Death Don’t Have No Mercy (symptoms) In This Land


Anxiety-Ridden Extrovert
Mar 3, 2023

And just when it seemed to be going so well.

In the past few weeks, Shinepaw had made some modicum of improvement. The apprentice had talked to his mentor, letting at least a little of the truth of his anxieties out. Flycatcher still didn’t know the extent of the shaft of sunlight’s struggle, but at least some of the burden was off his back (as much as it pained him to shift the load to the warrior).

while the anxious extrovert still put on a false smile at the start of every day, it was no longer accompanied by such a hellish heartbeat, or tear ducts trying their hardest to break the battered dam behind shining amber jewels. Shinepaw still felt nervous. Shinepaw still felt like crying. But it was getting…better. His hunting was improving, as were his combat skills. The sun-drenched tom was still behind his peers, but pawpads were propelling him to catch up.

That was why when the apprentice awoke to the feeling of his fur on fire, he ignored it.

Even Shinepaw wasn’t empty-headed enough to be ignorant of the symptoms that had been spreading around, casting a shadow over Thunderclan. I’m fine.” An internal monologue assured the apprentice as he got ready for the day, half out of stubbornness and half out of fear. It had been a hot lately, and being saddled with a pelt seemingly meant for a much larger cat wasn’t doing Shinepaw any favors. Yes, that was it. Just the weather.

In the back of a mind filled with worries the boy knew the truth, of course, but he wouldn’t allow himself to submit. The medicine cats could keep their fancy remedies, Shinepaw would rely on willpower. He had to be strong. He wouldn’t let himself become any more of a burden.

The tiny cat tried his damndest, but the inevitable had to happen. He was on a hunting patrol, fighting the heat while trying to provide as much as he could. Shinepaw was careening through the undergrowth, chasing after a squirrel when the boy’s breath suddenly refused to come. Sun-drenched paws slowed, starved of oxygen, but the fool forced them to regain their swiftness as he saw the gap between him and the future meal growing. It was a mistake.

Shinepaw only ran for a few more seconds before crashing to the forest floor, amber eyes struggling to retain their focus on the piece of prey as the boy held out a paw, desperately clawing at at the end of his gaze where it disappeared. “No-!” he choked out, tears welling in amber eyes as the boy tried to stand, stumbling forwards a few steps before collapsing again, gulping down what little air he could with quick, shallow breaths.

It seemed he was destined to be a burden.

//Obligatory mentor tag - @Flycatcher
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Flycatcher hated seeing all of his clanmates getting sick. He hated the feeling of wanting to help them and knowing he was powerless to do anything. More and more cats that he loved and cared for got sick by the day, and Flycatcher could only stand by and watch, hoping that they would miraculously get better.

If Flycatcher had even suspected Shinepaw was sick, he would not have dared to bring him out hunting. As usual, when he had gone to collect him for this morning he seemed in a good enough mood, if somewhat warm when he brushed past his mentor, but Flycatcher had mostly attributed that to the weather and not that he was ill. Once outside of camp, Flycatcher had allowed his apprentice to break off a little, eager to let him hunt on his own but also to observe and see how he was coming along. Shinepaw wasn't as open as his previous apprentices, and did not open up to him as much as he would like, so it was sometimes hard to gauge how he was feeling or get him to speak up. Regardless, Flycatcher was pleased to see some improvement in his skills in recent weeks, hopeful that he would make a fine warrior out of him yet.

Flycatcher was not far from Shinepaw when he heard the thud of his apprentice hitting the floor. Curious to see what happened, he dropped his attention from the squirrel he was stalking and went in search of the sound. His eyes widened in shock when he saw Shinepaw struggling to stand, making quick, shallow breaths. "Shinepaw!" Flycatcher gasped loudly, quickly rushing to the younger tom's side. "Easy now - just try and focus on your breathing for a moment. In and out. In and out," Flycatcher mewed, trying to calm Shinepaw a little. "You should have told me you were feeling unwell...we cannot continue this hunt in this state. I am taking you back to camp."

//So sorry for the late reply!

Sky-blue eyes blurred as Shinepaw strained to stare at the spot the squirrel had disappeared to, the only trace if its existence being a quivering bush and a mocking scent. It was hard to see now, half from tears tearing away the tomcat’s clarity and half from delirium.

The shaft of sunlight’s attention finally shifted as Flycatcher rushed to his side, a surge of guilt washing over the would-be warrior like water at the situation. He didn’t want to burden anyone with problems that were his own. Shinepaw ignored his mentor’s words about breath, still gulping greedily at a dry river. Was he going to die? It felt like it, as panic exacerbated the sickness’s symptoms and anxiety convinced the moggy that these were his last moments, sky-blue eyes locked with Thunderclan’s deputy, wide with regret and fear. “I’m sorry, Flycatcher” he managed to cry out, clinging to the other cat like a blind kit. “I’m so sorry!”

More tears, more gasps. Eventually (and thankfully), though, both slowed. Shinepaw’s panic at the situation had worn the apprentice out, and after a few minutes adrenaline had given way to exhaustion. Breathing came slightly easier now, but the boy was in no state to do anything but go to camp (despite his convictions). “I didn’t want you to be disappointed in me” he admitted while struggling to stand, leaning on Flycatcher for support. “I can…I can still hunt, though.” The tomcat protested weakly, knowing the effort was futile but making the plea nonetheless. “Please, let me be useful.”

The sickness was spreading and it was very much beginning to worry Shiningsun. Were they all destined to catch it one after the other? Would a cure be found? He truly hoped so, for the sake of everyone. Still, it wasn't time to be worrying over that, right now he needed to focus on hunting. The clan required feeding after all.

Things were seemingly going well as he had already caught a plump black bird and was well on the chase for a vole, but then he heard a commotion nearby that prompted him to stop. The large tom stood poised with his ears pricked high as he listened, soon identifying it to be Flycatcher and Shinepaw. Something was wrong. Abandoning the hunt he then hurried to reach them, and with a mighty bound he emerged from the undergrowth next to the pair. "Is everything alright? You're looking a lil rough there, lil buddy." Concern shone in his eyes as he padded closer.

He's ill, isn't he?

The thought left him rattled as he feared the worst for the youth. If anything happened to Shinepaw... The warrior bore a brave face as he looked between the apprentice and deputy. "Hey now, no one is gonna be disappointed in ya. And I get it, you want to be busy and doing your part, so how about this; you head back to camp and head for the medicine den. Once there I'll bring ya some small sorting jobs, yeah?" The main goal was to get Shinepaw to rest of course whilst finding a way to ease the anxiety as well. "Do you want to ride on my back on the way to camp?" Considering that he seemed barely able to stand he imagined that it would be for the best for that matter, and he didn't want to see Flycatcher bearing the entire burden.


Shinepaw is quick to apologise and Flycatcher's expression softens, though he shakes his head at the words. When Shiningsun also pads over, expressing his own concerns, Flycatcher nods appreciatively. "Like Shiningsun said you are not disappointing anyone, Shinepaw. Least of all me," Flycatcher assures him. True, he wished Shinepaw had told him he felt unwell, but he wasn't disappointing him.

After a moment or two, Shinepaw's breathing seems to ease and seemed to regain a small bit of strength, enough for him to weakly stand up. Flycatcher is happy to lend a shoulder to lean on, sensing that his apprentice would more than likely crumble to the floor if he stood on his own for too long. Shinepaw tries to plead to continue to hunt but Flycatcher firmly shakes head, set on his prior decision. "I told you we are returning to camp," Flycatcher responded, a little sharper than before. "I know you want to be useful but you're hardly in a state to do anything when you can barely stand. If you want to be useful come back to camp with us, rest, and get better."

The miasma had made his mask slip ever so slightly, Shinepaw’s insecurities much easier to intuit for the moment. The boy was swaying on his paws when Shiningsun approached, and sky-blue eyes blurred slightly at the other’s form. It was a struggle to focus, but even through the fog the warrior’s words were enough to make him mad, driven half by delirium and half by his own hang-ups. Sorting herbs? Shiningsun was just trying to get him out of the way, so the actually useful cats could pick up the apprentice’s slack. If he was stronger, he wouldn’t be sick. He just needed to power through it and prove his worth.

“No!” Shinepaw suddenly tried to shout while stamping his paw, though the sickness shooting through him made it come out as more of a groan. It was like he’d become an ill-mannered kit, stubborn and petulant. And like a child, he would keep saying what he wanted until he got his way. “Let me hunt! Let me fight! Let me-“

I told you we are returning to camp.

It was Flycatcher’s words that managed to break through the cocoon he was crafting around himself, bringing the boy back to earth as sun-drenched features winced at the wounding tone. Shinepaw felt stupid, and sky-blue eyes fell to the ground right as an all-too-prevalent pelt pressed further into the deputy for support. “I’m sorry…” he mumbled to the two, the little outburst using up whatever energy he had left. A cowed gaze shifted its focus at Shiningsun’s request, and a spotted head shook slowly in answer. “Let me-“
the cat paused, rephrasing from order to request. “Can I…Can I walk? I’ll lean on both of you, but I at least want to return on my own four paws.”

The abrupt no from the apprentice had the warrior flinching back with shock, though a few quick licks to his chest had his fur laying flat once more. Sympathy only continued to shine in his eyes at that moment as he stared down at Shinepaw as he understood the frustrations that he must be feeling. Still, the making of a true warrior was knowing when to stop and heed the warning signs that one's body gave. Ultimately a dead cat was a useless cat.

The tom listened to Shinepaw's request and he decided to accept the terms if it meant getting him back to the camp. "Of course." He confirmed with a nod of his head as he stepped forward to take up the apprentice's available side so the youth would be securely wedged between Flycatcher and himself. "Ready when you are, kiddo."