
eternally ♱ 6.10.2024
May 20, 2023

Without a trace of hesitation, Cygnetstare slithers into the tunnel entrance, away from the angry sun that peeks over the moors and threatens to scorch her tender flesh. As with all of the tunnelers, her frame is tiny and skinny, perhaps excessively so; vertebra and ribs shift like snakes under her pelt. Gut-painted eyes glance back at the apprentice that follows her for the barest of moments and then she proceeds into the tunnel, trusting Bluepaw will follow—they do not doubt Sootstar is a strong-willed mentor and it would surprise them if her apprentice (and daughter) lacks obedience. They do not hold the worshipful attitude towards Sootstar that some of their Clanmates do, but their loyalty is promised to this Clan and she is happy to be entrusted with the apprentice for the day. Perhaps she will have her own in the next few moons.

The half-moon warrior pads though the tunnels, all of the drunken heaving gait they carry above the earth vanished and replaced by serpentine slinking movements. Her overlong tail, dotted with spots like stars, presses against the tunnel's surface, probing for anything unusual. It is pleasantly dark and cool, their nose and ears attuned as her mind runs though her location relative to above; this carefully constructed mental map in mind, Cygnetstare moves soundlessly towards their intended destination. The silence is broken as they pad along, voice gravelly and fur stinking of the grave in the enclosed space, "You and Sootstar started on how to map the tunnels in ya head yet? Ain't an easy skill, I know."

// @BLUEPAW !!
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Her mother has other affairs to tend to today, and Bluepaw is stuck padding at another tunneler’s heels. Like Ghostwail and Whitepaw, Cygnetstare has blush-colored skin and eyes that burn in the scorching greenleaf sun. The tunneler has phantom-pale fur, a splotch of white even in the inky darkness of the tunnels. Bluepaw pads after her dutifully, though when Cygnetstare isn’t looking, she’s wrinkling her nose at the scent the she-cat carries. All tunnelers—even, regrettably, herself—have an earthy scent to them, but hers is unpleasant and corpselike.

Yes,” Bluepaw answers politely. “I do feel as though I’ll never get the hang of it, though.” This is true. She has admitted as much to Sootstar, though the smoke had assured her she would know the underground network as well as herself one day. Bluepaw tilts her head, cheek fluff grazing her shoulder. “Which direction are we going today? Are we doing repair work, or something else?” So much of their job is fixing what’s crumbling or broken that days become redundant quickly, but she’ll never complain aloud.

  • bluekit . bluepaw
    — she/her, apprentice of windclan
    — bisexual ; single
    — long-haired blue she-cat with white and green eyes
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — penned by Marquette
    — art by Meg

♱—— With a practiced ease she does not show in much else, Cygnetstare deftly follows the paths mapped in her head; paws sure now in a way they are not aboveground make their way towards their destination. Her shredded ears lift high to catch any stray sounds of distress in the packed dirt walls, led by a careful nose in this midnight space scented with soil. She offers a rusty-voiced reply to the apprentice, mewing, "Ayuh, some say it's the toughest parta tunneling. Damned good skill to have, though." Perhaps she can offer some tips to the apprentice today, though she's unsure what Sootstar would think of that—or what said apprentice would think. She's faintly aware of the general distaste some cats hold for her.

They pad towards their destination, the aboveground sight of the evening incident of a few days ago fixed in their mind. To the apprentice's question they first suck in air between long teeth, aware that the repair work they do daily can be vital but tedious; today's task is more interesting but also somewhat unpleasant. To Bluepaw's askance they reply, "'Fraid not. You were there when Ghostwail got skunked, ayuh? Took it upon myself to go check out the area 'n make sure we don't have a whole nesta the damn things. Lucky you to tag along today 'f all days." The tail end of their answer is faintly amused; of all the days and all the tunnelers to be assigned to, poor Bluepaw gets to go skunk-hunting with her.

Luckily, though, they don't think there's likely to be a whole burrow of skunks settling down in WindClan tunnels; they'd expect to hear about more skunking incidents if that was the case. But she'd learned enough from her own mentor, Stagblood, to know that it would be good to check anyways; skunks could be damned pests if you got a whole burrow of them in, they dug deep enough to hit their own tunnels, and they stank to high heaven. It didn't hurt to check, though, and they add in an attempt at reassurance, "I don't think we'll find anything, but it don't hurt nothin' to check. We'll know they're here if we smell 'em—goddamn burrows stink like hell."

  • ooc: they can actually find skunks or they can not find anything, i'm good with either! just wanted to give them something more interesting to do than regular tunnel stuff :)
  • ♱ cygnetstare — for their downy kitten-fur and perceptiveness (or uncanny gaze)
    she/they ; afab gender apathetic — windclan — tunneler — 16 ☾s
    —— cygnetstare is a corpselike chimera, split between long albino fur and a short black smoke pelt; their eyes are an unsettling pink. her creepy demeanour distracts from a strange fascination with death and an obsessive loyalty to windclan.
    —— smells like grave-dirt and blood ; sounds like vc tbd ; speech in #BF959C, thoughts in #000000
    —— peaceful / healing powerplay permitted ; attacks/contact in underline ; will start fights ; won't flee unless ordered ; won't show mercy ; will kill or maim
    —— pansexual panromantic monogamist, single, not looking ; open to friendships, enemies, casual interactions, long-term romance, plotting ; not open to unplanned battles, flings
    penned by dejavudesklamp9 on discord for plots

    YES: injuries, scarring
    ASK: maiming, permanent injuries
    NO: killing
    — Small and skinny, hiding sinewy muscle in forelegs and chest from digging. Skilled offensive fighter but limited by size, defense is basically nonexistent; snakelike agility fighter, faster than she looks and slippery. Will try to climb on and move around larger opponents to inflict damage. Extremely brutal despite her size and will always aim to inflict maximum damage; lacks honor and will fight dirty. Battle moves often damage herself as much as her opponent.

    — Will fight to kill and maim. Will start fights. Will not run unless ordered to. Will aim to kill and maim cats regardless of age or rank, including young cats.

    — Her battles will be written very aggressively and she will always aim to kill or seriously injure opponents; this does not mean her hits have to land! I don't mind your character dodging hits; feel free to contact me on-site or on Discord to work out specifics if needed. Will have a harder time against larger cats but keep in mind she is written as a good offensive fighter who aims to kill and/or seriously hurt. I'm not open to her being killed but am willing to discuss maimings (please ask me first though).

    — Their defensive fighting skills are borderline nonexistent. All hits will land except attempts at killing or maiming that haven't been prediscussed. I don't roll for attacks or defense but try to write battles realistically.
    current health info:
    physical health:
    ↳ current injuries: none