days of our lives | betony

Apr 2, 2023

"Hello, Betonyfrost," Dewfrost mewed in greeting as she slipped aside the nursery. Smoothly she avoided Halfshade's brood and that of one of the other NPC queens inside and made a beeline straight for the blue tabby she-cat hiding within. It had been a while since she had seen Betonyfrost out and about, which was understandable for a queen, but she was obviously keeping herself tucked away a bit more too.

"Been a while since I've seen the nursery so full," Dewfrost commented as she looked around. Even when Dewfrost had been in the nursery nursing her own kits there hadn't been so many queens and kits here. After getting lost in her thoughts again, Dewfrost's gaze flicked back to Betonyfrost. "How are you holding up? Looking forward to going back to warrior duties soon?"

Betonyfrost had come to expect visits often. There were few that Betonyfrost considered acquaintances, and fewer still that she considered friends, and yet the number of visitors she's received since her kits have been born has far outnumbered both of those amounts. It had confused her at first — she'd assumed that the warriors and apprentices alike that checked in on her were doing so to settle some kind of curiosity. It wasn't until later that Betonyfrost began to realize that maybe it was simply that ShadowClan cared for her more than she had thought.

It isn't a surprise when Dewfrost steps into the nursery seeking her, but instead an inevitability.

"I used to have this all to myself," Betonyfrost says it like a boast, "But now I can't stretch my leg without worrying about kicking someone."

The mention of her eventual return to duty doesn't sour her mood, but it does make her nose wrinkle all the same, "Would you think poorly of me if I told you that I'm not looking forward to it? I'm afraid that I've gotten used to lounging." Guiltily, sometimes Betonyfrost would even wish her kits were younger than they are now once again — too small to wander off and too simple to ask questions, "What about you? Hopefully me being in here hasn't put too much of a burden on you and the other warriors?"​
shadowclan queen | blue mackerel tabby | 19 moons | tags

"Especially a kit or two," Dewfrost said in response to Betonyfrost's comment about the room in the nursery. "I imagine now that they're all bigger it must be harder to avoid kicking them or accidentally squishing their tails."

When Betonyfrost questions whether she would think poorly of her for wanting to stay in the nursery, Dewfrost shakes her head. "Of course not!" She says reassuringly. "It's not all fun and games raising kits, I know from experience, but time spent in the nursery can be pleasant too. You are warm, safe, well fed, you get to watch your little ones grow with each passing day." Dewfrost was not certain whether she would ever have kits again herself especially given what she had done but she could on occasion look back fondly on her time in the nursery. "Besides," Dewfrost added in a conspiratorial tone. "All the warriors get to come and tend to you and fuss over you so what's not to love about that?" Dewfrost chuckled. "Everything is going fine, don't you worry. We have prey to eat, our warriors are strong, and we're on top of the duties around camp as best we can."