The sun shines through the branches, bathing the camp in its warm glow. The mud from the recent snowmelt is drying in the rays, and the air is beautiful. It’s not cold at all, a rare leaf-bare day and she casts a sad smile upwards. Berryheart had something to do with it, she’s sure. The smile doesn’t last. The memory of her son’s shuddering body comes to the forefront of her mind and she has to quickly the call the meeting before she lets the image linger, so her words come slightly rushed when she calls, “Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey join here beneath the Highrock for a clan meeting!”

Her thumping heart begins to slow, returning to its rhythmic beat. The eyes of her clanmates on her ground her, and so she focuses on them, making eye contact with one after the other as her breathing smooths. “We have-“ She pauses, closes her eyes for a moment. She fights the tears that have not stopped since her son’s body fell still. Get ahold of yourself. This has to be done. Drawing in a breath, she lifts her eyes again and continues, “We have two warriors to name today. Shinepaw, Acornpaw, come forward.”

The ceremonies are a welcome distraction, something she can pour her feelings into, something that means something. So she gazes at the two apprenticed with a joyful, content smile, grateful for this moment. “I, Howlingstar, leader of ThunderClan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on these apprentices. They have trained hard to understand the ways of your noble code, and I commend them to you as warriors in their turn. Shinepaw, Acornpaw, do you promise to uphold the Warrior Code and to protect and defend your clan, even at the cost of your life?”

// Warrior ceremonies for @Shinepaw @Acornpaw.

Activity shoutouts for January go to @HOWLINGSTAR @Flamewhisker @BERRYHEART @HAILSTORM. @RACCOONSTRIPE @WOLFWIND @batwing @ROEFLAME . @SHININGSUN @FOXPAW @bravepaw : ̗̀➛ thank you all for your high activity on the board!!

ACORNPAW — how could I fear any hurricane?
When Howlingstar called, Acornpaw poked her head from the apprentices den, brows creasing with thought for a moment before the chimera finally emerges, weaving her way through other gathering clanmates as they shifted about to find a spot.
Acornpaw knew this meeting would be her last as an apprentice, and reliving that realization over and over is the only thing that kept the molly from squealing with excitement.
Howlingstar’s grief is apparent in the way her words tumble and stop, how her stance does not keep its usual steadiness. Acornpaw almost frowns, but cannot bring herself to, not in the face of her dream. Silently, she apologizes to the Wrenflutter and the sleeping stars, to Berryheart who she cannot bear to mourn at this moment.
Finally, the apprentice is called forward alongside Shinepaw, and the chimera is up on her paws, beginning her short journey towards Howlingstar.
Seeing the tabby leader smile in her direction lifts Acornpaws guilt from thin shoulders, and she beams back towards Howlingstar in turn.
"I do." The ceremonious words are softly spoken against the apprentices excitement, and she has to force herself not to look in Flamewhiskers direction for this moment.



It was a beautiful day, a day fit for ceremony and celebration. However, no one in Thunderclan seemed to be in a festive mood, Shinepaw included. The boy didn’t know Berryheart well, but he owed his health to the late medicine cat. So many moons confined in a den filled with pungent herbs, coughs a constant serenade to his misery, but Berryheart had treated him. Berryheart, as much as any of the journey cats, made him better. And to that, Shinepaw was eternally grateful.

As Howlingstar called his name, Shinepaw stepped forwards with a silent vow to make sure Berryheart’s efforts wouldn’t be wasted. In truth, the shaft of sunlight felt strange right now precisely because he didn’t feel any different. The boy was about to he handed everything he’d dreamed of, the thing that would finally make him an adult, the title that would certify his worth as a cat, but he felt the same as any other day. Shinepaw was still working at overcoming his own hangups, and it was evident in the fact that the warrior-aspirant was still under the spell of belief that being given a new suffix was some magical experience which would forge him into a better cat.

Perhaps, after today, that assumption would finally be broken. “I do” Shinepaw answered, working hard to keep his voice steady as sky-blue eyes darted to Flycatcher, filled with unsaid gratitude.​
Grief is draped across his shoulders like wet moss, impeding the fluidity of his movements. His confident stride is impaired; Raccoonstripe all but staggers toward the clearing, his dark eyes shadowed. Howlingstar stands strong, her paws firm and shoulders squared, but all of ThunderClan can see the tears swimming in forest-colored eyes. He looks at her, his ears twitching as her speech falters. The mundane can be a comfort to some, but all he can think about is this will be a ceremony his brother will miss; these are warriors whose wounds will be dressed by bigger paws, white-whiskered and solid. Shinepaw and Acornpaw will not see quiet pride shining in his brother’s eyes when they turn back toward the crowd.

The tabby warrior bows his head, his jaw clenched tight enough to shatter the fangs in his mouth like ice, like glass. I would give anything for you to be here beside me. Anything. I would give up every dream if I could have you back. What good were those dreams, he wonders, without Berryheart to support him through them—without Berryheart to be there when he succeeds?

His tail draws closer to his body. The ache in his heart is like a bone lodged in his throat—he can’t dislodge it, and it threatens to pierce the most delicate parts of him through.

  • ooc:
  • 74327127_amPwOaY4eGaGkj8.png
  • Raccoon . Raccoonstripe, he/him w/ masculine terms.
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — 37 moons old, ages realistically on the 5th.
    — mentored by n/a ; mentoring Smudgepaw ; previously mentored Wildheart, Moonwhisper
    — thunderclan lead warrior. gray wolf x howlingstar, gen 2.
    — currently mated to Nightbird.
    — penned by Marquette.

    lh black tabby with white and dark brown eyes. charismatic, charming, calculating, ambitious, shallow, manipulative.

  • Crying
Reactions: Floppie
It was indeed a beautiful they had been blessed with by Starclan. At Howlingstar's call, she made her way to where Flycatcher used to sit. It broke her heart to see their leader so sad. The entire camp was still grieving after Berryheart's death. As she scanned the crowd, seeing his absence was just another reminder that he was not there. Her throat felt tight, and her gaze had a glassy film over it, but she tried her best to appear strong. For the clan...for Howlingstar.

Today her apprentice would be earning her full name, alongside her mate's apprentice. As they were beckoned closer, Flamewhisker offered them each a smile. Regardless of the heavy blanket of grief that was draped across the crowd, this was a very important day for the pair of apprentices. Shinepaw and Acornpaw had spent many moons preparing for this day, and she was proud of each of them.
  • IMG_1727.png
    LH red tabby with low white (masks black tabby, carries dilute, solid)
    — Deputy of Thunderclan ; currently mentoring Acornpaw
    — she/her ; mated with Flycatcher
    — mother to Stormfeather & Falconheart
    — 29 moons ; ages on the 20th
    — Smells like dirt, old leaves, tree sap, faint hint of flowers
    — will start a fight, will finish fights, will kill (case depending)
    "speech" ; thoughts ; attacks
    — penned by Icey ! ; link to tags
    — link to toyhouse


It feels strange not to sit below Howlingstar as he once had. When Howlingstar does call a clan meeting his paws begin to move towards the familiar ground, before he suddenly recalls he no longer sits there. It feels strange but Flycatcher says nothing and instead takes his place with his fellow lead warriors.

It was truly a beautiful day today, one fit for the ceremonies and celebration to come, though the mood in camp feels anything but. As his green eyes look around, Flycatcher can see the sadness in his clanmates faces, the grief they still carry for losing Berryheart. Flycatcher himself still feels it, though manages to tend to the sadness by distracting himself with pride that Shinepaw will finally become a warrior today alongside Acornpaw.
The two apprentices make their vows and Howlingstar tips her chin upwards in acknowledgement. "Then by the powers of StarClan, I give you your warrior names." She climbs down from the Highrock slowly and first approaches the ginger and white tom, Flycatcher's apprentice. Shinepaw had certainly taken his time getting to this point, but Howlingstar sees no shame in that. Even if a little later than most of his peers, he got here now, and that's all that matters. "Shinepaw, from this moment on you will be known as Shinebug. StarClan honors your kindness and helpfulness, and we welcome you as a full warrior of ThunderClan." She leans forward to place her chin on top of his head, a soft smile on her lips. She pulls away once she feels him lick her shoulder and gives the young tom a nod before she moves on to Acornpaw.

She remembers when she had first tumbled into the ravine, without a name and without any family but her brother. She had been slow to trust, but under the tutelage of Flamewhisker she has blossomed into a capable young cat. She has a place here, she has a name here - she is Dogbait no longer. "Acornpaw, from this moment on you will be known as Acornwish. StarClan honors your creativity and drive, and we welcome you as a full warrior of ThunderClan." She rests her muzzle between new warrior's ears, her smile gentle, before pulling away. Two new warriors added to their ranks - of course Berryheart would choose such a day to shine the sun on them.

"Shinebug! Acornwish! Shinebug! Acornwish!" She joins in the chanting as she climbs to the top of the Highrock again and settles back on her haunches, feeling the familiar optimism slowly seep back into her, the same feeling ceremonies always gives her. It reminds her that life continues to flourish here in the oak forest, no matter the heartbreak. ThunderClan, her friends, her family...they continue to grow and thrive. She does her best to hold onto that.

"As you all know, Fallowpaw's family has joined us in our camp. I have taken the time to talk to them, and they've agreed to become ThunderClan apprentices and train to be warriors, like their sister. We formally welcome them into our ranks today. Doe, Fawn, Antler, please come forward." Doe and Antler's recoveries are going well, according to Hailstorm. He had given permission for them to leave the den today, to participate in their apprentice ceremonies before the clan. She watches them with warmth as the three young cats arrive before the towering boulder.

"Doe, from this day on, until you receive your warrior name, you will be known as Doepaw. Your mentor will be Wolfwind. I hope she will pass down all she knows on to you." She looks to her granddaughter, the absence of her eye still so fresh that sometimes it shocks Howlingstar to look at her and remember what happened. Hailstorm says Doepaw might face permanent damage to her eyes, and if there's any warrior who can help her, it's Wolfwind, who is still learning to adjust to her new world. Perhaps they can help each other. "Wolfwind, you are ready to take on another apprentice. I hope you will teach Doepaw to be as tenacious and courageous as you are."

After the pair touches noses, she turns her attention to the next sister. "Fawn, from this moment on, until you receive you warrior name, you will be known as Fawnpaw. Your mentor will be Wildheart. I hope he will pass down all he knows on to you." Perhaps a shocking choice for many to hear. Wildheart is blunt and hard to swallow, and he has a history of being a rather difficult warrior. Deep down, she knows he's good, he just needs polishing. She has hopes that having an apprentice will help to mature him. "WIldheart, you are ready to take on an apprentice. You have received excellent training from Raccoonstripe and have shown yourself to be a brave and loyal warrior. I expect you to pass on all you know to Fawnpaw."

And finally, her sights turn to the last sister. "Antler, from this day on, until you receive your warrior name, you will be known as Antlerpaw. Your mentor will be me." She lifts her chin, a small smile on her face. She can't lie, she's taken a liking to the young she-cat. She'd like to see what kind of warrior she could help her to become. "I swear to do my best by you and show you everything I know." The older she-cat once again slips down the Highrock so that she may approach the new apprentice and touch her nose to hers, a soft purr in her throat. "When you're ready, we will see the territory," She murmurs, knowing the she-cat still has a little ways to go in terms of recovery.

"Doepaw! Fawnpaw! Antlerpaw!" She chants with the clan, once again returning to her spot on her perch, for the meeting is not yet over. There is news to share - but first, celebration.

// Shinepaw has been named Shinebug, for his humility and work ethic
Acornpaw has been named Acornwish, for her determination and drive

@doepaw ࿔ assigned to @WOLFWIND
@FAWN assigned to @WILDHEART
@antlerpaw! assigned to Howlingstar

ThunderClan has struggled the past several days. After Berryheart’s death everyone seemed to be a moment away from tears, even Howlingstar fights them back as she begins the warrior ceremony. Guilt pricks at her heart for not feeling the same emotions as they did, she missed Berryheart. She had grieved him at his vigil and shared-tongues briefly with him for the last time. No longer does she cry, but Foxpaw is just a kit, a child. The permanence of death not yet understood.

”Shinebug! Acornwish! Shinebug! Acornwish!” The girl cheers for her now former den-mates, eager to try and get to their spots in the apprentices den before anyone else did. She just hopes they don’t think because they’re warriors now they get to boss Foxpaw around…

Fallowpaw’s litter-mates who had joined are given apprentice names and mentors, one even getting Howlingstar herself. This surprises Foxpaw, ”Wow, why do you think Howlingstar picked her? She whispers to another apprentice, dumbfounded. Nonetheless she’d proceed to cheer their names too, ”Doepaw! Fawnpaw! Antlerpaw!” Finally, she would not be among the newest of the apprentice. Slowly but surely, Foxpaw would gain seniority in the den.
  • » Foxaw
    » ThunderClan Apprentice
    » Mentored by Roeflame
    » She/they . AFAB
    » A red tabby & chocolate sepia she-cat with orange eyes.
    » ”Speech”thoughtsattack
  • » An incredibly easy foe with no combat training.
    » Likely to swat or flee depending on the size of foe.
    » Fights defensively and to save herself.
    » May powerplay minor harm. Can powerplay healing
These customs were ones she was wholly unfamiliar with. The chanting was rousing, the renaming. Her eyes blinked, vision sweeping the crowd, pressed close to Doe at the mouth of the medicine cat den. She had been warned not to stray too far from the den yet- and that was okay. Antlerpaw didn't mind soaking with the herb-smells for now, at least, despite how overwhelming some of them smelled. It was... new, comforting. Something she was unfamiliar with, and with that, no memories could chase her into the dimmed den.

She did not cheer at first, for she did not understand. Antler's vision moved back towards Howlingstar as the announcements continued to come forth. Ears perked as a small burst of recognition flew through her. Glancing at her siblings, Antler nodded quietly as she looked back towards Howlingstar. Please come forward. Ears perked, and she moved carefully to the middle of camp, where warriors and apprentices alike had leaned back to allow them some space.

Doepaw. Fawnpaw. Both with mentors, like Fallow? Her head turned, looking for the sight of her most clan-attuned sister when Howlingstar was calling her own name. Her shoulders stiffened, vision snapping in worry back towards Howlingstar. Most apprentices felt anxiety at the call for their new names- most felt excited. Antler almost dreaded her new name. Would this be an era to look forward to? Or something to run from? Her thoughts were whispers as she was given her new name. Your mentor will be... me.

Her eyes blinked, mouth parting open. From what Antler could understand, warriors were normal to get apprentices with, lead warriors were too. Deputies and leaders were special cases, no? "I- yes- okay!" She squeaked out. Howlingstar approached, and it took most of Antler to stand still in one place, her nose reaching forward to reciprocate the motion. "Okay." Antlerpaw whispered as Howlingstar murmured to her, slowly leaning at her paws.

With that, just like that, they were a part of the clan- a part of a circle of movement, one that may be never ending. So, softly, she chanted for her sisters, excitement starting to bubble in her eyes, hope finding a part of her heart.
 ° .  . ° 
  • ooc:
    a small, lh cinnamon lynx sepia still small, with a brown patterned pelt and bright orange-gold eyes. looks naive.
The touch of her sister was one of the few familiarities she could rely on... All of the changes were alarming, really, for one that was used to constancy. She hadn't been allowed to leave the same, tiny den that smelled of a clowder of girls (and some not-girls but those were fewer)... Had eaten the same meals caught by the same mother, had seen the same sunrises and sunsets.. witnessed the same death. But it hadn't been... and none of this was the same anymore. The place they took shelter had a lot of smells, some much more pleasant on her nose than others... and in those scents came in mingling of all these clan cats... Hailstorm's stood out most prominently, one she'd spent the most time with. She'd committed the soft snoring from his nest to memory... had heard it every night. There were small victories at least... slowly approaching routine anew.

But there were hurdles to jump over... This being one of them.

Pressing her nose embarrassedly into the shoulder fur of her sibling, the gold-eyed girl couldn't tell if everyone was staring- they were nothing more than a brilliant landscape of blended colors- but was sure they would be the moment Howlingstar called her name. A ruddy molly moves to step forward as asked and she is left to emotionally flounder when the pillar of a cat she hid behind departed to do as told. Swallowing nervously, butterflies start to flutter in her belly as the soft-toned she-cat moves a few, cautious steps closer...

Her paws travel with easily identifiable anxiety and much to her horror, she trips just before sniffing herself out to Antler's side. What did they call it here, StarClan? They had to be laughing at her! Her cheeks burned with embarassment, staring at the ground while she focused on keeping her paws from shaking. Doe- no, Doepaw now, as determined by tradition (another strange thing to fear, another thing that made her want to slink back into the dark comfort of the medicine cat's den to be alone and think on it and wait and adjust).

And she is given her own mentor- the first of her litter even! What should be an honor is wasted on the change-adverse child, turning with wide, sightless eyes to look for whatever shadow might be moving closer rather than staying still. "I'm um... not allowed to.. to train yet," she whispers to her mentor, hoping it wouldn't upset the nice lady warrior.

"B-but! It's... it's nice to meet you," she adds quickly, smiling timidly at the dark shape that stands in front of her.​
unseasonably warm days like this are meant to be celebrated, it was fitting to hear howlingstar’s voice announce a meeting. leafhusk pads over and settles into a spot, curling her tail neatly around her paws.

the meeting began on a bittersweet note, but continued into something that inspired hope.

"shinebug! acornwish! shinebug! acornwish!" she cheered along with her clanmates.

it wasn’t surprising to see that the young cats were staying. how could they leave cats so vulnerable out in the snow?

"doepaw! fawnpaw! antlerpaw!"
After the chanting dies down and Howlingstar has returned to her spot on top of the Highrock, she sits down and surveys the clan. "I'm sure many of you may know this by now, for word travels fast around camp, but Sootstar is no longer leader of WindClan. Sunstride reports her followers have been killed or chased off, and he claims the true WindClanners now reside on the moors. I still want everyone keeping a close eye on that border...I'm not sure how much we can trust them right now. They'll have to earn that from us." Her brow furrows, her lashing tail revealing her agitation at the thought. She wants peace, but can she count on it?

"He also has let us know that WindClan no longer claims Highstones as their territory. All of the clans may once again travel there without worry to commune with StarClan." She pauses, allowing the news to soak in and waits to see if anyone speaks up with their own thoughts.
Wildheart can feel the weight of loss that lingers over the clan. One less of their ranks stood shoulder to shoulder with them, though he tried not to let the grief weigh him down. There was still plenty to rejoice about and life had to go on. There were new warriors being named; Shinebug and Acornwish. He made sure to bellow their names loud with pride.

Then came the time to announce the new apprentices, Fallowpaw's kin. In truth he was surprised that the little runt had found their way home, much less how they had brought fresh faces to their ranks. Who would be tasked with mentoring them? Cats who had not been born in the clan... it would be a difficult duty. Doepaw is assigned to Wolfwind, and he feels a pang of jealousy. After meeting, after meeting, after meeting... he was passed over and denied the chance to be a mentor. This would just be the same thing all over again.

The warrior was about ready to leave... that is until he heard his name being said. Wildheart felt his paws grow heavy under the surge of new found responsibility. It took him longer than comfortably acceptable to move towards Fawnpaw thanks to the trance he had been trapped in, but moved forward to greet his new apprentice. "I hope you're ready to become one the greatest warriors this clan will ever see." Regardless of origin he had no intention of letting any apprentice of his become some average cat, he would make her great and a force to be reckoned with.

The tom settled himself back into the ranks as the meeting continued and he extended his ear yet again to Howlingstar as the news regarding WindClan was shared. "About time those moor rats came to their senses." He murmured under his breath, thankful that Highstones had been freed from a single clan's control. Now only time would tell if Sunstride proved to be a better leader than Sootstar.


” shinebug! acornwish! shinebug! acornwish! “ she was proud. of them both, but particularly shinebug, for her own heartache’s sake — the golden tom stood so proud, moons of hard work and bleary eyes put into this moment under starclan’s watchful gaze. she sits aside flycatcher, giving the blue tom a friendly shoulder nudge when howlingstar bestows upon his apprentice his warrior name, emerald eyes shining should the former deputy’s gaze meet hers. the kid was his protégé, after all. the apprentices are names shortly after, and freckleflame would be lying to say she felt positively about the incident with fallowpaw’s kin. the ragged molly she’d driven back was spitting mad, but these were loner kits. one, she could excuse ; fallowpaw was odd, quiet, but harmless, as far as she could tell. it’s family flock towards the stone howlingstar stands upon and she shuffles semi - uncomfortably, scorning herself silently for the darkness brewing at her mind. they were young, right? young, but old enough to be apprenticed under the warrior code. her stomach unsettles and she glances towards the sky, imploring, waiting for the clouds to roll and blues to grey. it never does.

her chin lowers, and they have three new apprentices : antlerpaw, doepaw, fawnpaw. regrettably, she thinks of sandthorn.

but her thoughts are quickly unfurled when their leader continues — sootstar was no longer leader of windclan, ” huh? “ she blurts, dumbly, because what did that mean? her followers, killed or driven out. so that meant.. ” is she — dead? “ despite her first fumble of words, she manages to continue, wonder and uncertainty painting her tone. did that mean.. she was in starclan? that was where all clan cats went when they passed, wasn’t that right? the thought unsettles her belly and not for the first time, she wished she had but a taste of howlingstar’s connection to the sky above — maybe that would finally be enough to soothe her eternally frazzled nerves.

  • i.

  • Untitled262_20231202152333.png

    f. she / her, daughter of sunfreckle and rabbitnose. large, fluffy cream - ribboned tortoiseshell with seaglass eyes. larger than life! every part of her is broad ; wide in everything from her face to shoulders to her feathered tail, something reminiscent of her father’s kittypet heritage in the square of her chin and hulk of her figure. she appears illusionarily fluff - ridden at first, thickly pelted in shades of fire and soot, long & tangled, knotted with undergrowth — seeming soft and pudgy, and she is.. that figure curving into hard, hidden bulk along heavyset flanks and well - muscled limbs. a characteristic lack of personal space leads her to a slouching, touchy posture, often inclined to lean or bump against her peers.
    prone to bouts of explosive emotion. all opinions are solely in - character and during these times, often untrue or said only in anger.

Lightpaw sat near a few of the other apprentices, fur fluffed from the cold. She looked up at Howlingstar as she spoke, sympathizing with her leader's pause of grief. She hadn't known Berryheart well, mostly in passing, so for her the death was more of a distant, painful memory. That did not change the fact that she knew other's feelings on the matter, and felt in a more empathetic way. "Shinebug! Acornwish!" She chanted along, a cloud forming in the chilled air around the gathered cats. Lightpaw perked her ears at the acknowledgment of Fallowpaw's siblings, and too chanted along with their names. She'd have to remember to formally introduce herself.
Adding on the news about WindClan had her optimistic, despite hearing other's mutterings about it. Sootstar had always seemed cold at the few gathering's she'd been to. Sunstar she hoped would live up to his namesake and bring a path of light to the other clan.
She feels it. They all feel it. She sees it in Howlingstar's eyes, in the slump of Raccoonstripe's shoulders. Wolfwind feels it, but to her, its still far, far away. Like something fluttering just above her head, out of reach, and not like something that's already happened. ThunderClan's medicine cat would already be burried, and here Wolfwind sits, absently wondering when they would find a mottled paw sticking out ofthe ground, ready for life once again. Maybe Wolfwind could dote over him instead, then. She could remind him that she's proud, smile and say, you made it, sole eye shining in the gloom.

"Shinebug! Acornwish! " New warriors. They've probably known Berryheart all of their lives. She makes sure to yell extra loud for them. Then comes Fallowpaw and the rest of her lot. All lined up like this, they really were alike.

Doepaw. Doepaw is hers. A second – a third to keep her all seeing eye on. She gives a single wink of surprise to her leader, her grandmother. Are you sure? She still felt too fresh. Too fresh out the den, fresh out her paws. The meat of her face still tugs strangely along with the rest of her. And Doepaw... Doepaw was new. Doepaw was straight from the medicine den herself. She needed...

She needed someone like Wolfwind, because she was the same as ever, just... better. The warrior is shaking away her nerves as she approaches on pale paws. She knows this routine now – nose to nose, and Doepaw's voice is soft and sweet. I'm not allowed to train yet. Confusion hits her for a moment. ...Her eye. That'd be fine. Time for Wolfwind to prepare.

But! It's... it's nice to meet you Wolfwind smiles, and she hopes it isn't too scary. " Nice to meet ya too, Doepaw. " She wouldn't wind up in the Medicine Den again if Wolfwind had anythin' to say about it.
Last edited:
Palepaw had gotten a bit wrapped up in her training session and was unfortunately running a bit late to this moon's meeting. She tried her best to sneak in the back of the crowd without catching any attention from her clanmates, sliding through the mass of bodies until she reached Lightpaw's side. The fluffy molly sat herself quietly next to her friend and immediately turned her icy gaze to Howlingstar, just in time to hear her announce the names of their two newest warriors. Her spine tingled slightly when she realized that, in just a short moon, that would be her and her friends up there, having their own names chanted by the clan. "Shinebug! Acornwish!" It was reassuring to see that, even in the grips of leafbare, her clan was still thriving and growing.

The one thing ruining that feeling of success, for her at least, was the announcement of their newest arrivals. She struggled to contain the look of contempt that furrowed her brow as her eyes sought the muddy figures of Fallowpaw's siblings, the young rogues who had for some reason been allowed to join them. Palepaw grit her teeth as the rest of the clan cheered their names, refusing to celebrate the addition of those snakes to their camp. It was bad enough she'd be forced to share a den with them. Her tail twitched slightly at the news of Sootstar, though it wasn't news to her, since she'd been present when Sunstar had given the information the first time. Feeling a bit agitated and no longer enjoying the company of those around her, the elder apprentice quietly rose to her paws and made a swift exit.