✿—— she's padding through the woods, trailing after some patrol or another—though she's seen seasons of life, she's about as knowledgable as one of the clan's newborn kits when it comes to warrior duties, so she's been tagging along with as many patrols of (much more capable) warriors as she can. the work has made itself known in her body, aches settling into the hollows of her shoulders and her paws scraped with callouses, but it's a satisfying ache, in a way; a physical token of the work she's already begun to put in. she's padding after the patrol when she sees it, frozen and silhouetted against the dewy morning sunlight.

it's a large thing, quite a few tail-lengths away from her, looming above the cats on long legs as thin as willow branches, easily broken. its pelt is a velvety brown, short and rumpled-looking, not quite lying smoothly against its strange body. white runs up its flanks onto its chin, and its tail is something between a stump and a half-tail like her own. she holds a paw up to the distant form, comparing the similar colors of her own lilac pelt and the tawny-furred creature. it looks almost ethereal in the soft morning light, framed by rising mists of dew and bright green-leaf grass, its dark eyes turned towards her and its strange legs frozen for this fleeting moment as it seems almost to sniff at the air.

she knows what it is, of course; it's a deer. she's just never seen one before, only heard tales of them from other kittypets. the tabby squints, expecting it to flee; she should really rejoin the patrol she's trailing, but she's somehow mesmerized by the strange thing, like some gentle spirit from an old elder's story. its eyes are large, soft, almost appearing darkly fixed on her own as she looks at it. she calls softly to any patrol-members who are close enough, hoping not to startle it, "look!"

  • ooc: she spotted a white-tailed doe <3
    feel free to be the cat(s) she called out to!
  • 68403446_KpQyDZrn5ORVKjb.png
  • ❀ bobbie — for her kithood love of bobby pins
    she/her ; cisgender female — skyclan — queen — 39 ☾s
    —— bobbie is a beautiful but insecure lilac tabby, dotted with white patches and with pale green eyes. a queen of skyclan, she's sweet and kind if prone to melancholy; the heartbreaking end of a lifelong romance has left her scarred..
    —— smells like sweet lavender & tea leaves ; sounds like sansa stark ; speech in #D64933, thoughts in #B1C797
    —— peaceful / healing powerplay permitted ; attacks/contact in underline ; won’t start fights ; will flee ; will show mercy ; won't kill or maim
    —— pansexual panromantic monogamist, divorced, not looking ; open to friendships, enemies, casual interactions, plotting ; not open to unplanned romance & unplanned battles
    penned by dejavudesklamp9 on discord for plots
  • shhh don't look here (battle info will go here at some point)

He doesn't care that he's getting old. Maybe he's in denial. Whatever it is, he can still move and so he will not retire earlier than he needs to. Which brings him out on another patrol. Aching joints will not hold him back from serving the clan, and he's been doing quite well so far. Smoky black fur dusted in graying hairs moves smoothly through the pine trees and through the undergrowth in search of his next prey victim.

As he prowls, he catches the call of Bobbie, calling for him and the patrol to look at something. He quietly approaches her, and easily spots their newest visitor.

"Ah... A deer." He observes. "Very graceful creatures. It's always a pleasure to see them." He adds. He makes sure he isn't threatening in any way. He knows that while deer are docile, elegant creatures, they are easily startled and if there happens to be a fawn nearby, the mother might choose to attack instead of run. He hopes the other cats of their patrol won't scare it away. It's nice to see wildlife that doesn't want to kill you.​
anger makes you stupid . stupid gets you killed .
It seems Duskpool at been fortunate enough to land another patrol with Bobbie, helm pivoting to peer through the undergrowth for things he was uncertain of. A torn ear swerved, catching the last snippets of the feline’s call, muscles coiling beneath marred flesh as he rose to his full height, padding towards the call.

The call wasn’t out of fear, but curiosity, watching from a few lengths away to peer at the elegant creature standing ways from them, nose crinkling to sniff the air. He had seen a lot of things on his travels before joining the clan, some more dangerous than docile, making narrow escapes from death’s gaping jaws.

Molten copper watched with an inquisitive hue, before his voice deepened, far lower than before, “Better leave it be, don’t need it freaking out on us for being careless.” One slip and things could go south, regardless if the scene was captivating. It was a rare sight, one Duskpool would stow away to look back upon, but for now, he didn’t want to risk the ire of its wrath if someone slipped.
thought speech

Mallowlark was glad to be patrolling, properly and regularly- despite the kittish joy with which he performed his duties, so utterly blissful that it made him seem completely ignorant, within his flesh and bones lay genuine capability. He was glad to get to show it, in these patrols... helping the Clan he'd pledged himself to rather than the one he'd been unfortunately born on the soon-to-be-infected lands of. These pines were fresh, and full of friendlier faces... the ground was coated with evergreens, rather than bile and blood. And, oh, it had been quite the river of blood... he had been lucky that Dawnglare had saved him from inhaling a lungful of it.

Look, came Bobbie's soft call- and Mallowlark's head snapped around as sudden as a broken bone. Surprisingly light footsteps carried his large form over to the place where the other warriors were huddled, looking out at a deer. Graceful, said Mountainheart- though Duskpool's words were closer to the path Mallowlark's unconventional mind had begun treading down. "They're beautiful, but they could kick your head right off," he whispered in agreement with the scarred warrior, though awe was still very clearly present in his voice. "S'pose that's why its so rare to see 'em..." Anyone in their right mind gave them a wide berth; this patrol was no exception. Good heads on their shoulders- hopefully none of them would go flying.

\ sorry on his behalf lmfao

✿—— it's not exactly surprising that her patrolmates don't have such a sunny outlook on their surprise visitor; she's found that many of their warriors are much more serious—though serious isn't really the right word, is it? she'd consider herself serious, serious about warriorhood, serious about this patrol. perhaps what she's thinking of is that they're more ... pragmatic, she supposes; when they spot a deer, they see a danger instead of a beauty, a threat instead of a gift. at least mountainheart agrees with her, the older tom padding over to observe it with a reserved caution. she mimics him, as if she hadn't already been doing so, remaining still to keep from startling it in part to be safe and in part to observe its beauty undisturbed.

naturally, duskpool's gruffness (seeming less charming at the moment) interrupts, peering through the undergrowth at the elegant thing balancing on its stick legs with a stonily curious expression; unsurprisingly, he's erring on the side of extreme caution. a glance at the scarred flesh crisscrossing his pelt and she can't exactly blame him for his no-nonsense attitude, but it feels a little overly cautious. still, she nods, acquiesces after a look at the thing's looming stature with a sigh and a mew, "you're right, duskpool," she dips her head slightly to the older tom, flicking an adorned ear with a click of shifting pins, and adds, "it's just beautiful, i suppose. i've n-never seen one before."

she's about to turn and pad away, to continue with the patrol, when another one of their unfortunate patrolmates arrives .... mallowlark. she regards him with significantly less fondness than duskpool but still offers him a small smile in the pine-scented air despite the uncanny way his head snaps to her call. his heavy form pads over on paws perhaps as light as her own, whispering with a strange kittish awe in creepy words. she barely represses a shudder at his words, the implication that the thing would suddenly turn in a fire of rage and send one of the friendly faces around her hurling into the underbrush. the mental imagery makes her muzzle wrinkle and she can only offer an uncomfortable mew, "i suppose so. beautiful but d-dangerous, reminds me of orangeblossom," she remarks quietly with a surprising wry twist to her voice, though she only has respect for the ginger-and-white deputy.

  • ooc: ——
  • ❀ bobbie — for her kithood love of bobby pins
    she/her ; cisgender female — skyclan — queen — 40 ☾s
    —— smells like sweet lavender & tea leaves ; sounds like sansa stark ; speech in #D64933, thoughts in #B1C797
    —— peaceful / healing powerplay permitted ; attacks/contact in underline ; won’t start fights ; will flee ; will show mercy ; won't kill or maim
    —— pansexual panromantic monogamist, divorced, not looking ; open to friendships, enemies, casual interactions, plotting ; not open to unplanned romance & unplanned battles
    penned by dejavudesklamp9 on discord for plots
  • shhh don't look here (battle info will go here at some point)


The little dip in warmth that Bobbie regarded him with, as opposed to the others present, flew right over Mallowlark's head as if she had thrown the emotion. To him, a smile was a smile no matter where it originated; it was why he bore his as the largest and best of all, a demonstration of happiness and good will. A wonderful first impression, steadfast upon his face, never-faltering. Inky paws fidgeted in place with his ceaseless excitement. At least, over time, he had learned to stifle his giggling... he'd startle the deer, if he let it fully free.

Still, his breaths were a little broken by the stutter of giggles- and when Bobbie likened the graceful-but-fatal creatures to Orangeblossom, a sudden choking laugh shot right through his throat, hulking form seizing. He kept his voice low, low, low though- if he didn't, oh, it wouldn't be pretty. Or pleasant... or painless. "Oh- I like that one," he remarked, with an odd faraway fondness. "If she ever asks for another name, I'll- hmhmhm, I'll say Deer." It'd be a good name for anyone like Orangeblossom, really, with that looks-nice-but-could-break-your-bones demeanour. He thought for a moment it might have suited his sister quite well.