camp DEADFALL ↷ [ pondering ]


Sootstar, contrary to her fondest desires and very best efforts, has gone the way of all flesh. The first litmus test to the stars' little clan experiment ended spectacularily and unsavourably. Flying a smidgeon too close to the sun, as it were. Smogmaw shall mark and commit her failures to memory, soak them into his pores and mind them so his own machinations are better shaped to succeed. Failure is the preeminent educator, and there remains much to be learned from the late WindClan tyrant.

First. Power, esteem, and popularity are subject to a rather fickle sort of gravity. Push too strongly and you will lose too much. Pull too sharply and you will snap your supports.

Second. Fear, as a tool, goes only as far as the loyalty you can inspire. Smogmaw would imagine loyalty a resource difficult to scrounge up when dragging one's clan through the mud and back out again, and likewise hard to nurture when you've lost your subordinates' trust.

Third. Do not become undefendable. It's just good politics. Sootstar ran herself ragged with a hundred transgressions and plots, only for her neck to meet the proverbial blade in the end. Those nips at your heels can turn into strikes aimed far higher, unless you sustain majority support and present yourself as a force worth backing. Do this, or else.

Fourth, lastly, and most importantly: do not, under any circumstances whatsoever, allow your deputy to get any bright ideas.

Smogmaw considers all this, and considers his station. He considers the moors' future, as well, the power vacuum that Sootstar's demise has wrought, and the role Sunstride will play in filling it. He considers how Sunstride will fail, how his righteous ambitions will twist, and his hubris swell and blind.

Entertaining such theories provides him an inherent satisfaction, like sinking teeth into marrow. He does so with paws, tail, and posture tucked at Clanrock's base, a passive spectator to an otherwise uneventful camp.

All this ruminating, pondering, and projecting threatens to spill over into the physical realm, and so it does when a passerby strays too near his person. "Sunstar." Abrupt and lacking context, it is sure to arrest their focus. "Rolls right off the tongue, don't it?" His spine arches into a stretch, joints popping in a manner graceless as it is worrying. "I hope he lives long enough to claim his nine lives. Certainly'd make patrols that way a bit more comfortable."

He sniffles, and settles onto his haunches casually. "But I can only be so optimistic. What do you think? About our neighbours' change in management, I mean. Any reason to be hopeful?"

He doesn't quite think so, but for the purpose of good conversation, he shall humour the concept nonetheless.

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Optimistic? About the newest rat to climb to the top of that dirt pile?” Betonyfrost answers, only once she has visibly settled from the surprise of Smogmaw barking at her from the shadow of Clanrock. ShadowClan had sniffed around with WindClan before on the behest of Pitchstar—Betonyfrost didn’t have any love for WindClan then, and she certainly didn’t share in Smogmaw’s interest now, “He did you a favor though, hadn’t he?” She nods towards the nursery. Halfpaw and Laurelpaw have both long since moved on from its confines, but they will always exist as the kits that WindClan took in Betonyfrost’s mind, “I pray WindClan will keep its skinny nose away from our tails, but maybe you have bigger hopes than more amicable patrols in our future.

It doesn’t sound like a particularly troublesome accusation to Betonyfrost until it is said aloud—Betonyfrost’s narrowed eyes flick momentarily back to the nursery, then return to Smogmaw.

There isn’t any good to be gained from WindClan. It’s even there in Sunstride’s name—they all spend their days under direct sun, and it does something to their heads. I wouldn’t trust anyone who could be so wide-eyed in the daylight.” Sunstride certainly wasn’t Sootstar, but he was still distinctly and undeniably WindClan, and every hare-fed kitten that crawled out of the sand would be burdened with the same weight of being WindClan. Betonyfrost doesn’t sneer—not entirely—but her mouth tenses as if prepared to.​
shadowclan warrior | blue mackerel tabby | 28 moons | tags
Frostbite listens to Smogmaw as he begins to speak. Things certainly were changing all of the sudden, weren't they? When he looks to the moors now, he will have to think of Sunstar, not Sootstar, as it's leader. He can still hardly believe it. He wants to jump for joy every time the thought crosses his mind that Sootstar is dead. This is cause for celebration, in his opinion.

"However Sunstride chooses to lead Windclan, Sootstar is still dead in the ground and I think that is enough reason to celebrate his leadership." Frostbite says with a smile. He does not know Sunstride well, but he never came off as cruel and deranged like Sootstar and his voice doesn't grate on his ears either.

"And while it has yet to be seen how his leadership will go, I'm willing to give him a chance. He knew what he was risking when he brought Halfpaw and Laurelpaw back, and I think it counts as a testament to his character. You don't usually find Windclanners with morals." He continues, sitting and draping his paws with his tail. "I know better than to put all my faith in him, though. Trust and respect are things that are earned." He adds. He won't be caught off guard should Sunstride turn out to be a typical Windclanner.​
I WISH YOU COULD SEE THE WICKED TRUTH — Unlike the trio of warriors that was already present, Onyxpaw didn't have moons of experience with the other clans under her belt. She was barely out of kithood, and her opinions on the other clans - including Windclan - were so far merely regurgitations of what her parents had told her about in the nest. Her mentor hadn't focused too much on the other clans or their borders just yet, mainly focusing on trying to get basic hunting and fighting skills drilled into her head first. While she could certainly understand the importance of both, she did also find herself yearning to go along on a border patrol, wondering what kind of cats she would encounter on the other side. Likely not ones that she felt she could actually talk to, but interesting and different mirrors of her own clan all the same.

Smogmaw's bark from beneath Clanrock - although not directed towards her - was still nearly enough to make her leap in the air, glancing around in confusion before she realized what he was talking about. Though Onyxpaw hadn't been present for Sunstride's rather celebrated visit, she had certainly heard about it. It would've been nearly impossible for her to not hear the gossip about the new golden-pelted tom that would be leading the moors. A sharp contrast to the shadowy and malicious figure that Sootstar had represented, at least based off of what her parents and mentor had mentioned. "Well... nobody really liked Sootstar, right? I mean, I don't think I've ever heard a single good thing about her, even when mama at least said the moors themselves were pretty." Kind things could be said about Windclan - or at least their territory - but it seemed nearly impossible to find a warrior outside of the clan itself that thought of Sootstar and her ways in a positive context.

And it didn't even seem like many of them agreed with that perspective anymore, if Sunstride's story was to be believed.

It was an active effort for Onyxpaw to force more words up from her throat, suddenly feeling extremely inconsequential compared to the far more experienced voices of those around her. Still, she found herself echoing Frostbite after a deep breath. "Avocetfall told me I shouldn't just automatically trust anybody outside of Shadowclan, but I don't think I see anything wrong with hoping that Sunstride does better. It could be a good thing for us all, then, I think. I guess it would be easier if we could all just see the future instead of having to wait and see how things turn out, though." Wouldn't that be quite the feat? It would certainly be a relief for her, having the ability to see how interactions would turn out before she went through with them. Maybe the cats up in Starclan could see how things would turn out with Windclan?

  • 75034637_eiCvVhxv9vQNT6l.png
    shorthaired tortoiseshell point and chocolate point chimera with blue eyes
    5 moons old; ages the 1st every month
    bisexual; crushing on yellowpaw
    daughter of monarchroot and sleetjaw
    shadowclan born; silently loyal to her home
    difficult to befriend; shy to most except yellowpaw
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    peaceful powerplay allowed

BRIARPAW — hello, my old heart.

Briarpaw had most certainly ambitions, her own want for power and individualism. However, unlike what she figured many of her peers dreamt of, her dreams did not lie in the public service as that of a leader. The ebony adolescent did not see herself constantly cracking under the pressure of her clanmates as a glorious feat, but a trap many sought out under the pretense of triumph, glory.
She witnessed its spiral in Sootstar, the news of her fate traveling through the forest akin to a storm.
The girl does not know what burdens Smogmaws mind as the deputy sits there, his gaze full of thoughts but distant. Smogmaw is one of the more entertaining clanmates to study, Briarpaw had decided so when she realized she can almost see how his mind shifts and clicks, how his stone wall of a demeanor is quick to burst wide open with flamboyancy at the drop of a toad.
The tabby’s stoicism is broken just so, the name of Windclans new leader drawling from a quirked maw.
Now that he has found his animation once more, Briarpaw lets herself saunter over, gauging Betonyfrosts reaction with an interested tilt of her head.
Frostbite and Oynxpaw chip in, and Briarpaw’s own thoughts begin to form.
"would it be unwise to place any hope on another clans shoulders?" The apprentice finally hums, attention not truly directed at anyone in particular.
"Wouldn’t holding someone in such a high regard only promise disappointment?"
