This part, at the very least, was starting to get easier. Twitchbolt wasn't overly noticing it, but when he thought back to his first round of patrols... upsetting Edenberry, stumbling over his words... yeah, everything was a bit simpler now. The longer he served in his new role the easier it became to get his thoughts organised- the simpler it was to remind himself that his Clanmates were not hoping to pounce on his downfall. When he regarded them now, it was with a flickering warmth, aquiver upon him as ever. The light shook from him like radiating heat on a jittering body- but there was a bit of strength in his eyes and voice as he called, "SkyClan, gather around for patrols!"

He still, sometimes, felt as if he was wearing his mentors skin... and that old, creeping concern of what it is that had stopped her came back. But he had a job to do... and one he was doing, and had managed multiple times before. And nothing had gone awfully wrong, yet- was that a good sign? "Johnnyflame, you'll be taking Howlfire, Eggshellbloom and- and Glimmersun along the Twolegplaceborder." A quick, sharp nod in his fellow council-member's direction; Johnnyflame was a cat he entrusted with a lot of important duties, and he trusted his knowledge immensely when it came to the Twolegplace border. Daylight warriors had saved their skin when it came to that place more than once.

"Greeneyes, I'll need you over at RiverClan." His friend was trustworthy, positive... the sort he entrusted to walk their borders and manage to maintain a good relationship. Anything to keep SkyClan safe, to stop them from earning ire... "Momowhisker, Mallowlark and Dandelionwish will go with you."

Then, onto dusk patrols- Twitchbolt took a steadying breath of the perfumed newleaf air, allowing his heart to beat a little slower. "Orangestar, you'll be taking... Slate, Cherryblossom and Sorrelsong with you to the loner lands border. Um- Oddpaw, you go along too." He locked eyes with the leader for a second, before looking over to the tricolour apprentice and giving him a nod. His mentor was ill, but he shouldn't miss any training because of it- entrusting him to the leader herself was an honour he would not tolerate being argued with about.

Lastly... he sought a scarred face in the crowd, a candle-light of pride int he amber-strike oddness of wide eyes. "Edenberry," he sought out another friend- trusted, and hopefully not offended by this one. "You'll lead Crowsight, Falcongaze and Owlheart along the ThunderClan border. Fireflypaw will- will accompany you." He gave the large medicine cat apprentice a nod. Still an apprentice... he'd be getting restless, though anyone would with Dawnglare as a mentor.

With a whole host of new warriors, there were plenty more options to pick from... "Tawnyclaw, Eggbounce... you guys will take the hunting patrols. Moonseeker, you're in charge of training exercises." Nods in their direction were given- each of them were newly named, and maybe he'd be proven a fool, but he was sure the lot of them had passed their assessments for a reason.

DAWN PATROL (TWOLEGPLACE BOARD): @Johnnyflame (LEAD), @Eggshellbloom , @Howlfire , @Glimmersun
DUSK PATROL (THUNDERCLAN BOARD): @edenberry ?! (LEAD), @falcongaze , @CROWSIGHT , @Owlheart
DUSK PATROL (LONER LANDS BOARD): @Orangestar (LEAD) (@Springpaw) , @SLATE , @Cherryblossom , @Sorrelsong , @ODDPAW
HUNTING PATROL 1: @Eggbounce.
PROMPT - In the distance, you see- and hear- a fleeing flock of birds.
HUNTING PATROL 2: @Orchidpaw! (Tawnyclaw)
PROMPT - WindClan's fire is too far away to hurt skyclan, but up in the trees, you can spot the distant, rising smoke.
TRAINING: @moonseeker
penned by pin ✧
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Blazestars final death still felt remarably fresh to Johnnyflame, the memory so easy to recall that it might as well have been last week. And yet, in opposition of that, there was familiarity in seeing Twitchbolt calling for patrols now rather than Orangeblossom, a subconcious acnowledgement of the passage of time.

The broad-shouldered bobtail took his place among the growing crowd to listen, nodding when he caught his own name announced for the twoleg-place patrol. "Leave it to us, Twitchbolt!" he called with with a grin. It would be his first patrol with Glimmersun as a warrior, and he was eager to see how they did with their newfound freedom.


Overhearing Howlfire's name being called for patrols caused the pale tabby to pause his short towards the freshkill pile in favor of wishing his mate luck. After several lengthy strides he weaved through the crowd and made it to her side. "Be careful out there." He mused with a soft smile, leaning his head in to bump against her own skull. Twolegplace was full of all kinds of surprises and unfortunately dangers. Regardless, he trusted she would return home safely.
̶̶̶̶  «̶ ̶̶̶ ̶ «̶ ̶̶̶   skyclan warrior / twenty-two moons old / he/him  ̶ ̶ ̶»̶ ̶̶̶ ̶ »̶ ̶̶̶  

✧ . It’s something he’ll get used to, he knows, but it’s odd not hearing Falcongaze’s name follow his own in this new round of patrols. Greeneyes nods at his friends assignment to him nonetheless, leading a patrol to RiverClan’s border. It’s a change of scenery from the twolegplace’s border, at least, a led patrol he couldn’t seem to shake.

Of course! “ he chirps, his gaze shifting to seek out the rest of his patrol. It seems like a good enough group, even with Mallowlark aboard: at least Horsepaw will get some learning experience out of it?

The lead warrior’s search comes to a pause as he hears Edenberry’s name at the head of another group, as he hears Falcongaze’s, Fireflypaw’s and a slew of new warriors between them. Leading a patrol so soon, how exciting for the daylight warrior! How exciting for his former apprentice and their peers too! A smile is sent toward the lot of them, though a spark of nerves ignites under his delight. “ Good luck!

Stay out of trouble, he almost reminds them, but their warriors now — they must be trusted with this. Besides, he knows Fireflypaw will keep them in line. ​
  • 74596946_rY2pLJ2YZGmQ0CI.png
    GREENEYES AMAB. He / Him. Lead Warrior of SkyClan.
    ✧ . A red tabby and white tom with bright green eyes.
    ✧ . Daisyflight x Raven Ramble
    ✧ . Mentored by Sheepcurl ; Former mentor to Falcongaze
    ✧ . Peaceful and healing powerplay permitted!
    ✧ . Penned by Abri@_abri_ on discord, feel free to dm for plots!
    ✧ . " Speech " ; Attack

At the familiar sound of Twitchbolt's voice, Howlfire gathers to hear if her name is called. She thinks if she won't be assigned any of the daily patrols that she would offer herself to one of the hunting patrols, eager to hunt and get some practice in for Hawkpaw too. She nods simply when Twitchbolt calls out her name alongside the other warriors chosen for Johnnyflame's patrol. Amber eyes search for her daughter nearby, and she gestures with a flick of her head for the younger cat to come close. "You better ready yourself," Howlfire advised, leaning close to her child, before licking a stray bit of fur on Hawkpaw's shoulder. "Johnnyflame will likely want to leave soon."

Her attention is drawn away from Hawkpaw to Coyotecrest when her mate appears. "Don't worry we'll be fine," She assured Coyotecrest, with an amused purr. "We've got each other's backs haven't we, Hawky?" Howlfire said, nudging Hawkpaw for support.

@Hawkpaw mention
Upon hearing his name called, Cherryblossom was at Slate's side before she even realized. A harsh chuff flutters her whiskers: what a juvenile habit, trotting on her former mentor's heels like a dog who hadn't realized its owner dropped the rope. Funny, then, that Twitchbolt should place her on patrol with her two foremost teachers.

To her surprise, Edenberry is leading a patrol. She makes her way over to her beloved, obligation overpowering what meager excitement sparks on their behalf. "Congratulations, love," she purrs, nudging their slender shoulder with her own. "You? Patrol lead?" The calico laughs. "Don't let them give you any trouble..." she adds, quieter. Yellow eyes shift mischievously towards the rest of patrol, peers unforgotten save for Fireflypaw. At least it wasn't Falconp—gaze leading it. She's sure the only reason she wasn't leading a patrol herself is because patrolling with their leader was the greater honor.​
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*+:。.。 Tawnyclaw couldn't help the way his fur bristled as his name was called to lead a patrol. He'd, admittedly, been banking on avoiding the chore. He'd practically become an expert at fading into the background of patrols, disappearing to climb a tree and take a nap high in the canopy, undisturbed, the best place to sort out his endlessly messy thoughts. But as patrol lead, all eyes would be on chance to run. He wondered with a stab through his chest if his mother had a hand in this. An unreasonable thought, since Twitchbolt was the one dolling out patrols. Even still, as of late, it felt like his mother was determined! Whatever!
Shaking his head, Tawnyclaw forces an easy smile upon his maw, "On it" He wonders briefly if he could convince Owlheart to join this one. It'd make it a lot less...overwhelming if his younger sister was by his side. Knowing her endless enthusiasm, maybe she'd even make it feel like the milestone event that it was. His first patrol as lead position....what an accomplishment.

Mm, no, it just felt like any other chore.

    DFAB— He/Him — Unsure
    12 moons — Ages 1 moon every month 28th
    Skyclan — Warrior
    Son of Orangestar and Ashenclaw
    Brother to Cherryblossom, Eggbounce, Glimmersun and Owlheart

    Physically hard | mentally medium
    Attack in bold #bf8924
    injuries: None currently