private DEAR FELLOW TRAVELER [ smoke ]

( ) slender paws tap lightly across half-frozen earth, a feathery tail swishing in the chilled air as the warrior trots quietly across the riverclan camp. the moon is high in the sky, faint wispy clouds decorating the horizon as the clan settles in for another night. quiet murmuring from the warrior den, a stray trickle of laughter from the apprentices, each small sound of life within the cozy island camp breathes new hope into the smoke feline. within her jaws hangs a well sized trout, scales glinting in soft moonlight as she approaches her destination. a soft breath exhales from her nose, sending a haze of condensation into the air like smoke from a flame. the willow den seems quiet and cold in the darkness of night. one body rests within, no doubt keenly aware of the lack of another. smokestar has retired to his den of sorrow for the night, deputy announced, gathering taken care of.

willowroot knows he's not okay.

with the decision of lichentail as deputy, some weight must be taken from his shoulders, yet the grim look in his flaming eye as he'd stalked back to his den is burned into the queen's vision. she hesitates briefly outside of the den before scratching gently at the ground. "smoke-" her voice is muffled by the fish in her mouth. setting it by her paws, she tries again. "smoke, love... smokestar, i've brought you something to eat. your clan has been fed. may i come in?"

// @Smokestar <33
He thinks if it weren't for Beepaw's forwardness he would have left this den as it was still, a mess and scattered; smelling of Cicadastar and the fading scent of rogues that once resided within it during their leave. He'd have slept outside it, under the stars, wondering why he accepted such a burden for a trivial reward he didn't even recieve; a chance for closure and a farewell he had not gotten nor would he probably ever. Where did you go when you died and StarClan rejected you? Did you wander lost forever? Would a mottled ghost roam the river's edge until the end of time itself?
Smokestar rests his head on his paws and stares at the back of the den in silence, he'd named a deputy immediately out of fear, he'd tried to give the clan its stability in case things only got worse but the fact he'd already died once and had kept such to didn't exactly bode well.
His name has him sit up, head turning from where he was laying to the mouth of the den - the word 'star' so awkwardly attached to him that he almost didn't realize he was being spoken of. In a way, he hated it. He had liked his name, his first gift from his mate before they had even considered one another in such regard...
"...yeah...I...yes. You can. Thank you." His words are clipped, curt and polite and strained and he frowns as he shifts upward to sit upon the nest and face Willowroot more properly, "...that's a big fish....share it with me? Not sure I have the appetite for the entire thing."

  • OOC can go here.

  • 57913530_r2t3y4lghl4FDra.png
    —⊰⋅ Leader of RiverClan
    —⊰⋅ He/Him
    —⊰⋅ Black tom w/vitiligo & one orange eye.