Dear fellow traveler ✧ Harmony

Feb 20, 2024

Climbing is a skill that Flora was looking to sharpen. It wasn't her favourite thing to do, which felt a little ironic to her because the clan that she was training to properly join seemed to favour it. Over time she was starting to see the perks of it, learning how to counteract her weight, find her balance, gain the strength needed in her legs. Flora had found that as she learnt to climb better she wanted to try climbing out of enjoyment rather than to just train.

The maine coon stood beneath a wide tree, a large trunk and sturdy branches drew her attention compared to the other perfectly fine trees that she could have picked. She was going to reach the branches today, she had decided that even just the first branch would be fine. Flora jumped onto the trunk of the tree, feeling the wind get knocked out of her as she had a little too much power and hit it with a ‘thunk’. She was able to recover quickly enough and found her footing, climbing up the tree with no grace but precision.

Reaching the first branch brought a new wave of adrenalin, spotting the branch within arms reach she pushed herself off the trunk. Twisting her body so she could catch herself on the branch, it took some effort on her end but she ended up sitting on the branch as she fought to caught her breath. Something felt… a little strange though, it felt like something was watching her. Flora slowed her breathing down to its normal rate and looked around. Nothing was immediately around her but something in the back of her mind told the maine coon to look up.

Looking up had caused her to jump and nearly lose her footing on her branch when she saw another cat above her. Green eyes stared at the chimaera, she was not familiar with Harmony's name but had seen them around camp enough to know that hopefully she wasn't in danger. “I didn't realise the tree came with a friend!” She called out as she craned her neck to get a better look at them. The surprise and fear disappearing and being replaced with her usual sunny disposition “what are you doing up here anyways?”


Climbing was one of the things that brought them peace in a place that was still fairly new to them - and it was an entirely different view from the one that they were used to back at "home". From up in the boughs, they could see the entire world unfold before them, and that was much more satisfying than anything else that they had experienced. The sky stretched overhead like a yawning cat, the grass below covering the ground like a thick pelt, dusted with strongly scented needles and littered with weeds and dots of small purple wildflowers. They were more used to the night, to the darkness, to the brush of damp, cold air through their fur, but the sunlight on their pelt was beginning to become a virtue, a kindness - a pleasant warmth unlike any other.

They can scent Flora before she appears, before she begins to scale up the trunk of the tree they were currently perched in, though the scent registers less specifically as SkyClan, so they know they are not in danger, but moon-eyes look down below at the other cat from their branch above, a thin, twisting one covered in plenty green needles. "It is quiet out here. I was watching the forest," Harmony meows simply in response.

  • 77721058_M07Hu3DIqUr2fr7.png
  • HARMONY they/them, skyclan warrior, 22 moons
    LH blue/black chimera with high white and brown-green heterochromia, 50% maine coon
    ex-leader of a loner group
    speaks with a strange lilt; eyes are without highlights and are dull or even dead-looking
    peaceful & healing powerplay permitted
    penned by harmoniafind me in the skyclan server!

Truthfully Flora is still reeling from the fact that she didn’t register Harmony was there at all. She was certain that she should have been able to see them as she got closer, or at the very least be able to smell them and yet she couldn’t. She blinks up at them, trying to understand what they meant by watching the forest. The daylight warrior considers their words, she could understand the peace and quiet out in the forest- usually it wasn’t quiet when Flora was around but she could hypothetically understand it. There were moments where she was, taking in the pines around her, they were fleeting but not entirely rare.

“What do you mean by watching the forest?” She meows as she turns her body to properly look out at the forest surrounding them. She looks to the sky first, she would never tire of the sunlight that peered through the trees, bathing a warm glow on anyone who was lucky enough to be standing beneath it’s rays. Looking out at the sky hurt her eyes too much though, she could probably blink more but she wanted to take in as much as she could. This was part of her attempts to watch the forest after all! Sore eyes would pass in time but the beauty of the sky above them may not! Her eyes do eventually sweep out to the tops of the trees around them, she was lower than Harmony so she may not actually be able to see what they were.

What she did see was nice though! She could see bird nests in the top branches of neighbouring trees, small birds coming and going with twigs and whatever else they could find to make those nests. She looks down next, nothing of interest down there but she was glad that she didn’t have a fear of heights. Could you imagine being a member of SkyClan and having a fear of heights? She doesn’t think it would make that hypothetical cat less of a warrior, they could always do things on the ground! The idea did amuse her though.

What was she doing again? Oh right- watching the forest. Flora looks back to Harmony, that branch didn’t look sturdy enough to support the two of them so she was happy enough to just sit where she was. “Is there anything in particular you like to watch? Like the animals or the trees? Or maybe something else?” She ceases her questioning, considering the first half of Harmony’s sentence, silence, right, they liked the quiet of the forest. “Do you come here often?” She asked before giving her questions a break, falling into silence. The maine coon didn’t want to be shooed away, she thought Harmony was interesting and she didn’t want to throw away the chance of a conversation by throwing them into a sour mood.