when they have to get up?" This time, expectant hazel eyes turn to the lead warrior next to her.

This is why she was a self-proclaimed observer, watching her clanmates odd behavior would never fail to provide her with entertainment- such as when Skunktail went racing after that turkey, or Smogmaws seemingly irrational outbursts within camp.
While she didn’t understand the reasoning behind these things, she supposes as long as her clanmates remained… functional, there was no harm in drawing amusement from them in her confusion.



Oh, what was going on?!. What was happening ?! What cool thing was Pipitclaw doing now?!. Basilpaw had no clue but he wanted to take part in it too!. Whatever his Big Fry was doing it was too cool to miss out on he was sure of!. Even if it meant to fight over a rock!, he was sure it most be the coolest rock ever!. And if Pipitclaw wanted it then Basilpaw was going to make sure his friend got it!. " This is Big Fry's rock!!" Basilpaw jumped up on the rock now if Batchaser had succeeded with pushing Pipitclaw off the rock. He took a seat as he proudly announced. " Anyone who tries to take it has to get through me!!." he boldly challenged anyone who dared to be so bold!. Bloodpaw already had Batchaser handled for the time being thinking her to be his temporary ally so kept his attention more on the others as he gave them his warning glare which was super scary!! he was sure of!. (it wasn't) They would run away in terror!.


He has no qualms with being ousted, if only for the drama of making this a fair fight. Batchaser wouldn't stand a chance if Pipitclaw was completely unwilling to feign losing... besides... as the chimera dramatically slid down the stone, others gathered to carry the torch in his stead. Bloodpaw wasted no time in clambering up her clan-mate as if he was just a fixture of the outcropping itself and then, Basilpaw (as always) charged into the fray in the name of honoring a friend.

Glancing towards a snow-white pelt that sat in quiet observation, Frostbite doesn't sit alone for very long. Briarpaw was Skunktail's apprentice or something right? Pipitclaw made a note to pick her brain for any embarrassing or fun stories she might have about his father later. "Afraid you might not win the battle," he asks towards the two of them, teasing with an excitable lash of his tail. "Imagine how much more warmth that thick coat could soak up Frostbite! I ought to just lay on top of you next time."
*+:。.。 "Out of the way, loser!" a roar of thrill spewed by a scrawny kit as Singepaw takes to the ring! A fight, a brawl, a scuffle - his favorite things in the world! And of course, Singepaw had to join in. Uncaring of the scene that had progressed beforehand, Singepaw would laugh as he aims to tackle Basilpaw! He'd seen enough to know that the boy was caring for the rock for Bloodpaw, but that wasn't a concern to the fiery boy - no holdsies! Only headlocks! If Bloodpaw wanted her prize after defeating Batchaser, then she'd have to fight Singepaw for it, as Starclan (pipitclaw, actually) intended!

    Cismale — He/him — Questioning sexuality
    4 moons — Ages 1 moon every month on the 2nd
    NPC x Duckshimmer (brother to Swallowkit, Sneezekit)
    Shadowclan — Kit
    Apprenticed to Pipitclaw

    Physically easy | mentally easy
    Attack in bold #b8312f
    Can be power played just ask
    injuries: faint scars on flanks from an owl attack

  • Haha
Reactions: BASILPAW

In one second he was at the top of the rock bravely defending it and thinking himself to be invincible!! only for the next to get tackled down from it by nobody but Singepaw himself!. The fall to the ground hurt a little bit he wouldn't lie but it was all fine!. He was used to rough play and he was strong!. He couldn't lose to Pipitclaw's apprentice! not in front of his biggest idol watching him!. " Oh that's very bold of you daring to challenge Bazilterrorbloodcuttingthroat!." He grinned widely at Singepaw as he stared up at them with the assumption that Singepaw was the one standing on the top right now. But not for long!. Basilpaw crounched down and gave a little big of a wag with his rump before he lunged himself up and forward attempting to tackle back at Singepaw only that Basilpaw was also trying to grap his forepaws around them to get both of them to fall of the rock!.

First step first was to get the enemy of the territory!! even if it meant both would fall!. Take the enemy down with you, right?. Who cared if that was correct or not Basilpaw had no clue!. But for sure it sounded cool!. To sacrifice himself for the greater good!, like a true hero!. Pipitclaw for sure would avenge him. That for sure he was confident about!.

  • Haha