camp Dear Theodosia {special news}

Jun 14, 2022
( ) As the sun rose on a new day for Skyclan, Deersong would slip from the warriors' den on excited pawsteps. Looking back to make sure Thistleback was right behind her, the deputy would make her way over to the center of camp, her head held high as she and her mate faced their clan together and share their happy news.

"Skyclan, just a minute of your time. Thistleback and I just wanted to share the good news with you." Giving her mate one last look of joy Deersong would continue, "I am carrying his kits."

It was clear from her tone that Deersong was practically on the moon with how happy she was, her half-tail swaying behind her in an outward display of said joy. She would press against her mates' side as she finished their announcement.

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The blue dappled tom frowned at the announcement, squinting at his mentor skeptically as she stood alongside her mate. He had spent the better part of the day sulking around the camp since she had been busy and he'd only just gotten done with his punishment that kept him from patrols and hunting; not that he expected his mentor to drop everything once he was available again-she was deputy now and it had kept his own mother busy so he wasn't surprised. Just frustrated with himself really.

This was news though, but not in the way he expected. "....well where are they then?" Carrying? He didn't see a single furball on her back or anywhere else. Had she left them somewhere and was going to bring them later? Wait, was he supposed to congratulate them or something, he wasn't familiar with how that thing worked. You congratulated cats for getting their warrior name and other promotion stuff but was he supposed to do the same for having more obnoxious kits in the clan?
"....good...job?" Nailed it.

One blink. Two blinks. He could feel the gears in his head grinding against each other, trying to morph thoughts to words with little success. Deersong... pregnant... Thistleback... it is a puzzle that doesn't need to be assembled but for some reason the pieces refused to come together in his mind. It was an odd feeling. He had no romantic pull towards the deputy - did he ever? He had to have, in some way... - and yet.... jealousy? .... nagged at him. Something weighed on his mind, something like - four little kittens swathed in cream and golden coats, speckled like their mother with their father's flat face and deep-set eyes, gorgeous in their own -

The gears began whirring again and suddenly, the weight lifted and he saw clearly again - Thistleback and Deersong as happy as could be, Deersong and Thistleback as it should be. "Congratulations." He rumbles.
✦ ★ ✦

Hearing the news has sent him into a sudden election, one that shows like bright stars in his eyes. He is happy for the two, there is no doubt about that. Especially after the Windclan incident. Having more kits to grow and continue Skyclan is a good thing. "Oh, mon dieu! Congratulations,
I wish you both the best in parenthood."
Really he did. But a part of him is a little melancholic given his own age. Has he missed his chance at finding a mate? Perhaps he is too old for that now. A small smile still stays on his muzzle as he settles back onto his haunches. Never the one to upset such a wonderful announcement. Perhaps he can help with the little ones when they come. It wouldn't mind it especially when he has his bad back days that leave him stuck in camp for a little.
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( ) it only felt like yesterday that skyclan was blessed with the news of blazestar's upcoming litter and now they were being graced with another announcement coming from their recently appointed deputy who sauntered to the center of camp with mate in tow.

the excitement was contagious as huckleberry joined the ever growing crowd, a toothy grin easily spreading across his maw as his focus fell upon the couple standing before them. "well, ah'll be! nothin' says a strong and healthy clan like new rascals runnin' 'round!" delighted laughter spills easily from his chest.

skyclan was dealing with a bit of tension from recent events so hearing that there was gonna be new life amongst them soon was very much welcomed to temporarily ease it. "if ya'll ever need a kit-sitter jus' say the word!"
( i hear the wandering streams and the song of the birds )
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Stagkit isn't sure what that means, and like young Snowpaw, he couldn't see any of these kits either! Perhaps they were invisible? Nonetheless, everyone seemed overjoyed by the announcement, offering their congratulations to the deputy of SkyClan. The small kitten prances up to Deersong to peer up at her with wide and curious eyes, which would offer only a seldom blink. Stagkit doesn't say anything, but he does snap out of his stare long enough to rub his side against one of the deputy's front paws as a purr rumbles through his tiny frame.

Watchful- though hardly anything more or less- the announcement wormed its way to Twitchpaw's ears, distracting him from whatever kin-sent errand he had been on. Errant, his thoughts scattered, settled- a feeling of great distaste writhed in his gut. Kits- more kits, and Deersong's own. Wonderful, everyone was saying- how lovely for them, congratulations. How greatly the bicolour child wished he felt the same- felt that immediate joy without the first striking pang of worry. He did not feel that way, though.

He'd seen Deersong and Thistleback- the way they looked at each other, spoke to each other. He'd seen it with his own eyes and he knew, knew, knew that there had always been something off-puttingly familiar about them. Their happiness- the love that was so clearly there, so obvious- it reminded Twitchpaw of his parents. He'd thought he'd never seen anyone as in love as his parents were with each other, but these two were contenders, and when you loved your mate that much was there really any room for kittens?

With his own parents, well- there hadn't been. But how unfair it was of him to fear that, when Deersong and Thistleback had done nothing to deserve his ire? Such fear, it was- unfounded. On Deersong's face there was pride, joy, love. He could only hope that it wasn't all for her mate- he'd always thought her better than that. A mutter of congratulation to add to the crowd left his maw, a frazzled and half-hearted smile written across his face. Not with simple distraction could he rid himself of this gnawing worry.
penned by pin ✧
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Redstorm did not see the point in this announcement, it was an uncomfortable topic to say the least and it was their private lives. Why share with the clan what they would see for themselves in only a couple of short weeks? Regardless, he liked Deersong. Considered her a friend and he supposes that Thistleback is alright, he was a good warrior, at least. He nods his head at them. "Congrats" he mutters, trying his best to be happy for them but he cannot believe Deersong would be so foolish as to have kits in leaf-bare. He is scared for his friend, scared for their unborn kits. Scared for his clan that would soon find it hard to even feed themselves, much less a queen with kits. He shakes his head before turning away to continue with his business, trying his best to not let the news linger in his head.
╭── ⋅ ⋅ ── ✩ ── ⋅ ⋅ ──╮

Blazestar listens to Deersong's announcement with perked ears. His first deputy had been on the verge of kitting when he'd chosen her to follow in his pawsteps, and it seems his second has closely followed her example. He gives a soft nod of congratulations to both her and to Thistleback. Daisyflight hadn't had the luxury of having lead warriors while she had been deputy, but Blazestar's Clan has changed considerably from what it had been back then.

He pads over to Deersong and blinks warmly at her, then at Thistleback. It'd been a long time coming, but the kits would have two parents who loved them, and they'd be assets to SkyClan. He murmurs, "Congratulations. Once you get further along, we'll have Redstorm and Daisyflight help out with some of your duties. We want to make sure you're as healthy as you can be." He doesn't say it, but he thinks about the coming leafbare, the trouble with rogues, the tensions with WindClan, and he can't help but feel the kits are coming at an inopportune time.

Still... SkyClan needs future warriors, now more than ever. He only hopes Deersong's birthing goes easier than Daisyflight's and Little Wolf's had.

- ,,
Thistleback is a thorny silhouette at his mate’s side per usual, grey eyes revealing neither warmth nor coldness in this moment but his smile though jagged and foreign on his maw is etched their regardless. He follows Deersong to the middle of camp, feeling his pelt twitch with the sudden draw of attention. The former criminal was naturally repelled by the thought of eyes on him. Yet, for her- he’d do anything, be anything she needed.

He was still processing the news himself. Still compartmentalizing his emotions. Fear and oh how foreign it felt, but not of anything practical- he feared his capability of being what is necessary to being a parent. How could one be what they were never taught? He fears his lack of warmth, his clumsy view of right and wrong, his metaphorical sharp edges that cut without his notice.

Kits, during the first breath of leafbare- it was a dangerous thing to do, who better knows that than he who was born in the claws of winter himself. Though, if there was anyone who didn’t fret nor give in to anything it was also he. No matter how deep the cut, how long the trek on bleeding paw, nor empty his own belly- Thistleback wouldn’t let anything happen to his family. It was the first time he could say the word and it associated with himself. The former orphan stray had felt it with an envious churn in his belly as potent as hunger, staring through the glass snow-lined panes at the warm fire, the strangely decorated tree, and the small family of cats cuddled under the orange dancing light asleep.

The rogues lurking the lines of the forest, the coming of snow, the threat in Sootstar’s very existence. Everything around him felt like a threat against Deersong. He felt the need to bare his teeth to the whole world. Only now it took the deceiving form of a smile.

The crowd grows, Snowpaw’s question earning a snort and chuckle from the otherwise stony warrior. He’d let Deer answer that for sure, it was hard enough to keep his dark humor at bay. Peering across the throng of cats, Twitchpaw's worried gaze is paired with a smile this time, uneasy- sure, but a smile. The warrior idly considers whether or not he'd seen the kid smile ever.

Grapejuice’s voice rises above excitedly. Deersong was so loved by this clan, and that was all that mattered to him. Thistleback would stare at the side of her face like the heavens had carved her out of stardust right in front of his mortal eyes.

The southern chime of Huckleberry was enough to distract him though." already we have a sitter, lovely " he hums to Deersong jokingly, nodding his skull with deep appreciation for the dark warrior. Another voice associated only with altruism and the kindest of words, spoken in that lovely french accent. Perhaps, Huckleberry was to Deersong what Foxgecker was for Thistleback. A deeply rooted respect, and genuinely enjoyed presence of the other. " still a terrifying concept, but thank you- dear friend " he jokes with a smirk angled at Foxgecker.

Blazestar is next and Thistleback nods with his words, thankful for the leader’s willingness to help as he had done for Daisyflight.

" thank you all. I hope to give them what I never had. Good memories… surrounded by good cats, Hope. What Skyclan has given to me. " it would be the only words he offered to the crowd. He wasn’t a good man, so his words were limited. Then again, as stated before, for her he would try.

  • — Thistleback | thirty-two moons | cis-male
    — warrior of Skyclan | leaves rarely
    — bisexual | fallen for Deersong 9.29.22
    — formerly mentoring Coyotepaw
    — very muscular piebald black and white tom with spiky fur and cold silver-grey eyes. Wears a purple collar with brass clasp.
  • bVBPWus.png

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Deersong was pregnant.

Quill was't sure why the words made him so tense, didn't appreciate the apprehension that settled in his veins as she called out for the clan and shared her news. It left him feeling uncomfortable, reminding him of the day prior when Deersong, Churrodream, and Daisyflight had taken up nearby and started talking about their relationships and crap. He didn't understand why cats wanted to be in them so badly, couldn't see the appeal himself. Things could go so wrong so fast.

Mismatched eyes would shift from Deersong to Thistleback, blank as ever as they silently observed the older tom from where he was lounging on the opposite side of camp. He didn't know Thistle and he had no interest in knowing Thistle. It was a sentiment directed at most cats and that wasn't likely to change any time soon. The kind of father he'd be to his kits, the way he'd treat his mate- none of that had anything to do with Quill.

It was none of his business. Deersong was none of his business.

Without a word he turned back to his meal and continued to eat, leaving the clan to their happy moment.

skyclan - male - 8 months - bisexual - homoromantic - single - very tall tabby tomcat with broad shoulders

Ears twitch as the new deputy speaks, the silver tom's head turning to look at Deersong as she makes her announcement.

She's going to have kits. Her and Thistleback are going to have kits.

It's a momentous occasion - would have been, at least, without the burden of leaf-bare on their trail. What should be a moment of celebration for Deersong and Thistleback starting a family - for the further growth of SkyClan - left Squallmist worry-filled, left him with a silent plea to the stars: let the kits be strong, for SkyClan didn't need to lose anymore.

"Congratulations," the warrior says with a dip of his head, despite the worries he carries. They would be fine, surely, he tries to convince himself.