twolegplace days are growing cold | open


Apr 12, 2023
જ➶ Bright sunlight makes honey brown eyes blink slowly. This is day three of trying to get answers. But his body is aching and he knows he needs to take it easy on hiw much he is traveling and yet he is desperate to find him. To at least tell him the fate of his mother. Pink collar jingles around his neck as he slips his way underneath silver wires and he shakes himself out for a momemt he wishes that he were back home, taking it easy and frankly he is more than a little scared. He has not once left his home before but only because of what his mother told him. Swallowing down his emotions the tom steps along the side of the road, the deep ditch hiding his presence for now. He likes it that way and he soon pauses to cross the road. His eyes scan back and forth as he waits with patience and when it is safe he quickly and hurriedly walks across. Sliding down the small back ways of houses he eyes some felines he sees nearby. But fear makes his tongue stick to the roof of his mouth before he sighs and shakes his head. "Just go. Stop being a coward and just talk to them." Easier said than done though and he shakes his head before finally stepping forth to talk to the lounging felines who most likely noticed him already.

Legs throbbing he huffs before forcing a smile onto his maw. "Um..hi. I'm looking for a cat. I was told that there are bunches of wild ones roaming around but this specific cat has a purple collar. Black and white fur..." His voice pauses in his throat and finally he sits down. Relenting to at least give relief to his hurting limbs. But he will make it there that much is certain. He huffs softly and shakes his head because he has to keep his hopes up. Sure it's taking a while but he can do this on his own.

-- this is open to any and all cats of twolegplace.

Exile was proving to be far less lonely than what he had first expected. If anything he had lucked out through his encounters with other cats, especially with that of Lavender. From there he had been brought to Gale and Yew, a pair he recognised. Gale and himself hadn't gotten off on the right foot to begin with, but they eventually made their peace and found themselves on neutral ground. Today he had been lazing about in one of the back ways, still very much recovering from his injuries, when a stranger approached.

Sharpeye pricked up his ears and he turned his head so he could focus his single good eye on the individual. Though he bore a look of recognition in regards to the description being made. Already he had someone in mind, but rather than jump to conclusions he decided to pry for further details. "Did the cat have spiky fur, mostly white face, battle scars?" He queried with a tilt of his head.

જ➶ Despite himself the grey and fawn tom flinches slightly. His eyes flick down for a moment and he thinks about his answer carefully. That sounds like it is correct from what his mother told him. It fits. So it must be the same cat that they are talking about. He remembers her telling him that he has spikey fur and very sharp teeth. Scars. But what street cat doesn't have scars. Yet this opportunity to be able to find him looks good and so the young tom nods quickly. "Yeah, that sounds about right. Do you know where I can find him?" He asks softly, curling his paw into the air. His short and fluffy tail shifts back and forth aimlessly as he waits to see just where he can find the other. Then he can begin his search and hopefully find what he is looking for.

"SkyClan. That's where he'll be." Sharpeye confirmed promptly with a nod of his head, that is until he paused in thought. Or rather he held a worrying thought. What if Thistleback had fallen foul of the twoleg traps that now plagued the forest and streets? Hopefully not, but he knew that he wouldn't know for sure. "It's a group of cats that live out in the forest. I can show you how to get there, but it's best that you aren't seen with me at their border." It wouldn't do him any favours, that was for certain, and he didn't want any foul feelings falling on the stranger either. Though he couldn't help that slither of curiosity from welling up within him, just why was this cat seeking out Thistleback anyway? "You don't have to say, but why are you seeking out this particular cat?"
જ➶"Skyclan...?" So the whispers he has been hearing all throughout Twolegplace are real then. There are wild cats living in strange clans all thoughout some part of the forest. This makes him nervous though because he doesn't know what to expect. As far as he has been told those cats are savages. They attack other cats and even try to kill tjose that step paw on their supposed territory. With a small frown on his muzzle he shakes his head a little. "I appreciate the offer but if it's easier for you I'll just take some directions there. That way you won't have to deal with it." He doesn't want to share his burden like that and this cat has been kind in just giving him any information that they have. Sighing he glances over his shoulder before he blinks his warm honey brown eyes. "Oh, that. Well, I'm not too certain myself but my mother told me that he is my father. And to give him a message "
( 💜 ) Lavender was all but healed at this point, and she was happy for it because now she could pull her fair share of weight around here. Gale and Yew had told her countless time that she need not do anything in thanks for saving her, but she was a stubborn molly and wouldn't take no for an answer.

She was walking back home now, a squirrel hanging limply in her jaw when she heard voices speaking, one of whom was familiar to her. Had Sharpeye run across a friend? Taking a heartbeat to bury her prey, she turns and trots towards the voices, the gaze of crystal blue taking in the small scene before her. Her eyes would narrow, but more in curiosity than hostility as she walked forward, flanking Sharpeye on his right and lightly tapping him with her tail as a greeting before blinking to the tom before her friend.

He seemed...tired. Like he had been traveling long for this father of his, she wondered for a moment if this father was kind, making all his searching worth it. "What's your name?" Lavender wasn't sure why she asked, after all once this tom left she would probably never see him again, but the collar around his neck made her think he had two-legs around here.

"I don't know how long you've been searching, but you look tired. Maybe you should rest?" She had become soft during her time with Gale, Yew, and Sharpeye it would seem, "If it makes you feel any better, I think I ran into one of these clans when I was hurt. They turned me away but...They didn't attack me."


"Very well, I can give you directions easily enough. Though a few pointers to help reduce the risk of encountering trouble with SkyClan; when you reach the scent markers that form the border do not cross them, do not be tempted to chase prey across into their territory, and be respectful. Clans can be fickle and quick to draw claws." With luck no harm would come to the other feline and they would instead find the answers they seek.

He was about to say more, especially when faced with the revelation that he was potentially looking at one of Thistleback's offspring, when Lavender arrived and distracted his attention for the time being. He nodded to her in greeting and soon found himself quietly chuckling when she extended warmth and care towards Damsel. It seemed that even among loners kindness could still be found. Now more than ever he was glad that he had been found by the kittypets and loners before a worse fate could befall him.

"So Thistleback is potentially your father? Goodness." He decided to share the tom's name at that point if anything to make things easier in the journey ahead for Damsel. Now he wished he wasn't an exile as he wouldn't get to see the outcome of the drama. Pity. Though the surprises didn't stop there as Lavender in turn revealed that she had encountered a clan before. "Do you know which clan you met? Just curious."

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