✦  .   ˚ .   It hurts. From deep in his chest to the tip of his tongue, something within him is aching and tired. The apprentice does what he can to ignore it. Each day the sun rises and he grows closer to his warriorhood– he can't stop now. He can't slow down, can't rest. Duskpaw is up early each morning, attentive to Nightbird's training, helpful around camp. Quiet, certainly, and somewhat withdrawn, but always present.

Which is why it is so strange for him to be entirely gone now. The early morning had gone and passed, and Little Wolf's son had not yet been seen. His nest is empty, his mentor unbothered. From behind a den, in a patch of half-sunlight, a curled brown shape looks deceptively small and wholly unwell. Duskpaw's tail is wrapped over his face and his chest rises and falls with shaky effort. In, held, stuttered out, again and again and again. Beneath the cover, even his sleeping face seems drawn down in discomfort. Though he rests, it is certainly unpleasant and unwilling.

  • OOC. short lil thread.... boy's sick....
    ——  a lanky apprentice with mostly dark brown fur that fades just slightly near the chest, throat, and ears, while the tip of their tail burns with the bright orange tabby flame. his eyes are a deep, rich amber-brown, seeming red, often somewhat critical and cautious but not unkind in expression. he is not terribly tall, but his shoulders are broadening with age and training.
  • "speech"
  • Sad
Reactions: nightbird

ROEFLAME — break the air to feel the fall.
Normally, tedious chores are reserved for unruly apprentices, but when those unruly apprentices were dropping like flies, the tasks fell to the warriors.
In all honesty, Roeflame surprisingly didn’t mind the extra chores and patrols, they kept her busy, and when she wasn’t helping out around camp she practically got to spend all of her time with Burnstorm.
With leaf-fall fast approaching, the cinnamon warrior had been tasked with checking around the dens for any holes or weak-spots. She has already gotten about half-way through, leaving bundles of fern nearby the dens that needed fixing up to come back to later.
She turns a corner, and almost steps on a head.
Taking a step back, the image of Duskpaw finally registers.
Maw parted, Roeflame is about to greet him with a jest- until the scent hits. Roeflame almost gags, not from the smell, but from the nightmarish memories that spin behind her eyes.
"Hey! Duskpaw needs help, someone get Berryheart or Lichenpaw!" Her tone is not meant to be aggressive, but urgent.
Unfortunately, Roeflames urgency is always aggressive. Unafraid of the sickness, Roeflame comes to Duskpaws side, placing a milky paw upon his shoulder, "Duskpaw, wake up. Can you walk?" She gives him a delicate nudge. Had the delirium kicked in, yet? How long had he been ill?


it was unlike duskpaw to be absent. patrols or training, he was always there, ready when she called. tasked with a dusk patrol this morning, nightbird could not find her apprentice in time to leave. still, she headed out to the border without her flame tailed shadow. he could get chewed out for skipping when she came back, the patrols could not be held up for a single apprentice.

when she returned her search began. it seemed nobody had seen them, but apprentices don't just disappear. the molly had even checked outside of camp in the off chance he had wandered, found nothing.

by the time she returned there was an angered glint in her narrowed gaze. ears shifted back, she was just on her way to go and notify howlingstar of her grandson's disappearance when roeflame shouted across the clearing. from a far corner of camp, tucked away from her search, the young warrior peeked out from behind a den. drawing closer she saw a bundle of fur that loosely resembled her apprentice, lifeless and weak. she stopped by berryheart's den to grab the medicine cat and his apprentice before heading off to her own.

she had been careful not to get herself sick, leaving so soon for the mountains now more than ever she could not afford to provide aide for the ill. nightbird stood back from both roeflame and duskpaw as an extra precaution. would it even be effective? they have been out at least once every day this week, perhaps it was already too late. how had she not noticed? "they're coming, try to stand."


  • NIGHTBIRD she/her, lead warrior of thunderclan, twenty-five moons
    nightbird is a small black smoke molly with pale silver eyes. a loner turned thunderclanner, her loyalty and drive to provide for her clan is unwavering. however, she is not known for harboring a bleeding heart, instead equipped with sarcastically fueled wit, brutal honesty, and a sharply edged tongue.
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking ↛ see battle info here
    penned by vayle@vayl3 on discord, feel free to dm for plots.


His name never flitted the air for any good reason, but Berryheart had hoped he would never be called to tend something like this. Sleeping in a patch of sun, bone-warmed and soothed to uninterrupted slumber, was something he would never have begrudged before this era of yellowcough; but now he had to. Urgency gnashed in the tone of the cat who had fetched him, and he flicked a speckled tail to beckon his apprentice with an undertone of franticness that Freckles likely hadn't seen before.

His limp slowed his gait, but he got there eventually, keeping enough safe distance as to not crowd Kindles. Without the thorny air of concern about, Berryheart might not have looked so closely- might not have caught the hoarse, stuttering way that his nephew's ribcage rose and fell. Silently, he cursed himself for not noticing sooner- even if this shivering breath did not take hold until recently, he should have noticed that Kindles was declining.

Casting a glance to Inky, he cast a gaze back to the rest of camp, faces doubtlessly rising to watch the commotion. "Don't overcrowd," he said, tone thick and reticent.