camp DEAR READER — cloudgazing




The chill of autumn has set in, blanketing the camp in a quiet type of cold. Clouds’ve moved to cover up the sun today, and while Barkpool knows the land needs it, he’s really hoping it doesn’t choose to rain today. It’s nice weather despite the cloudy sky, and he’s found a nice resting spot just beside one of the dens.

The clouds shift and change shape as he watches them with scrutiny, and he huffs out a chuckle when one of ‘em shifts right into the shape of a glorious ol’ pine tree. "That’n looks like a tree," He points out, gesturing to the cloud in question with a dark paw. He tilts his head slightly toward the cat sitting beside him. They’re on his left side, so he can see them—because he doesn’t allow others to sit on his right side unless he trusts ’em enough. And he don’t trust nobody enough for that right now. ShadowClan may be his home, but he ain’t got friends to speak of ‘round here. "What kind’ve things do you see up there?"

A shiver shoots across Smogmaw's spleen as he gawps at the sky above. He lays outstretched on the cool earth, lounging in what little heat the sun gave off today while his underside anguished on the cool ground below him. Every passing day felt noticeably chillier now that Leaf-fall has surpassed its halfway point. The tom viscerally loathed the fact, but he reminds himself next season will bring only colder weather conditions; hating today is energy wasted when tomorrow will most certainly be worse.

His muddy eyes zero in on the cloud Barkpool points out, which in fact resembles a tree. A very lumpy tree, if anything. When the younger feline inquires about other figures in the sky, Smogmaw scans the heavens through squinted brows. There were very few curiously shaped clouds at the moment, at least from what the mackerel tabby observed, though one does stand out to him just above the treeline. "That one, there," he remarks, gesturing above. "It looks like... it looks like a snake- no, wait, a worm." Same thing, really.



Now Barkpool clearly knows what life's about, laying around watching clouds shuffle by, and really Wolverinefang's sort of jealous. If this were him, someone would waltz up to tell him about how he needs to be contributing to the clan and he's being lazy and threaten to swat his ears off since he won't listen anyway and all of that junk. Well at least now he has a bit of an excuse. It's just bonding right now. Yeah, yeah that's it.

"That one there looks like your fat head, Smogmaw," Wolverine chimes in gleefully, smiling through his joke as he plops down a short ways from the lazing pair. "And that one..." Well actually, what the hell even is that? He points to a contrail in the sky, unable to fathom it's origin and wondering if that one is 'the worm' though he'd expect a worm to be more wiggly. "It looks like the pawprints that twoleg monsters leave on the thunderpath." Usually when they make that screeching noise. It's an eerie thought for him. Twoleg monsters in the sky sounds like something out of a bad, bad dream. No thanks. His eyes go looking for Barkpool's tree cloud but most of them just look like nothing at all to him.
  • There is a complexity to clouds that Betonyfrost has never considered. They drift by, so far overhead that they remain untouchable, such a peripheral part of daily life that Betonyfrost only notes them when she is wondering if rain is coming. Now, she sits with her tail politely folded over her paws and her back with a certain rigidness that speaks to some level of discomfort-- she's wanting to go into that den that Barkpool rests besides, but she doesn't want to be forced to walk past everyone. They'd think she was strange.

    The clouds distract Betonyfrost, at the very least.

    "What even are clouds?" Betonyfrost blurts, and then immediately regrets it. Probably something obvious. Betonyfrost is so foolish. She would take the words back if she could.

    "I mean-- I mean there are trees and flowers which are plants, and sparrows and owls are birds, and everything is something but-- ah..." Now would be as good of a time as any for the ground to swallow Betonyfrost whole, "What I meant to say is that the cloud over there looks like a pinecone."​
  • Code:
shadowclan warrior | blue mackerel tabby | 14 moons | tags
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Flickerfire loves wasting time as much as any cat, and she's more than happy to settle beside Barkpool and her other Clanmates as their eyes lazily search the skies. A tree, a snake -- she doesn't see it. To her, they're just clouds.

But Wolverinefang's remark about Smogmaw's fat head makes her cackle exuberantly. "Oh, I see it!" She puts a paw over her mouth, nearly choking on her amusement. "Not as ugly, though."

Her attention swivels to Betonyfrost, who, as usual, looks at them as though they're all going to jump onto her tail and stomp it at once. She starts philosophizing, talking about the makeup of clouds. Flickerfire snorts derisively. "Duh... clouds are--" She pauses. "Whatever stars are." She waves a forepaw. To her, this is obvious.

- ,,

Starlingpaw listens to the adults speak in quiet contemplation, her green eyes focused on the sky above her as the clouds drift lazily through the sky. Adults could be so weird sometimes. She herself tries her best to see what they do, but no matter how hard she squints, she cannot turn them into the shapes the others see. A bubble of disappointment wells up in her chest. Was there something wrong with her? Was she truly so worthless that she could not even see the things that everyone else did in the world around her? She is about to turn away, to sulk in the medicine cat's den. That is, until she overhears one of the other warriors say something interesting.

"Duh... clouds are- Whatever stars are."

Was that true? The black and white apprentice swings her head around to affix Flickerfire with her round green gaze. Was that true? Her blood runs cold thinking about how her mother, who she had been told was watching her from the stars was also watching her during the day from the clouds. Would Brairstar scold her if she had seen how foolish she had been? She is certain of it and is now dreading whatever punishment the stars- and now the clouds- would have in store for her.